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| Hello, I have in dev c++ here a dll prepares.
how can I now in XProfan10 these time as demonstration Verify? How is the structure one aufrufes and How go here The values and zeiger transfer?
#include <math.h> #include <string.h>
n becomes transfer and r goes as zeiger out void mult(float n, float* r) { *r=n*3.7; }
n becomes transfer and r goes as zeiger out void div(float n, float* r) { *r=n/2.0; }
the Text goes as zeiger out void text_in(int* r) { char Text[] = "hurra, It's all right ! "; *r=text; }
Text comes as zeiger mere and r goes again as zeiger out. void text_out_in(char* Text, int* r){ char neustr[12]=" ,still ! "; strcat (Text,neustr); *r=text; } |
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| Look in the Help to useDLL .
you have whom Info signing View source with [CODE] einzurahmen, a designed reason not done? semi so wild, You can Yes simply your Posting Edit - How You already points. I Please you too Großschreibung To mind - the make we here so because the XProfan.com no toilet is. |
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E.T. | |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 07/24/08 ▲ |
| the answers not my question.
what has The kleinschrift with a clo To do,...hmmm?
have your nothing other To do, as this To find fault with?
it bustling itself in your forum far More assoziales gentry rum as your believes, and power me on, the profane straight bought has because of this kleinschrift.
if your moreover with me so one dummes geschwätzt talking , then can your me time on the arsch lick.
sometimes think I, The foren consist of one inzuchtbetrieb, The none strangers reinlassen and the ärmsten assozialen , The here because of unemployment only drinhängen and the niedrigste schulbildung here having, The grösste tab aufreissen.
so, the had I rid.
mfg |
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Rolf Koch | Hello Peter
I Please you as Admin circa a freundlichern Umgangston. we've nothing of it, that You Profan straight bought have. we help only honorary and umsonst here. its but beautiful, that You Profan bought have. there's hold regulate, which in each Forum given are and on these must one itself hold hold. How you see, stay I kind what about me hope, that You too whom lane the Freundlichkeit einschlägst, so You too in future here helped get. thanks you. |
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Gunther Biermann | then look To, that you whom mario p. too except pursued setting, hereon consist I. he's me insulting. otherwise place I mean opinion , that here only one clan on the werk isn't back.
mfg |
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| Oww, this is not Order!
Peter Meier
the answers not my question.
what has The kleinschrift with a clo To do,...hmmm?
have your nothing other To do, as this To find fault with?
it bustling itself in your forum far More assoziales gentry rum as your believes, and power me on, the profane straight bought has because of this kleinschrift.
if your moreover with me so one dummes geschwätzt talking , then can your me time on the arsch lick.
sometimes think I, The foren consist of one inzuchtbetrieb, The none strangers reinlassen and the ärmsten assozialen , The here because of unemployment only drinhängen and the niedrigste schulbildung here having, The grösste tab aufreissen.
so, the had I rid.
Hello Peter - you have Hausverbot.
against The Terms of Use verstoßen is the a, the community so offend is irreparabel.
i'll tommorrow display with the police because of insult to repay, i want find out whether for me ermittelbar is who You as juristische person are.
its you now not further permits my pages To visit or anderweitig To use, this legal defined virtual Hausverbot is here bindend and counts for all my pages einschliesslich XProfan.com.
become You against it offend I will tommorrow additional display because of Hausfriedensbruch to repay, this is then a offence.
good night! |
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| Gunther Biermann shining too one Account of Peter To his.
I have The Benutzerregistrierung temporarily exposed To clear is, who itself behind it hide. |
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| OK, protokollarisch fixes - both Accounts a access:
IP-information IP-address for this Posting dslb-082-***-***-146.pools.arcor-ip.net [ 2 Posts ] Posts of this IP-address Peter Meier [ 2 Posts ]Search Gunther Biermann [ 1 Posting ]Search others IP-Adressen, of them this user written has 82.83.***.224 [ 2 Posts ] 82.83.***.197 [ 2 Posts ] 82.83.***.24 [ 2 Posts ]
of these data be I tommorrow with the police, one Staatsanwalt must proposition to put over The IP of Arcor Personendaten of "Peter" herauszugeben. I fürchte hiergegen has it no Rechtsmittel.
ought to one really only verifizierte Members write let? |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | CompileMarkSeparation No, but I find, the whole has here at a absoluten Lappalie inflamed. whether someone big or small writes, find I expressed beside the point, as long as it itself circa to some extent taken care of german, with akzeptabler amount of Rechtschreibfehlern, deals. you have it too in others Posts relatively unwirsch abgefertigt. I can understand, that it then sometime something wüst reacted. Kleinschreibung is (if it streng betrieben becomes) one wohlüberlegtes middle, its Onlinepersönlichkeit darzustellen. Something like same with toilet-Compare in a row To bring find I unangemessen. me would it rather, the ban would aufgehoben and not it wouldn't same with Spatzen on elephants shut (or so...) after a short Review in the Vorstellungsthread has Peter of my opinion to, the same right, How any others here first time ask To to put. Hausrecht there or since: because of something like same with police or Staatsanwalt To threatening, find I still leiiiicht exorbitant.
and: No, I know Peter neither
Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 07/24/08 ▲ |
| Meinst exorbitant? i'm there flexiebel...
I heb whom Ban simply on and we look.
Welcome Peter - verzeih, Please of in front!
Peters "Gunter"-Zweitaccount belasse I however well deaktiviert, I no pleasure have, several members hinterherrennen To must.
@Jörg: is this Result to such Äußerungen really your voller serious? So I find, who something like says, with the would like I nothing concern. |
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Rolf Koch | there or since Jörg? means Assozial be I and others not! not because of Kleinschreibung and another Kleinigkeiten has iF so decided, separate How under the Gürtellinie here spoken watts. what about me have me addressed felt. The entry was since I the community know nauseous and becomes into story come in. or would like here of/ one, if ´mir what not fit, I then zurückschreibe: Halts Maul You Sau? these namely The in the meantime gängige Forumseintragsschreibweise what about me find, that soetwas HIER nothing to search has! |
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