
Win98, WinME and WhileLoop &?

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good tommorrow there outdoors in the weitern world

I can me not any more remind, as under Win98, WinMe
gives it there something like How:
C:Own DateienUser.... ?
background this question is, that I Noctramictermine in this jeweilig announced Userprofil Save wants.
under XP works correct, however How see it on older Betriebsystemen from?

thanks time in the Vorraus

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[quote:c413d83a89=AH]Hello Rolf...

One individueller way would for me, the eachone User its own way has - the isn't absolutely so...[/quote:c413d83a89]the isn't absolutely so, but if MultiUser-pursued tuned is then can the so his . For this Gibts Yes The API to Paths detect.

The Constant is 5, means mostly definiert as CSIDL_MyPrograms

The way must neither absolutely C:WindowsProfileUsernameEigene Files his, separate the can indeed Systemgerecht moved his.


so have nachgesehen - file pcu.uses SHGetSpecialFolderPathA with CSIDL_MyPrograms=5.

here a Exe The the testing - because I Have no 98it to hand.


617 kB

...Yes, my talk, can - but must not.
by me is the way standardmäßig for each User of my windows98 Mehrbenutzersystems C:OWN DATEIEN.

in the rule might well on many windows98/ME Mehrbenutzersystemen no spezieller way for a individual User exist.
If it means therefore goes a Path to receive, the each Users differently is, functions the so not.

If it only therefore goes irgendeine Pfadangabe to obtain, might The API even on Einbenutzersystemen a useful worth zurückliefern (Why the so his might, standing moreover supra -> Registry).

very, it should at least something zurückgegeben go.
If User = 1 then hold some way. there go The own Appointments stored and red.
If hold User > 1 then The individuellen. But if the system then The right zurückgibt, then ought to it Yes functions.


Hi Rolf,
I use under Win98SE these Definition:
[box:79c42cf201]Def EigeneDateien(0) ReadIni$(Hkey_1,SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerShell Folders,personnel)[/box:79c42cf201]
them give always whom WhileLoop & Ordner the current User back.

Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

too you thanks Jörg.

what me hold interested, whether The File.pcu The right Results supply.
so slow must I me still time thoughts make me VirtualPC of MS$ To buy, so I on different Systemen testing can.
(Have I laughed over your Smilie under )

[quote:b5c1072549=Rolf cook]too you thanks Jörg.

what me hold interested, whether The File.pcu The right Results supply.[/quote:b5c1072549]as long as mind. internet Explorer 4 installs is, supply tappt im dunkeln the korrekte Result, means whom Path to WhileLoop &, alike whether Multi-User or Einzelplatz.
[quote:b5c1072549=Rolf cook]
so slow must I me still time thoughts make me VirtualPC of MS$ To buy, so I on different Systemen testing can.[/quote:b5c1072549]
VMWare is IMHO rather

Hello Rolf...

its me in the Augenbl8ick not yet integrally clear, whether You the right understood have:
If User = 1 then hold some way. there go The own Appointments stored and red.
If hold User > 1 then The individuellen.
very there lying evtl. the trouble:
even if User >1 becomes possible one gemeinsamer way zurückgegeben - according to windows attitude. Ber way sounds to that example for each User by me CATEIEN.

under NT/2000/XP is the, as far as i know, differently. there has eachone User in the rule its own Ordner (or ought to it having). the must so his, there it with this Systemen The NTFS File-Zugriffsrechte (Security Descriptor) gives, The not autorisierten Usern whom Access to Ordner and Files prohibit can.
would be z.B. the Admin here Noctramic in irgendeinen others Ordner install and the system liefe on of/ one NTFS Partition, had evtl. no User with eingeschränkten Rechten Schreibzugriff on The of Admin erstellten Files. would be z.B. The data base, The The Appointments save, already with the installation prepares go, could no User with eingeschränkten Rechten Appointments abspeichern.

under windows95/98/ME there weder a Token, yet irgenwelche Zugriffsrechte, The one User (the by the Token repräsentiert becomes) something prohibit can.
One Ordner WhileLoop & is therefore there really only Formsache, and the Admin can over The Systemsteuerung select, whether it this Ordner for each User particular anlegt or any User whom equal Ordner using should. save You here Appointments in a data base ex and ordnest these not at the same time eindeutig one User To because You you on The unterschiedlichen Ordner leave, there evtl. one heilloses confusion.

Desweiteren there there NT-based Systemen too yet something To deliberating:
there here eingeloggter User by a Token, the one Process zugeordnet becomes, eindeutig identify becomes, there here The Possibility, that itself several User at the same time in a Session into computer einloggen (RUN AS - see PrivAktivate). thereby changes itself in the Registry in the rule nothing - supply Shgetspecialfolderlocation too then whom right way back???

@JÖRG: the skin so, faith I, not always there. there's there Yes yet The USER SHELL FOLDERS...

Yes, schäm Have I well wrong understood.
but now! Habs understood
OK, then let I me what other to occur, is me To umständlich and To Fehleranfällig.

thanks on any

Perhaps ists still simply Rolf.

If NOC already personal Appointments manages - so must one still sure its names and a Password prompt - circa on it To come. or?

then can You still fgetdir.ownfiles()+\noc.per\data+username$ benefit - or?


Yes If genaus so Have I it Yes already in my code.
and therefore Have I Yes The question set.
If now 98 and Co so stupid react, then uses me this nothing.
I Have unfortunately many users from the middle-aged BS-scene
planned was simply:
system launch and Noctramic sustain whom geraden active User with seinem way+/Appointments/ and Zack it would To beautiful been, because then has eachone automatically its personal Ordner.
Klappt Yes by me XP already fine. Login and User has Own Appointments. New Login under new names and User has too Own Appointments. hold XP - bessaaa is dat!

Hello Rolf...

STOP! not so quick! Lies you my Posting Please once more very through and vergiß with one Mehruserfähigen Program Please The File-Security not!


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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