
FreeProfan32 SMTP with cl32.dll


Hello on any,
I program since 2010 with XProfan 11.x and I yet everything right well hinbekommen, too with the Help the Forums, where it still right good Codeschnipsel gives, The a on The Sprünge help.
now wolte I on The X3 Updaten because of the SMTP Email function.
have then with FreeProfan32 and of/ one CL32.DLL (really 3 different) from the internet tested from cryptlib3431.zipper, but the CL32 wirden not loaded/recognized ?!? FreeProfan should Yes so far compatible his except from the Size and speed the begot programs, what but to that testing alike is.
declare end%, HDLL&, electoral$
print $ GetDir("@")
AddFiles "*.DLL"
Wahl$ = $ ListBox("Dateiwahl",6)
'print UseDLL("C:\Lfw_d\Progi\FreeProfan32\cl32.dll")
'HDLL& = UseDLL("C:\Lfw_d\Progi\FreeProfan32\xprof.DLL")
'print "DLL : ";HDLL&
set("SMTPSSL",1)' here [FOPRMS.PP] Error
print smtp("SendMail", "irgenwert-online.de", "irgendwerirgendein.net",  "TestMail", "securesmtp.-online.de:587", "user", "passw", "Diese Mail comes from XProfan")
print "Ende = ESC"

whilenot end%


    If %Key = 27

        end% = 1



FreeDll HDLL&

here another Error appeal of set("SMTPSSL",1)

Diesen have I only over through leave the Selection and fast pressing of "Druck" into Clipboard copy can, there itself the window same closes. gives it there a Possibility such Error sichbar To make/umzuleiten ?

but the trouble is the CL32.DLL. These should still automatically loaded go with SMPT ? gives it here a Special Version, The Yes with the X3 thereby his should ? is possible to that testing these DLL To get ?
The DLL becomes weder with UseDLL in the equal directory or even with the Pfadangabe loaded (with the xprof.DLL goes both)
with the FreeProfan32 becomes by me Version 0.9 displayed loudly Forum ought to But 0.95 his ?

best Thanks for possible Help and
greetings from munich
Herby ( Win 10 per 64 )

40 kB
XProfan 11
Win 10, XProfan X2/X3 jetzt X4

there here niemanden, the a working CL32.DDL from the cryptlib has or wisely where one these get ?
would be not meaningfully, if in FreeProfan one commands present is too The benötigte File with delivered becomes, or even one Link/Description where it these gives.
becomes this Forum yet frequent (red watts my Message Yes ca 40 time) or sooner Forum on XPROFAN.DE.
I would very grateful for a response, circa too possible Forum To change.

XProfan 11
Win 10, XProfan X2/X3 jetzt X4

If the Error already with the Setfunktion appears, has it nothing with the DLL To do. exit it means on, if The The row with the SMTP()-function auskommentierst?

The gelistete Funktionsaufruf can in the Übrigen so not functions. You must korrekte Email-Adressen present and the right Server.

ought to the Error tasächlich with the Set-function appear, should I me the times for The next Version look at.


PS: in the attachment The CL32.DLL, The I with XProfan X3 mitliefere.

598 kB
Bezeichnung:cryptlib.zip mit der DLL
XProfan X3
Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Hello Roland,
thanks for cl32.dll these bring when calling of smpt("Sendmail",...) none Error More, too can which with UseDLL fehlerfrei loading.
The appeal print smpt("Sendmail",...) bring always immediate 0 back ?
there have so did i The right send-Empfangs Email Adressen registered with "securesmtp.t-online.de:587"And before set("SMTPSSL",1)
too no Änderung if Login over Email/internet Kennung and if over Browser already eingeloggt.
without Firewall/Virenscanner and Goggle account tested, too same Return 0
what ought to here the smpt("Sendmail",...) appeal give back if no Error present is and to which period of time ?

