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Detlef Tussing | Hello together
time again of/ one the not quick enough goes
here my trouble
has someone a Tipp |
| Gruß Detlef Tussing Windows XP, XProfan 10 | 10/29/09 ▲ |
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Thomas Freier | A small Gedankenspiel:
the Betriebssystem position with the GDI a geräteunabhängige interface available. The installierten Ausgabegeräte, z.B. screen or printer, can over these interface addressed go. About whom DC, the too Gerätekontext called becomes, manages windows The Information the Ausgabegeräte. we're now a Grafikbefehl, How z.B. Line, perform, then Send we this not directly on The hardware, separate a DC and Windows sends it then on The hardware.
is the really so, that, if the Augabegerät the printer is, on it line to line drawn becomes ? means like a commands z.B. on a Plotter. From dBaseIII kenn I the Yes so yet, if of "Set device to Screen" on "Set device to Print" umgeschaltet watts. is with the XProfan too possible? I get not there. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 04/30/10 ▲ |
RGH | Thomas suitor, Beitrag=56959, Zeitpunkt=30.04.2010
is the really so, that, if the Augabegerät the printer is, on it line to line drawn becomes ? means like a commands z.B. on a Plotter.
Yes and No: Yes, under GDI is for the Program a Druckerseite nothing other as one screen. not differently functions Yes the XProfanBefehl STARTPRINT: it'll a Druckseite initialized and the spending hereon detoured. Alse DrawText- and Grafikbefehle weg now on these Sruckseite. with ENDPRINT becomes The Page completed and the spending again on the screen detoured. the example TRUETYPE.PRF demonstrating the impressive. No, it not working like a commands on a Plotter. On a Plotter (at least the A0-Plotter of my Schwiegervaters) becomes The line immediate directly outputted. The GDI-Druckseite becomes first of all in memory held and first then outputted, as they is done, what in XProfan by the commands ENDPRINT or. NEXTPAGE indicated becomes.
Zeilenweiser expression isn't with all Printers possible. If, then to folgendem pattern directly over The interface (example LLIST.PRF): CompileMarkSeparation here could one too The Druckersteuerzeichen according printer-manuals use. The Wermuts-drop: Neuere pure GDI-printer can with this spending nothing more begin. and the printer must directly on the Parallelport (LPT1 connected his. (Neuere computer and printer having such a thing not any more.) and too with whom Druckerm, The it can, there copies, The with the Seitenausgabe until Chr$(12) Waiting. Zeilenweise spending might only on Nadeldruckern functions, laser- and Tintenstrahldrucker are pages-orientiert. (for Historiker: under windows NT 4 could these internen names How even PRN not addressed go, separate led To hang in the Schacht. under Win2000 was then again korrigiert.)
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 04/30/10 ▲ |
Thomas Freier | @Roland: thanks for response. an question position itself yet, whether a printer for Endlospapier with of/ one tuned Seitenlänge of z.B. 10mm (or mins.), then the automatischen Seitenvorschub too only 10mm Vorschub power. The printer with Einzelblatt hunt the whole leaf out. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 04/30/10 ▲ |
Detlef Tussing | first time many Thanks on Thomas have you plenty trouble made.
Quote Thomas The problem is probably the Initalisierung the Druckers, so it wisely, what now comes is for me and not for paper.
very this is the trouble
cmd /c net use LPT1: \TUSSINGstar /persistent:yes
can I whom printer with LPT1 under XProfan address and it Steuersequenzen übermitteln. still if at printer The incorrect DIP`s staid are understand it not. with my middle-aged ?deceased? printer Epson FX 80 could I with the hardware DIP´s (Thanks german manuals) with the momentanen Star LQ 24-20 Test-printer Have I only one englisches PDF-manuals[first time many Thanks on Thomas have you plenty trouble made.
Quote Thomas The problem is probably the Initalisierung the Druckers, so it wisely, what now comes is for me and not for paper. very this is the trouble
cmd /c net use LPT1: \TUSSINGstar /persistent:yes
can I whom printer with LPT1 under XProfan address and it Steuersequenzen übermitteln. still if at printer The incorrect DIP`s staid are understand it not. with my middle-aged ?deceased? printer Epson FX 80 could I with the hardware DIP´s (Thanks german manuals) with the momentanen Star LQ 24-20 Test-printer Have I only one englisches PDF-manuals there Have I The right attitude not yet found, its too too long since in order to know as went. has someone another deutsches manuals for Epson or Star matrix printer? might Perhaps helpful his. |
| Gruß Detlef Tussing Windows XP, XProfan 10 | 04/30/10 ▲ |
Thomas Freier | The attitude is already correctly.!
It can per hour several Lines ausgedruckt go, it can but too time a week silence his. and jedesmal a Page lavish per row can not his. think on our Trees
Reicht not, that The informations on the Monitor To see are and with want n-informations ausgedruckt go can? i'd test times, whether a Office document z.B. A5 athwart twice one after another printed with the attitude OFF:
Switch A-4: AutoLF with CR If you leave this switch at the ON position, a self-contained line-feed code is required from your computer to obtain a line fkcd. If you move this switch to the OFF position, the printer performs both a carriage return and line feed each time it receives a carriage-return code. Most computer systems send a line feed code, or both a carriage return and line feed. at the end of each line, so this switch should be left ON. If you get double line spacing when you expect single spacing, or if lines overprint each other, try changing the setting of this switch.
now on one A4 printed go. is the so, then should with of/ one tuned Seitenlänge (mostly under Benutzerdefinierte Seitenlänge) of 10mm too to EndPrint not any more Blattvorschub erfolgen, and You need you circa Steuersequenzen none head More make. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 04/30/10 ▲ |
Detlef Tussing | this is one EEEPC the only to control of/ one Radio serves. On the PC comes none dran he's in a verschlossenem wardrobe.
I must means The Solution with the ESC Sequenzen, and the DIP`s find where The DIP`S well the trouble are |
| Gruß Detlef Tussing Windows XP, XProfan 10 | 04/30/10 ▲ |
Detlef Tussing | have whom HEX-DUMP mode at printer discover so I will well see where the Error lying |
| Gruß Detlef Tussing Windows XP, XProfan 10 | 05/01/10 ▲ |
Detlef Tussing | Hab`s geschaft whom it ìnteresiert |
| Gruß Detlef Tussing Windows XP, XProfan 10 | 05/04/10 ▲ |
| The RAW-attitude, juhu you have The Tücke found. ^^ |
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Detlef Tussing | has too plenty Schweiss cost[ed], must first bathe. |
| Gruß Detlef Tussing Windows XP, XProfan 10 | 05/04/10 ▲ |
E.T. | Have I the now lt. Detlefs pdf correctly. recognized, thats attitude only installed printer-driver possible is ?? or is the driver only one Adapter (USB > LPT) necessary ?? because with "richtiger" LPT1 must I Yes not even whom printer install. or ists still a printer-specific thing... |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 05/04/10 ▲ |
Thomas Freier | WinPrint is for almost any printer zuständig and the rule on RAW(FF car) tuned. With the RAW I had too found (CHIP) but with Einzelblatteinzug and Startprint went not and I then whom Info verworfen. time over COPY testing. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 05/05/10 ▲ |