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Andreas Koch | Hello together,
there's time again trouble, with the I do not weiterkomme. It's all right therefore, drawing one Graphen on a Bitmap To speed. thereby goes it first once only circa together hängende lines what about me would the whole gladly with XPSE concern. thereby stand I now to two Problemen.
1. XPSE knows only whom commands Setpixel, question: knows someone a API-commands, the one with a line draw can? Einstellungsmöglichkeiten of colour, Start- and Endpunkt as well as Linienstärke wären necessary. 2. XPSE draw fundamentally first once only on the Mainwindow. Can drawing somehow on a Bitmap redirecting?
To 1.: the can I me probably too yet self basteln, the API-commands would the whole only vereinfachen.
To 2. have I attempts, me something from the nProc drawhPicRotated To wander, what these function to have shining, works but not so integrally.... CompileMarkSeparation {$cleq}
$I Pixels.Inc
Window 0,0 - %Maxx, %Maxy
var hPic&=create("hNewPic",400,400,$FF)
StartPaint hPic&
UseFont "Arial",30,0,1,0,0
textcolor $FFFF,-1
drawtext 5,0,"XProfan.Com"
textcolor $AA,-1
drawtext 5,0,"XProfan"
DrawPic hPic&,0,0,0
nproc Test
Parameters hPic&
long hDCBits=CreateCompatibleDC(hDC)
selectObject(hDCBits, hPic&)
WhileLoop 50
DrawPic hPic&,500,0,0
would be lovely, if your me there help on could.
lovely Greeting
Andreas cook |
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« this Posting watts as Solution marked. » |
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| say we simply because there something "geschludert" watts.
(have The to put in the code markiert) CompileMarkSeparation {$cleq}
Window 0,0 - %Maxx, %Maxy
var hPic&=create("hNewPic",400,400,$FF)
StartPaint hPic&
UseFont "Arial",30,0,1,0,0
textcolor $FFFF,-1
drawtext 5,0,"XProfan.Com"
textcolor $AA,-1
drawtext 5,0,"XProfan"
DrawPic hPic&,0,0;0// <-- statt DrawPic hPic&,0,0,0
DrawPic hPic&,500,0;0// <-- statt DrawPic hPic&,500,0,0
nproc Test
Parameters hPic&
long hDCBits=CreateCompatibleDC(hDC)
selectObject(hDCBits, hPic&)
WhileLoop 50
deleteDC(hDCBits)// <-- vergessen, eigentlicher Knackpunkt
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| what power your because here?! everything plenty plainer!
One rectangle: [...]
On hWnd characters simply so: CompileMarkSeparation line or Kurven desired? then simply lines or Kurvenfunktionen benefit!
any described and simply aufzurufen: [...]
thereafter goes ne line of 20,30 to 100,100 so: CompileMarkSeparation In nProcs stand quasi any APIs ready -
there can it one Yes on garnichts are missing.
Einzelnes Pixel settle? CompileMarkSeparation |
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Andreas Koch | the sees now so from, as could I the directly using. lovely Thanks already time.
i want but really only very ungern on the Mainwindow malen, really none. Can not somehow redirecting? I have there this hdc in the suspicion, white but not really something so to begin, see first Posting.
PS: what means the DC really in long? |
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| Nachtrag: Gib too ne pixels.inc [...] for Examples faster graphic- effects
and a hPic.inc too for fortgeschrittenes Rumbildereihen: [...]
and look too time here mere: [...] |
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funkheld | Hmm.., what you mean are so again The slow internen graphic-Windowsbefehle(API): MoveToEx(hDC,20,30,0) LineTo(hDC,100,100) for a slippy graphic taugen The nothing.
It's all right still directly plenty faster with (DirectX) and/or with XPIA(ASM) without these finished slow Move and LineTo.
greeting |
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| LineTo etc. is everything GDI ( [...] ) -
are everything hochoptimierte functions The You well self (alike where with) not faster
program can. naturally can You a line too by DX draw but the
is Yes a complete others number like as if You a line by OpenGL
zeichest. with letzteren both Examples become You but too at least once a
line indicate must. look at The oglui [...] velvet oglhelper.inc.
what now performant is depends severe taken To very of jeweiligen Anwendungs/
individual case ex and integrally blanket can not say the one with DX a
line faster on the screen get as with the GDI on my own already because of
the enormous Vorbereitungsmassnahmen The for DX or OGL necessary are
before one at all what draw can. |
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| Nachtrag: my not so faster computer draw so 100.000 lines in less than 1 second (953ms) : CompileMarkSeparation |
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Andreas Koch | That the pixels.inc and attachment I had already rausgefunden and in my Beispielcode supra installed. If I the right see, have I even The detour with createcompatibledc correctly. made. nevertheless malt the not correctly..
PS: DirectX hears itself of course too calm on, but hey people, to one year I had the word "Profan" yet never heard, so quick be I do not. If me the what bring, make I the but too yet. before wished I but really yet OpenGL ausloten. Perhaps reicht the for my needs from. |
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| i know of course not what very You to have but To "Trotzdem malt the not correctly.." can I only say "Zeig time since, the Error lying where differently...".
Andreas cook (05.09.12)
but hey people, to one year I had the word "Profan" yet never heard, so quick be I do not.
Welcome! |
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Andreas Koch | I Have in my first Posting a Beispielcode, where on a Bitmap really a black line painted go ought to. The vermiss I somehow.... |
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| say we simply because there something "geschludert" watts.
(have The to put in the code markiert) CompileMarkSeparation {$cleq}
Window 0,0 - %Maxx, %Maxy
var hPic&=create("hNewPic",400,400,$FF)
StartPaint hPic&
UseFont "Arial",30,0,1,0,0
textcolor $FFFF,-1
drawtext 5,0,"XProfan.Com"
textcolor $AA,-1
drawtext 5,0,"XProfan"
DrawPic hPic&,0,0;0// <-- statt DrawPic hPic&,0,0,0
DrawPic hPic&,500,0;0// <-- statt DrawPic hPic&,500,0,0
nproc Test
Parameters hPic&
long hDCBits=CreateCompatibleDC(hDC)
selectObject(hDCBits, hPic&)
WhileLoop 50
deleteDC(hDCBits)// <-- vergessen, eigentlicher Knackpunkt
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Andreas Koch | OK, again what learnt. thanks, so can I go on. |
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