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Thomas Freier | try straight with Uwe Pascals ocx-Examples [...] whom Acrobat Reader einzubinden. goes, but z.Z. only with the Version 5.1 [...] different Notes, The besagen, that The pdf.ocx ausreiche. could I not yet understand. the eigentliche trouble is, if stranger Window over the example moved go, stay time more or less gray reaches receive. I get simply none automatischen refresh there. of Blue Screen until freeze the PCs at try with the here found Examples everything had. CompileMarkSeparation $H Windows.ph
$H ocx2.ph
$I ocx2.inc
Windowstyle 538
var hParent& = @Create(Window, 0, OCX-Test, 1,1,%maxx-38,%maxy-38)
usermessages 16
var File$=loadfile$(Bitte Bild wählen,*.pdf)
casenot len(File$):end
declare Control&
var Object&=ocxCreate({CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000}, hParent&,1,1,(%maxx-90),(%maxy-78),$50800000,addr(Control&))
while 1
case %umessage=16:break
ocxDeInit(pan class=s2>)
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 01/19/09 ▲ |
| only around the Fehlerfindung something vorran To bring wuerde I absolutely hierfuer first on loadFile dispense, because very this me a good deal herumzuwuehlen shining.
And then is there unfortunately(!) yet the XProfan11-OCX-Package-trouble because of the not always gleichbleibenden Adressen of variables. |
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Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hello Thomas!
integrally on The speedy: CompileMarkSeparation not very elegant because of GetMessage ; rather would well SubClassing. will be I nacher test times.
@iF: ocx + XProfan11: I work on it (I know, the say I jedesmal :notme
SeeYou Pascal |
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| Uwe Pascal Niemeier
@iF: ocx + XProfan11: I work on it (I know, the say I jedesmal :notme
I mean you the aufs word, know I the Yes of me the some apparently not at all so difficult items itself but then still simply laenger hinziehen.
attempt the umzuschreiben on z.B. globalalloc-memory-Adressen?
If I help can! |
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Thomas Freier | Hello Pascal,
The Solution sees already rather from. thereafter have I sought and not found. had we not already then with the Adress-RTF and the übergelegten Image the view? Optimal is it of of my Page not yet, I one Window as ruler the available lay. this but at zeilenweisen move always whom Focus has (the peg remaining on it). time see whether I in a Loop with Timer whom WM_PAINT any couple Millisekunden auslöse. One größeres trouble have I with the story of hand- into Textauswahl-mode. Per keyboard is it no trouble but over SendKey(%,%). mandatory the somehow over ocxGet or ocxPut or .... erfolgen? neckline: CompileMarkSeparationWindowstyle 82
var hChild& = @Create(Window, hParent&, , 0, 0, (%maxx-60), 38)
while 1
case %message=15:~RedrawWindow(Control&,0,0,$485)--WM_PAINT
case %umessage=16:break
If (%message=$201) & GetFocus(hChild&)
UseCursor 5
UseCursor 0
G2l hParent&
SetWindowPos %HWnd = 0,@G2ly() - 660,38;0
~InvalidateRect(%hwnd, 0, 0)
If GetFocus(icon5&)
SendKey(0,$A4) Alt
SendKey(0,$56) V = Textauswahl
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 01/20/09 ▲ |
Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hi people!
attempt the umzuschreiben on z.B. globalalloc-memory-Adressen?
so far be I yet not at all but: The Objects self go Yes Windows provided ; except there, where Parameter transfer go, Gibts not plenty umzuschreiben. have but already Pinned, that XProfan 11 empfindlicher on memory/Zugriffsfehler reacted as The 10it. will be for well back to the roots weg must.
@ Thomas: Mail should meanwhile eingetroffen his. in the pdf.ocx shining The desired function anyway not drin To his. and the Completed: the AcroRd32.dll is, that the The therein encompassed Objects/Interfaces not under windows registered are. it must irgendeine Possibility give, to Laufzeit there ranzukommen...
SeeYou Pascal |
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Thomas Freier | be one Piece moreover come. the ruler becomes a extra ruler.exe. solid slopes I thereby, a marked Text into Clipboard for Sprachausgabe To copy. The *.prf runs only with XProfan 10. The exe tested with Acrobat Reader 5, 8 and 9. The Änderung the Tools is versionsabhängig and can with Rechtsklick eigestellt go. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 01/22/09 ▲ |
Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hello Thomas!
what your Problems with the Fernsteuerung the Adobe-Controls concerns: this Control exists seinerseits a whole row of verschachtelten Fenstern; one simple SendString or SendKey ans lever the Controls reicht there not. before must determined go, wecher part the eingebetteten Adobe-Fensters very addressed go should: CompileMarkSeparationwindow 10,10-755,500
usermessages 16
$H Windows.ph
$H ocx2.ph
$I ocx2.inc
declare Control&,PageView&
var Object&=ocxCreate(AcroPDF.PDF,%hwnd,10,10,350,350,$50840000,addr(Control&))
var Edit&=create(multiedit,%hwnd,,385,10,350,350)
var Copy&=create(button,%hwnd,>>>,350,380,50,20)
ocxMethod(Object&,loadfile,*C:TEXT.pdf)******* Pfad bitte anpassen! *****
proc EnumChildProc-----------------EnumChildProc
parameters wnd&
if gettext$(wnd&)=AVPageView--kann versionsabhängig sein!
return 0
return 1
settimer 200---AVPageView wird erst bei laden der PDF erstellt
whileloop 0,9--Darum warten und mehrmals nachfragen
case PageView&:break
while 1
case %umessage=16:break
if clicked(Copy&)
sendstring(PageView&,^c)---STRG + c
settext Edit&,getclip$()
ocxDe a> ()
Getestet under Adobe Reader 8 and 9. BTW: Version 9 remaining to end the Profan-Progs neither More in memory hang
HTH Pascal |
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Thomas Freier | thanks Pascal! so are we Yes with your ocx whom under VB and Delphi found Examples meilenweit ahead. will be now too whom Reader 9 bring into action. at that 8he was yet interestingly: watts one Text markiert and the Cursor stayed überm Text, opened itself to kurzer Time one Tooltip and was this angesteuert, appeared one Button to that copy into Clipboard. whom Acrobat 9 have I tested (the need 2000 MB!) and no the sought ocx-functions found. Perhaps has The 30 days Version Einschränkungen. Ärgerlich is, that Adobe according to Reader Version different Tastaturbefehle for a and the same function has. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 01/24/09 ▲ |
Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hi Thomas!
the most important Objekt, that the Acrobat mitbringt, is AcroExch.App Such time with the OLE/COM interface Generator in the area ProgID
in the Web finds one often Demos How this:
Dim AcroExchApp As Object Set AcroExchApp = CreateObject(AcroExch.App) AcroExchApp.Show
(on the best time thereafter googeln) white but not, whether this CreateObject with the with ocx verwendeten function identical/compatible is.
so are we Yes with your ocx whom under VB and Delphi found Examples meilenweit ahead.
so must the indeed his
SeeYou Pascal |
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