
XProfan 10 and list boxes


Hello Roland,

already since Profan² 6.6 - times work I one more proposition, which I since then always with the aktuellsten PRF-Version moreover entwickele, and never there were dbzgl. Problems. since XProfan 10 go now but z.B. my Listboxes not any more displayed. After tagelanger Fehlersuche faith I, whom Übeltäter found to have.

my Strickart was yet always been:

1. Mainwindow or. Dialog-Window produce
2. GroupBox with %HWnd or. dlg& as übergeordnetes Window
3. Listbox into GroupBox settle, with %HWnd or. dlg& as übergeordnetes Window

The GroupBox serves here solely to that optischen Aufpeppen and has otherwise no others function.

with XProfan 10 must I now but the GroubBox always a handle miss out on and this deal as übergeordnetes Window for ListBox transfer - and naturally always something To foot integrally beautiful nachfummeln, around the Listboxkoordinaten as an afterthought properly anzupassen.

with of/ one GroupBox and of/ one Listbox per Dialog-Window likes the Yes yet weg. still stressful becomes it then, if it on several Dialogfenstern several Group boxes with several Listboxes, MultiEdits, Radiobuttons, Eingabezeilen etc. gives (what by me regularly the case is). and only therefore meanwhile over 100000 Codezeilen durchforsten and adjust To must, is probably a wochenlange Gewaltaktion get out of control ...

is these Änderung ex XProfan 10 beabsichtigt, and becomes the prospective for ever so stay?

for me would the then ggf. probably one reason, at least with the Weiterentwicklung this Projektes for the time being on XProfan 10 To dispense.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Hm i see not and so You in the entrapment the on XProfan10 dispense müsstest there You you still solely a Ersatzfunktion write müsstest...

Huch? its I do not aware, there something changed to have. I must time nachschauen ...

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

[quote:383b753484]with XProfan 10 must I now but the GroubBox always a handle miss out on and this deal as übergeordnetes Window for ListBox transfer [/quote:383b753484]
is still really The übliche Vorgehensweise...

Hello Frank,

Yes, this is me already clear, that the The übliche Vorgehensweise is. still I had it even andersrum made, because it jahrelang so funktionierte what about me not einsah, still a handle To Save, which I eh never need.

If to the before white, then can itself Yes thereafter richten. stressful becomes it even only then, if something to over 10 years of now same not any more so functions, as by then always worked having.

still if Roland not aware is, there something changed to have, then becomes it well only a Kleinigkeit his and the whole excitement was certainly umsonst been ...

its me too clear, that the then no particularly guter Programmierstil of me been was. but from comfort I had the even unfortunately so made. with manchen of my schoolboy predige I me often the Maul fusselig, because tappt im dunkeln right often messy program - well then hats me unfortunately even too time yourself erwischt.

I can now already its Schadensfreude present, after tappt im dunkeln that here red having ...

means love schoolboy! hears now and than on your Hörnchen and building not absolutely its Error any to!

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

especially since Dietmar you have still eigendlich garkein trouble!

supplant any Vorkommen of CreateGroupBox  to myCreateGroupBox. and your myCreateGroupBox prepares The GroubBox and pack the lever on NEN Stack. (XProfan10Lists?aray?Memory#? on the end the Program will need you then only yet any Handles from the Stack with destroywindow Edit. so mach I the in Okrea too and Have The class Trash. called. ;D

Hello iF,

therefore went and goes it me still none, that I evtl. To BLÖD for his could, me yourself for my over 100000-Lines-code a Function write and these by Search-supplant replace to! Something like Have I jahrelang on this kilometerlangen-code from others Found anyhow already -zig time organize must! Anderenfalls would this code not so BIG become, How it it yet already is, and How I it meanwhile on a of my schoolboy relayed have.

me went it here solely therefore, hereon hinzuweisen, that it a such Ungereimtheit yet of my opinion to in XProfan-10-Beta yet gives.

Nix More - and nothing less!

Roland has here bypassing reacted, well then becomes it it in its Delphi-code Verify, what there possible schiefgelaufen his could (or not). but probably not any more in the present night.

Waiting we The next Roland-reaction dbzgl. simply first time ex. Irgendeinen reasonable Kompromiss becomes Roland there certainly find, if one such necessary go ought to ...

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

now hackst You again on me rum.



my Strickart was yet always been:

1. Mainwindow or. Dialog-Window produce
2. GroupBox with %HWnd or. dlg& as übergeordnetes Window
3. Listbox into GroupBox settle, with %HWnd or. dlg& as übergeordnetes Window
moreover one small Info:
If one first The Listbox (ChoiceBox u.s.w.) setting and first then
GroupBox einbaut functions it again under XProfan 10 and one saving a variable The Yes only ungenutzt verbraten becomes if one The GroupBox only for optische tack needed.
by me does it anyway lovely.
wished I only time erwähnt having even if Roland this small trouble soon eliminating ought to.



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