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![Bamboo: 07/24/16](.././../../i/a/6014.gif) Bamboo | my Program save Birthdays and two Termineinträge. now had I gladly, that the program automatically launch, if one datumsgleicher entry vorliegt. written in XProfan thanks in the ahead for response and Help |
| Manche Menschen werden deshalb schlecht, weil es ihnen zu gut geht. | 07/24/16 ▲ |
![RICOSCH: 07/24/16](.././../../i/a/2274.gif) RICOSCH | Program with windows "Autostart" started > Entries inquire > Program terminate let. power only sense if the computer too daily new launched becomes ;)
but since Gibts still windows -Calendar ;)
...and task "Aufgabenplaner" ;) |
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![Bamboo: 07/24/16](.././../../i/a/6014.gif) Bamboo | my Program has nothing with the windows-Calendar or the Aufgabenplaner To do. It's all right me circa a code, with the I from whom "Programm-Einstellungen" in my Program a Autostart-Text Generate can. |
| Manche Menschen werden deshalb schlecht, weil es ihnen zu gut geht. | 07/24/16 ▲ |
![Jörg Sellmeyer: 07/24/16](.././../../i/a/8132362004294faafc5e8c.jpg) Jörg Sellmeyer | u/nter DDEExecute find You an example, How is a Programmgruppe created and there a Link anlegt. this is already something older, ought to but still function. otherwise can you into Registry under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\Microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\Run" a entry produce (WriteIni HKEY_2,...) and there your Program present. |
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![Bamboo: 07/24/16](.././../../i/a/6014.gif) Bamboo | to that better understanding show I here whom editor from my Tool. there wirden for birthday and 2 Termineinträge data stored. the Program should itself but only then report, if Date and entry coincide. at that birthday naturally only the first 5 characters, with whom Terminen the complete comparison with date$(0) |
![](/intl/i/dw.gif) | 61 kB | | Bezeichnung: | Insert-Demo | | Version: | Beta | | Kurzbeschreibung: | this is the editor | | Hochgeladen: | 07/24/16 | | Downloadcounter: | ![On-demand service Downloadcounterimage 62](https://xprofan.net/i/ueiie.gif) | | | Download |
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![Bamboo: 07/24/16](.././../../i/a/6014.gif) Bamboo | so sees the available code from:
IF CLICKED(start_on&)
Writeini "HKEY_1","Software\\Microsoft\\windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run",\
ASSIGN #2,auto_datei$
EnableWindow start_on&,0
EnableWindow start_off&,1
IF CLICKED(start_off&)
DELETEKEY "Software\\Microsoft\\windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run",programm_art$
ASSIGN #2,auto_datei$
EnableWindow start_on&,1
EnableWindow start_off&,0
Parameters RegPfad$, entry$
Declare lever%
External("ADVAPI32", "RegCreateKeyExA", $80000001, Addr(RegPfad$), 0, 0, 0, $20006, 0, Addr(lever%), 0)
External("ADVAPI32", "RegDeleteValueA", lever%, Addr(entry$))
External("ADVAPI32", "RegCloseKey", lever%)
have moreover a EXE-File written, also in the Programmverzeichnis standing and the relevanten data with PC-Start controlled. functions but unfortunately not. it comes The Error Message 104 - means seek the program a File. I suspect, that The here used List view.dll of Frank Abbing The thing ausbremst. has there someone experience with ? thanks for Rückantwort |
| Manche Menschen werden deshalb schlecht, weil es ihnen zu gut geht. | 07/24/16 ▲ |
![Jörg Sellmeyer: 07/24/16](.././../../i/a/8132362004294faafc5e8c.jpg) Jörg Sellmeyer | the here goes so Schonmal not:
Writeini "HKEY_1","Software\\Microsoft\\windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run",\
Writeini "HKEY_1","Software\\Microsoft\\windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run",\
programm_art$ + "=" + CHR$(34)+controll$+CHR$(34)
Perhaps should You you first The Basisroutinen for the write and reading in the Registry create and thereafter these in your Program insert. then can you rather comb out, where since the Error lying. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... ![](https://www.wuestensand.info/images/CoverFataMorganaklein.jpg) | 07/24/16 ▲ |
![Bamboo: 07/24/16](.././../../i/a/6014.gif) Bamboo | Jörg your code, with "=" extended, created a Error Message. "Zuwenig Parameter..." my code writes correctly. into Registry (CCleaner under "Autostart" nachgesehen), but then hakt it. The Start the actual Program fractures with the Error Message 104 ex ??? |
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![Jörg Sellmeyer: 07/24/16](.././../../i/a/8132362004294faafc5e8c.jpg) Jörg Sellmeyer | Ah - ok. there Have I vertan.
How very should because the Startaufruf your Program looks? the goes from your Codeauszug not forth and whom Information can yet only guess. |
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![Bamboo: 07/24/16](.././../../i/a/6014.gif) Bamboo | Jötg on itself integrally simply and until crash works the indeed. code-abbreviation: Assign #1,File$ RESET #1 WHILENOT EOF(#1) INPUT #1,txt$ IF LEFT$(date$(0),5) = txt$ RUN Program$ ENDIF ENDWHILE CLOSE #1 END in the Hauptprogramm becomes then a GridBOX with the vorhanenen Tagesdaten opened. the functions too, if I the program with Double click starte. with RUN Program$ crash ![](.././../../i/s/-frown.png) Have with both Alternativen GETDIR$("@") or $PROGDIR attempts. always the same Result - Error 104 my suspicion is the List view.dll |
| Manche Menschen werden deshalb schlecht, weil es ihnen zu gut geht. | 07/24/16 ▲ |
![Michael W.: 07/24/16](.././../../i/a/4750.gif) Michael W. | "Dateikennung fehlt" or "Datei not to that reading geöffnet"
GETDIR$("@") -- ought to in new Betriebssystemen not used go
and the what You there written have, becomes the because in the program- directory stored (the one evtl. no rights has)?
or in the Datenverzeichnis (under $AppDataDir) |
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![Bamboo: 07/24/16](.././../../i/a/6014.gif) Bamboo | Michael The Declaration File$ is in the Hauptprogramm and calls The CSV-File with the Einträgen on. she's in the Unterverzeichnis INS_DATEN present and any Paths are correctly. indicated. its me one puzzel, Why the eigentliche Program with Double click launch, but with RUN Program$ not. ![](.././../../i/s/gruebel.gif) |
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