
What exactly is a lever

Hello people...

I need possible good Information above, what very a handle is. has someone left to the Topic or Perhaps a Statement parat?

i know Yes not obs helps but here the link To Wikipedia: [...] 
I find The Statement as enough

One lever is always only one name the to a system heard circa a eindeutige address To name. One lever How You it well mean there not - a handle needed always a reference to a system.

If one z.B. of Handles of WindowsControl speaks - so is the Bezugssystem the GUI - but too the only to that part.

i know the You, the everything know - on what I but out would like - a handle can eachone gebehren - it should still so only a eindeutige ID to a reference manufactured go. How with SessionIDs.

usually is a lever means nothing moreover as one Offset within one Systems.

If I your question means correctly. understood have - then should I eigendlich say a handle yields itself from the Weiterzählung the address one on one systembezogenen Handlestackspeichers. LOL


Lol I see strain TS-Soft was faster.



you have me both already very weitergeholen - particularly IFs Notes find I very interestingly. I make me in the moment thoughts above, whether I with a lever too direct Access to whom Speicherbereich have, the itself behind it hide.
to about 20 years, as i Basic learnt have, there were only integrally simple Basic Betriebssysteme. If one enough over the memory the Gerätes knew, could one with a einfachen Poke in direct Access to WinXP? Passwörter Remove and settle.
I consider in the moment, whether ähnliches Perhaps still with the Token one Prozesses possible is. If I direct grabbed had (I suppose, I have it not), could I in memory to the LUID one designed Privilegs or the SID of/ one designed group Search and this there evtl. directly replace - after a night shift come me sometimes strange thoughts.

[quote:a9513f118d=AH]whether I with a lever too direct Access to whom Speicherbereich have, the itself behind it hide[/quote:a9513f118d]the comes even the Objekt on it on, with whom most goes it well, but even not all. To com-Objects find You Yes numerous Literatur, however The Use this is in XProfan Yes yet heavy limited and requires very plenty KnowHow


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Uwe Lang06/22/13


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