
XProfan or not XProfan the is here.........



I consider whether I me XProfan fetch should or not, therefore have I yet some ask....

I have somewhere time red (white not ob's is correct) that it some Additional tools give should How z.B. XProfan2Cpp, which but yet money cost should and something with of/ one Druckfunktion which too money cost should....

naja - i want, if I The software bought have, not any functions missen, The still additional money cost...

moreover compare I gladly Autoit with XProfan. Autoit gefiehl me very well and was too very simply. has XProfan because any to / advantages to Autoit? and How is the speed or the Event-handling of Windows or. GUI's?

and otherwise... power me still Perhaps time XProfan tasty

Vielen Thanks


cordial Welcome in the XProfangemeinde.

To your ask:
You need for XProfan no Additional tools, circa so ausgewachsene programs To write.
there's some Additional tools, The the program relieve, or your programs (depending on, what tappt im dunkeln make should) speed can.
XP2CPP zB GetControlParas (B whom Programmcode in c++ circa and compiliert (with properly vorhandener c++ surroundings immediate.
But this is everything not necessary. You sustain a slight lernbare Programming-Language, The much allows and particularly with the simple Creation of Programmoberlächen punktet.
AutoIt can not XProfan vergleichen. of my Wissens is the one Program, which Makros prepares, with them windows automatisiert go can. XProfan is a Programming-Language, with the You yourself so one Tool create could.
If you time write, what very You make want, can you say, whether XProfan for you advantages to XProfan has.
You can you here [...]  time umsehen and naturally on the Homepage the Autors [...] 

Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

The Druckfunktion in XProfan Although sooner rudimentär, but one
can Yes some yourself improvisieren. to that Print of/ one GridBOX
recommend itself Frank Abbings Free List view.dll. The has a
very good Druckfunktion (13 Parameter).

To XProfan itself can one say, that it very slight To erlernen
is. one can with Cls and Waitkey very quick XProfans functions
durchtesten, without that one Verrenkungen make must, circa only
time one Window to create and therein what To write.

to GUI - Creation : plainer GEHTS useful not any more. it missing of course
one GUI-Designer, but whom need one neither absolutely. and the
Event-Loop moreover is too quick made.

has time recently something moreover made :
WindowTitle "Programm - Gerüst"
Window 640, 400
Print "Gerüst wird geschrieben...."
PutClip "'$I ' Hier können .inc Dateien eingebunden werden" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "WindowTitle " + Chr$(34) + "Mein Fenster" + Chr$(34) + Chr$(13)
PutClip "Window 640, 400" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "Declare ende%, Btn1&, Btn2&" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "' Hier werden die Dialogelemente definiert" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "Btn1& = @Create(" + Chr$(34) + "Button" + Chr$(34) + ", %HWnd," + Chr$(34) + "Ende" + Chr$(34) + ", 10, 10, 60, 25)" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "Btn2& = @Create(" + Chr$(34) + "Button" + Chr$(34) + ", %HWnd," + Chr$(34) + "Mach was" + Chr$(34) + ", 100, 10, 80, 25)" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "ende% = 0" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "' Hier kommt die Ereignis - Schleife" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "WhileNot ende%" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "     WaitInput" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "     If @Clicked(Btn1&)" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "        ende% = 1" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "     ElseIf @Clicked(Btn2&)" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "        MachWas()" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "     EndIf" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "     Case %Key = 2 : ende% = 1 ' Schließen-Kreuz abfragen" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "EndWhile" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "' Hier können die Procs für das Programm geschrieben werden" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "Proc MachWas" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "     MessageBox(" + Chr$(34) + "Hallo" + Chr$(34) + ", " + Chr$(34) + "Info" + Chr$(34) + ", 0)" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "EndProc" + Chr$(13)
PutClip "End" + Chr$(13)
Print "Quellcode kann aus Zwischenablage kopiert werden !"
Print "Zum Beenden Taste drücken !"

If one obigen code compiliert and the .exe in that User Menu einbindet,
has one very quick one Programmgerüst :
File -> new file, The .exe in the User Menu started, and STRG-V
The Fensterelemente You can then to seinem Gutdünken change
or delete or new (How Listboxes, GridBOX, Checkbox etc.)
moreover make.
Wir sind die XProfaner.
Sie werden von uns assimiliert.
Widerstand ist zwecklos!
Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.

Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange.

Vielen Thanks for helpful left and aufklärenden words...

i want primarily smaller ones Tools and Helferlein program - means nothing large... (not yet)

moreover have I red that with XProfan no or. very heavy possible is systemtools To program - is correct the? (the mail was of 2009 (https://bit.ly/L2vrpL (integrally under)))

with Franks Fensterdesigner has one too one praktisches Program for: [...] 

If you earnestly Systemtools program want, recommend I you, you here [...]  at times AHT To turn.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

No - i want probably no systemtools program - I question me only whether it fundamentally possible would or still sooner not.

hmmm - apparently not...

first of all should You us time communicating, what You really under "Systemtools" understand or. what You so accurate mean!

fundamentally can with XProfan everything program, what with others Programmiersprachen ditto program can. presupposed, You know you with the Programming-Language something rather from, as only on Anfängerniveau and stand with the windows-API not straight on Kriegsfuß! for geschwindigkeitsrelevante routines standing you the Free XPSE with its nativen Procedures available, and by the Einbinden of Assemblercode can you your programs moreover speed.

your comparison of XProfan (real Programming-Language) with AutoIt (software to Creation of Makros, with them Abläufe under windows automatisiert go can) shows, that You evident not yet once The Grundlagen the windows-Programming rule.

with XProfan can you you these Grundlagen relatively quick by degrees take possession of, without same in OOP and The windows-API get in To must. this can you always nocht do, after You you first of all The Grundlagen with XProfan angeeignet have.

too my small XProfan-Textbook in 11 volumes has already generations of Programmieranfängern whom Entry in XProfan and The windows-Programming allows or. relieved: [...] 

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 


your comparison of XProfan (real Programming-Language) with AutoIt (software to Creation of Makros, with them Abläufe under windows automatisiert go can) shows, that You evident not yet once The Grundlagen the windows-Programming rule.

me shows your Unwissenheit over Autoit, that You you evident not so auseinandergesetzt have and only Halbwahrheiten präsentierst.
one can with Autoit program - its meanwhile a right good Interpretersprache for windows.

........XP2CPP zB GetControlParas (B whom Programmcode in c++ circa and compiliert (with properly vorhandener c++ surroundings immediate.........

the not working More with the new command of latest XProfan. functions only To XProfan11a. it'll not any more correct. moreover is the Borlandcompiler from 1995 überaltet.

If you to speed ask : XPIA and XProfan.
mandatory you then but well in ASM know. The normalen Profanbefehle go not affect. mere XPIA is not yet on 64bit adjusted. Only running with the 32-bit-command.

........The much allows and particularly with the simple Creation of Programmoberlächen punktet.......
this is the cue.

....it missing Although a GUI-Designer....
the is correct so not.
The LemonED of Frabbing has a good GUI-Designer installed for Profan and rule The Compilierung of Profan with einfachen You can.

If circa speed goes werkel I with the latest Purebasic.


Evtl too time XPSE look at.
XPSE reminds in many Things heavy on C/C++ comes but furthermore with the most XProfan-command clear.
XPSE-nProcs are thereby only little slower as optimierter Assemblercode.
XProfan X2
Win7 Professional, SP1, AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor

Webseite [...] 

.....most XProfan-command clear.....
The Compiler breaks, so like a commands strange is then goes nothing more.
The Namentlichen command are in the Compiler called. means utterly tributary.

Hmmm..., red The fingers of it.

since 2011 becomes not More waited.
Erkennt not More The new command of successor XProfan11.a
have everything already behind me To to 4 Monaten.

there's to Time no dependable future around the speed To enhance with designed Projekten in Profan.

hopefully soar Abbing with XPIA the 64-bit-horse, then has one something around the Profan with ASM aufzupäppeln.

Kannste everything testing with the FreeProfan-32/64 what supra on Aids aufgezählt watts. FreeProfan-32/64 corresponds to the new XProfan.



Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Matthias Arlt02/18/16


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