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E.T. | its again so far, be on the verzweifeln:
gives it it a Possibility (in XProfan) to ascertain, if one (master-) Window whom Focus lose, z.B. on the aufrufende (not-profane-) Program or whom Desktop ?? my (einziges) Program-Window is Top-Most, but nevertheless would like I gladly know, if the window leave becomes.
Habs now in the momentum so, the by waitinput 2000 examined becomes, which Window whom Focus has, gefällt me but not really ...
yet rather would nat., The ID the aufrufenden Programm's To kennen, then could I gezielter hereon react ...
...or there a Message in XProfan, if the window leave becomes ? Dös wär's naturally |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 11/06/14 ▲ |
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| On each drop become You a UserMessage need because too the in XProfan installed SubClassing not so reliably is as an XProfan UserMessage. Try time wm_activate but vlt. tuts too wm_killfocus. |
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E.T. | remaining but the question the request: would a Message, which one waitinput durchbricht, appropriate or. necessary, circa not irgendeinen Timer in the Prog rödeln To let |
| XProfan X2Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 11/06/14 ▲ |
| i see The question not.
The User Message durchbricht waitinput and would this sinnvoller as one Timer. |
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E.T. | Habs now time by User Message made: CompileMarkSeparation now only The question: Why working ~SetActiveWindow(Fenster&) only 1x (Window blinkt and becomes activate, Taskbar short there and again ausgeblendet), thereafter becomes something "verschluckt": my (ausgeblendete) Taskbar ploppt high and shows me The Aktivierung of "Testfenster" on (means something arrives), but the window won't activate (becomes still not...ne...on the SetActiveWindow liegen...)
somewhere i was there already time drüber stumbled... ...and somewhere here in the Nity gives 'nen code, circa Window "sicher" To enable, same time search...
...was still "nur " into Vordergrund: [...] |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 11/06/14 ▲ |
| Why always sleep, this is kontraproduktiv: CompileMarkSeparation there standing to German: make FlashWindow but gives the Process no Time for FlashWindow. becomes means windows-Version-tributary his when and how and whether the working. No good Solution! sooner yet WaitInput 50 as long as How Time-X not access is z.B. by getTickCount.
the into Vordergrundsetzen is neither so slight windowsversionenübergreifend because sometime (ex Vista?) meant MSDN that this only yet the Own Process for Own Window do should if one Window the Process self but already already whom Fokus has. went one So one bisl lane of it the one Process the Window has The any no Focus having itself self into Vordergrund bring should. somehow helped there always only Herumprobiere so it on all windows-versions gleichermassen functions. onerous! but first by API a Fensteranweisung and give then by SLEEP The Thread quasi "stoppen" isn't in the senses the Erfinders. |
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E.T. | Yes, sleep avoid so did i, is hold in this Bsp. reingeraten (with z.Bsp. waitinput 500 happens but the same)
is only thick, the there couple Win-Progger my, that I not self to determine must, the my Window activate and is only yet z.B. by Taskbar hereon "hingewiesen" becomes, the well time one (wichtiges ??) Program The heed wish.
i will again 3.11, the best Win, what it apiece given
Nachtrag: is now time so 'ne question: can there Roland what on The (sometimes dümmliche) development of Win adjust, or How high would the hoisted? Perhaps. is it still rather, The W-Version auszulesen and then the Prog anzupassen (XProfan-intern or API benefit).
or differently around: how far proggt one "abwärts-kompatibel", and where are since the border ?? XP is Yes yet far common and becomes it well too yet 'ne while stay, there would it too pity, if this not any more by XProfan supported would. |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 11/06/14 ▲ |
| simply one new Window, new Process or new windows produce!?! |
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GDL | Hallöle,
this here :
is only thick, the there couple Win-Progger my, that I not self to determine must
fuming me too. only yet Multimedia boxes.
we using for Steuerungsaufgaben still WInME and Win98. there was one with the Hardwarezugriffen not so limited.
Grüßle Georg |
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| Since windows develops can Yes not everything at middle-aged stay.
we Holzfäller having it too with increasingly axe-resistenten Bäumen To do.
take we hold The Kettensäge.
One new Window erstellten, that then supra lying, goes still? |
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E.T. | so, habs time with 'nem new Window probiert, still somehow the same behaviour: correctly. activate becomes the HWnd only at first Durchlauf CompileMarkSeparation {$IQ}
Declare ProgEnde%, HelpWindow&
Proc BlinkWindow
Parameters Fenster&
WhileLoop 3
~FlashWindow(Fenster&, 1)
Waitinput 50'man soll ja keine Zeit stehlen !!
WindowStyle 8+512+16
WindowTitle "Testfenster"
Window 800,600
SetWindowPos %HWnd = %WinLeft,%WinTop - 800,600;-1
CLS GetSysColor(15)
WhileNot ProgEnde%
UserMessages ~wm_killfocus'Message setzen
If %UMessage = ~wm_killfocus
Usermessages 0'sonst Endlos-Schleife !!
HelpWindow& = Create("Window",%HWnd,"",0,0,10,10)
Case GetFocus(HelpWindow&) : Print "Hilfsfenster hat Focus"
Case GetFocus(%HWnd) : Print "Hauptfenster hat Focus"
ElseIf %Key = 2
ProgEnde% = 1
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 11/10/14 ▲ |
| And if You time in your BlinkWindow first thing setforegroundwindow hwnd and thereafter(!) setactivewindow hwnd make?
stand here [...] Reasons for this behaviour? |
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E.T. | |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 12/07/14 ▲ |