The Error [FORM.PP] is very queer :
this exit only on if a Listbox$ with *.DLL Files created and is The DLL-File "SciLexer.dll" thereby is. with "*.exe" or "*.prf" ok.
either with End of program or to one subesquent set("SMTPSSL",1), set("Decimals",0)
AddFiles "*.dll"
print $ ListBox("Dateiwahl",6)' if SciLexer.dll thereby
set("Decimals",0)' then here Error [FORM.PP]
print "Taste..."

gives it The possibility to End of program with Error The Error Message To erfassen or lasting view ??

here yet to Info for next Version :
Error zusammensetzen längerer Strings in FreeProfan32
declare txt$
txt$ =  "\n this is The row 1" \
+ "\n this is The row 2" \
+ "\n this is The row 3" \
+ "\n this is The row 4" \
+ "\n this is The row 5" \
+ "\n this is The row 6" \
+ "\n this is The row 7" \
+ "\n this is The row 8" \
+ "\n this is The row 9" \' To here ok
'+ "\n this is The row 10" \   ' ex row 10 with <" + "> in the Text
'+ "\n this is The row 11"    ' ex row 11 Error Variable not declariert
print txt$, len(txt$)
txt$ =  "\n this is The row 1 \
\n the is The row 2 \
\n the is The row 3 \
\n the is The row 4 \
\n the is The row 5 \
\n the is The row 6 \
\n the is The row 7 \
\n the is The row 8 \
\n the is The row 9 \
\n the is The row 10 \
\n the is The row 11 \' To here ok - naturally with " instead of \ end
'\n this is The row 12"      ' ex row 12 Error Variable not declariert
print txt$, len(txt$)

XProfan 11
Win 10, XProfan X2/X3 jetzt X4

Hello Herby,

sendmail supply with success 1 back. I have it straight by me with FreeProfan32 tested. it functions z.B. with my 1&1-Account. If 0 back supplied becomes, then has something not functions and the Mail won't gesendet. the can also on it lying, that the Mail-suppliers simply not the Send of Mails from beliebigen Programs out allows. straight suppliers kostenloser Mails lay often worth hereon, that The users solely over your with advertisement furnished Website on The Mails grab can. Also allows not everyone suppliers each Verschlüsselung. so allows me 1&1 (there use I a Own, kostenpflichtige Domain) STARTLS and SSL/TLS, with t-online goes only SSL/TLS.

The second Error is really very queer. there must I time look. In XProfan X3 comes it not till and at Zusammensetzen of Strings has XProfan X3 not the beschriebene trouble. there must I with the next FreeProfan-Version, The then too most extensions of X4 include becomes, look, what there schief runs.

BTW: at that Zusammensetzen the Strings becomes the second Variante already since many XProfan-versions not any more official supported. One Stringliteral must not over several physikalische Program-Lines weg.

XProfan X3
Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Hello Roland and all the rest of them Profis,

I come with the Email versenden with
set("smtpssl", x)' 1 = StartTLS:587, 2 = SSL:465
smtp("Sendmail", <Sender>, <Empfänger>, <Betreff>, <SMTP-Host>, <User>, <password>, <Mailtext>)

not further. (with smtp("SendRaw"...) gleiches Result)
Getestet with T-Online, GMAIL.com and Web.de (extra arranged) any with StartTLS:465 and SSL:587, too without Kennung/Password if in the Browser eingeloggt without success.
("securesmtp.t-online.de", "smtp.gmail.com", "smtp.web.de" each with ":465/:587")
T-Online goes with Thunderbird with both Protokollen.
have already abgedatet on XPROFAN X3.1 and tested - same Results.
too with others computer Win 10 per with/without Firewall/Virenscanner - same Results.
have too a middle-aged computer with XP ausgegraben - same Results.
Umstellen the Zeichensätze ANSI/OEM because of "@" but too from the display no Difference.
I go too of it from the the Sender-Email at jeweiligen Provider present his must and big/Kleinschreibung no role game (have but everything small written).
a others Router have so did i already without Änderung tested on the T-Online VoIP/VDSL 50000 Connection.
in the Description is me noticed the there with whom Email-Adressen often the "@" missing, presumably but of editor Description ?
now weg me slow The ideas from.
with Debug sees one only the loading the DDL CL32 and if The not there's comes Error Message.

