
XProfed Icons?


Hello on all sides!

i'd like my Xprofed erweiter, and of course only The Iconbuttonleiste. so would like I achieve, that according to want a with a others Icon furnished PRFRun32 in that Profanverzeichnis copies becomes. the copy would no trouble and 12 with unterschiedlichen Icons furnished PRFRun32 have so did i already. The problem is rather, where The Icons for Toolbar to find are.
The shining it namely not To give. with the Trial of GConvert have I do not only Profanverzeichnis any in Exe and DLL vorhandenen Icons Show let, separate too any in windows/system32. it was no track this Icons To discover, are simply and simply No.

in the Sourcecode of XProfed is it right similar. In row 1750 goes it go with Controls create and offnsichtlich happens the for Toolbar in Zele 1767 with Tbar#=New(RGHToolbar.... but too there's not nachvollziehbar, what and where because now The eigentliche fountain the Icons is. it would very nice, if someone the secret the not vorhandenen, on the other hand but still vorhandenen Icons explain could.

many Regards of Ulrich


The Toolbar uses no individual Icons, separate a Picturelist, wants hot: a Bitmap, The any Images contains. The crucial row is these:
hToolBmp& = create(hPic, 0, TOOLBAR)

The Bitmap is TOOLBAR and is sowohl in Interpreter as well as Runtime.
(BTW: The nachfolgenden Lines serve moreover, The Toolbar-Icons transparent To make.)

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Hrm - if it you More around the Program icon instead of around the Toolbar goes: You can your Program icon but too plainer with
 {$res icon meinprogrammicon.ico}

designed. [...] 

accordingly müsstest You do not only because of another Program icon always same a new PrfRun32.Exe building.

I had already befürchtet that The Toolbar Icons somewhere deeply hidden are. though had I sooner on a unscheinbare, unauffällige instruction somewhere differently in the Source typed as hereon, that the marrow of Profan self The Icons cache now well, The Imagemap read, one BMP or GIF write, the circa my own Icons strain, To plenty hoisted for me. Schade that The Imagemap not as Bildatei vorliegt, because then could one The right simply strain. OK, write back goes then not any more, but this is indeed unnecessary.
Perhaps can The interne Ressource Toolbar as externe Resource Image the Ressource Toolbar available made go? I could me thoroughly present, that it yet More into Fingern juckt,, itself whom XProfed to own Wish umzuschneidern, so How I it vorhabe. so one Image would thereby sure help.

XPSE use I Yes eh already since some Time, the though only, around the code accurate on Error abzuklopfen. the XPSE More can, ok, the known I already. but the a only row the Icon exchange can, this is me new. Vielen Thanks for this hint, the plenty hoisted and Speicherplatz conserve becomes

many Regards of Ulrich

it has me still no silence let, because I wished really gladly see welch nice Icons in Profan cache are. really Yes a integrally simple thing, instead of The Toolbar with the Icons To bestücken becomes the image in memory displayed, from the The Icons come. so about ought to the functions:
 $H Windows.ph
Declare htoolbmp&
hToolBmp& = create(hPic, 0, TOOLBAR)
MCls %bmpx, %bmpy,~GetSysColor(1)
StartPaint -1
DrawPic hToolBmp&, 0, 0; -1    transparent: Hintergrund der Toolbar wird ~GetSysColor(15)
DeleteObject hToolBmp&
hToolBmp& = create(hPic, 0, &membmp)
DrawPic hToolBmp&,10,10;0

Pustekuchen, nothing happens! and so would the puzzel the disappeared Icons moreover open. really pity, The Icons fallen me namely very well. knows Perhaps someone How this well versteckte Image the Icons visible made go can?

thanks and Regards of Ulrich


you have solely one CLS as first row forget: without screen no display!

Also can You to that viewing the Original-Bitmap whom detour to that adjust the Hintergrundes same on The tuned colours omit:
Declare htoolbmp&
hToolBmp& = create(hPic, 0, TOOLBAR)
DrawPic hToolBmp&,10,10;0

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

small cause, grosse effect (schäm...) but now is Yes everything clear what about me do not have only the BMP Image the well versteckten Icons, separate same too yet each Icon for itself self as nummerierte BMP File. it gitb enough finished programs, The from it a a *.ICO Daei make can. I nehm for something like Irfanview, umsont and very well! to that Schluss yet the Programmcode to that herausdestilieren the Icons.

Vielen Thanks, Regards and Tschüss!

Perhaps could You from it a allgemeingültigeren Source make and it as Codesnippet or aide post.


Perhaps could You from it a allgemeingültigeren Source make and it as Codesnippet or aide post.

there I will me what dreamup, because i'm now already something moreover as this afternoon. from whom individual BMPs again Icons make, the though institute of technology I me over Profan not on. Irfanview can the much better. (Irfanview > File > Batchkonvertierung/Umbennenung)
this is one for me quite News proposition. with Ankündigunge against, too there be I something vorsichtiger become. there lying namely another corpse in my cellar, Arbeitstitel Stringfunktionssimulator..... but what can I for if the Jens vastly faster learn as i write can

Regards of Ulrich


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