gives it here from the development since another Testprogramm the one with The Error Message "0" of smtp("Sendmail"...) eingrenzen can,
where the trouble lying or the Error herkommt ?

for sachdienliche Notes would I very grateful, or hints what there yet testing could.

XProfan 11
Win 10, XProfan X2/X3 jetzt X4

are You sure, that The named Provider whom IMAP access with beliebigen external Programs permit?
How I supra already wrote: some do this namely not.

XProfan X3
Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Hello Roland,

thanks for speedy response.
I had meant the IMAP only the log for Mailabruf and that the Mails on the Server stay "secureimap.t-online.de :993".
The Posteingangsserver with IMAP and POP3 are same , even the securesmtp.

but loudly this entry : [...] 
lt Hr. Michael Wodrich ought to T-Online with "securesmtp.t-online.de:465" eingentlich functions.
therefore my question to one Testprogramm which a genauere Error Message zurückgibt, because sure be I me neither.
ideal would it if the smtp("Sendmail"..) if no Error appears "0" zurückgibt and with Error even a Error Code z.B:
1 : Provider reject
2 : Kennung uncharted
3 : Password wrong (I wisely Yes not whether/what The cl32.dll zurückgibt)
gives it somebody the over T-Online Mails with "smtp" successful absendet ?
Vielleich there Yes still The Possibility here More To experienced.

but now make I first time a nice bicycle tour....

XProfan 11
Win 10, XProfan X2/X3 jetzt X4

so as looks, allows too T-Online not The Use beliebiger programs. my Email-Program has no Problems with "smtpmail.t-online.de" and Port 465. with my XProfan-Program goes it not any more. (former went it.)
with my 1&1-pigeon hole have I no Problems.

XProfan X3
Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Hello Roland,
thanks for response.
If there no Possibility gives a aussagekräftige Error Message from the CL32.DLL To get, then falls me too nothing more one To testing.
But if with you with T-Online too nothing more goes, then can I that here close.
have now in Forum yet what over MapiSendMail found, there becomes the Mailprogramm called and I already 5 Email-Addressen and 2 equipment insert can. will be the evtl. moreover pursue.

best Thanks and Hello,
XProfan 11
Win 10, XProfan X2/X3 jetzt X4

with GMX lauert z.B. a small Überraschung.

If one itself there einwählt, then Gibts a Error.

goes one then over the Web, then reports GMX, the itself there of/ one einwählen wished.

One little red and found, the such external programs first allows go must.

it given there a automatic Weiterleitung, therefore white I do not More where very the tuned becomes.

I have for Absendungen whom "X-Mailer:" Header with staid, then becomes my Program under this Bezeichnung displayed. then allows one whom grabbed.

If one itself now by Program einwählt, then läuft's.

the Procedere is unfortunately each Provider differently resolved.
began has the Mist with the Umstellung on SSL.

Since I straight in GoogleMail drin be Have I there time geschaut.

About "Konto - Sicherheitscheck" becomes there gemeldet if The Login over others ways results. the You can then consent or it reject.

i'm me sure, the The others Provider something like ähnliches having...
System: Windows 8/10, XProfan X4
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

Hello Roland, Michael and any smtp seeking.

@Michael : with GMAIL I had too a Message as i the first time with Thunderbird reinging, then umgestellt and then coming nothing more, neither with XProfan-smtp.

now have I one Kommandozeilentool found over the in the DOS-Window (CMD) or over WinExec() Mails with StartTLS/SSL versendet go can.
have it tested and same success had. on 2 eMailadressen, File as equipment and File as Haupttext. it went immediate of T-Online. GMail and Mail.de without Problems.
means shining it still not only on whom Providern To lying and my Equipment can I now too exclude.
The Source code are there too present, The have I me but not yet angeschaut. C is simply not my Language and whether I there durchsteige is fraglich ?@!#?
too can in the DOS-Window very beautiful whom Verbindungsablauf and evtl. Lock/Error see.
The Parameter the Aufrufes can Yes over XProfan beautiful zusammengestellt go.
Beautiful would it yet whom Text the DOS-Fensters einzulesen, there here on the Schluß The well/Schlechtmeldung standing, but vielleich find I there yet what, teste Yes yet and take on can yet some.

Download MailSend :  [...] 
Startseite GitHub :  [...] 
print winexecWait("mailsend -t to1@t-online.de,to2@t-online.de -from me@t-online.de -ssl -port 465" \
+ " -auth -smtp securesmtp.t-online.de -sub Test -attach testdatei.txt -v " \
+ " -user userkennung@t-online.de -pass Password -mime-type Text/plain -msg-body body.txt",1)

here one log of/ one Sendung with Attachment :

C:\>mailsend -to to@t-online.de -from I@t-online.de -ssl -port 465 -auth -smtp securesmtp.t-online.de -sub Test -attach debugtest.prf -v -user I@t-online.de -pass 12345
Connecting to securesmtp.t-online.de:465
wants detect IPv4 or IPv6 automatically
> libmsock: using getaddrinfo
IP address:
> connect(): socket=404,rc=-1, errno=10035
> Try socket 404
Certificate information:
Subject: /C=DE/O=Deutsche Telekom AG/OU=P&I AM/DCS/ST=Hessen/L=Darmstadt/emailAddress=certadmin_pi@telekom.de/CN=securesmtp.t-online.de
Issuer: /OU=generated by avast! antivirus for SSL/TLS scanning/O=avast! Web/Mail Shield/CN=avast! Web/Mail Shield Root
[s] 220 fwd07.t-online.de T-Online ESMTP receiver fmsad15465 ready. / T-Online ESMTP receiver securesmtp.t-online.de ready.
[C] EHLO localhost
[s] 250-fwd07.t-online.de ready.
[s] 250-SIZE 52428800
[s] 250-8BITMIME
[s] 250 HELP
Server does hardship support AUTH CRAM-MD5
[s] 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
[C] ZC5oZcKXJiZXJ0QHQyatb25saW5lLmRl
[s] 334 UGFzc3hhkidvcfgfgmQ6
[C] azJyMbvbgQngyXzAz
[s] 235 2.5.0 Authentication successful. / Authentifizierung successful.
[C] MAIL FROM: <ich@t-online.de>
[s] 250 2.1.0 Transmitter accepted. / Sender accepted.
[C] RCPT TO: <ich@t-online.de>
[s] 250 2.1.5 Recipient accepted. / Empfaenger accepted.
[s] 354 OK, start with data. / ready to that Datenempfang.
Subject: Test
From: I@t-online.de
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2017 22:21:39 +0200
To: I@t-online.de
X-Mailer: @(#) mailsend v1.19 (windows)
X-copyright: BSD. It is illegally to use this software for Spamming
smtp.c (702) - MIME temp file: C:\Users\Dieter\AppData\Local\Temp/mailsenda08452 created successfully, FILE pointer=438c0
smtp.c (718) - Writing Content to FILE pointer: 438c0

[C] .
[s] 250 2.0.0 Message accepted. / Message accepted.
[s] 221 2.0.0 fwd07.t-online.de closing. / link becomes separated.
Mail sent successfully

in the Forum have I already some ask red, concerning Send of Mails with several Files and on several Empfänger, went too over Batchdatei, high lebe DOS.
plenty Fun at try.

Hello, there Herby.
XProfan 11
Win 10, XProfan X2/X3 jetzt X4


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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