Help Files | | | | Jörg Sellmeyer | and a further round begins. time see, how far I come, before Roland again aufräumt
introduction 1 - Vorbemerkungen Danksagung - The Help would not the, what she's, without The rege Mitarbeit
from Profan² watts XProfan - even the Access to Ressourcen is possible, so it z.B. imaginable is, any Menüs, dialogs, Texts, Icons and Bitmaps one Programes with a Tool How the "Resource Hacker" in a DLL or the Runtime-Module to house
2 - installation and de-installation - under whom NT-mutants (NT/2000/XP/Vista/7) there oneige small Einschränkungen:
3.1 - Compiler - Compiler and Linker get in a Program zusammengefaßt, the, How yet the Compiler, PROFCOMP.EXE is.
4 - Profan-Script - If tappt im dunkeln Profan-SCRIPT with the XProfan-PAKET receive having,
5.1 - $P : Verschlüsselung the Zwischencodes - solely The Time, The the program
- Strukturierte and übersichtliche Programming becomes allows, because only one commands per row allows is and numerous Kontrollstrukturen available are: the is correct not any more
- and there the Runtime-Module no 700 kB big is, are right aufwendige Windowsapplikationen under 1 MB possible. the is correct unfortunately not any more
- into most Make paßt one complete XProfan-Program actually spelling says "passt"
5.2 - $I : Include-Files - The Include-Files are with the Endung .INC To slip. this is Yes at least not coercive necessary. Perhaps rather: its meaningfully, The Include-Files with the Endung .INC To slip.
- so the functions, must into Includedatein any classes, Structures
5.4 - $H : Header-Files - defined expressions in the Programmtext, The there through one ~ marked are, go through others of Precompiler at reading the Program by the Interpreter or. Compiler supplant. Style - something unverständlich. rather: defined expressions in the Programmtext, The there through one ~ marked are, go of Precompiler through others supplant, during the code for Interpreter / Compiler read becomes.
5.5 - $B / $D : Debugging and Haltepunkte - two Direktiven make possible Breakpoints and the spending of Variableninhaltesn during the Programmablaufes in the Interpreter:
5.8 - Bedingte Compilierung $UNDEF <Name> - These Direktive heave The Definition ar circumstance on.
- in the Interpreter are The terms WIN32, VER11.0 and INTERPRETER standardmäßig staid, in the Compiler The terms WIN32, VER11.0.and COMPILER. but not "VER11.0" rather: "<Profanversion in the stature ...>". is because the stature always "Hauptversion.Null"?
6 - Operators, compare and relative Topics - with whom übrigen increased it The Lesbarkeit.
- The Error Message "Zu little Parameter" in a row with verschachtelten functions/clinging, deutet often on a Error in the Klammersetzung there. |
| | | Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 04/02/12 ▲ |
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| | Jörg Sellmeyer | I pieces the time, the Übersichtlichkeit halber, on several Posts on.
7 - variables, Konstanten, Datentypen and Types-conversion - Declare-instructions at the beginning the Programes or It's all right Both. I personally find "Programms" rather
- the commands follows means either first of all The Typbezeichnung the Variables and then the name the variables or Dit name the Vartiablen with Postfix. If the latest Zeichem one
- in lieu of of Float can also The, in others Programmiersprachen gebräuchlichere, shape double used go.
- means go künftig too
7.4 - area - wants one this with XProfan 9 achieve, muß one whom lane over a Hilfsvariable weg: Thanks "neuer" spelling wrong... 7.5 - Strukturvariablen - what but, if one komplette Structures as erkennbare Structures in a structure take wants or moreover even dieselbe structure under unterschiedlichem names in a structure take wants?
Irrsinnigerweise must darüberhinausgehend optional too zusammengeschrieben go (or together written? becomes zusammengeschrieben separated written? )
- ex Version 11.1 are too Zuweisunngen of and To this Unterstrukturen possible. One simple example:
- it is not possible, a Unterstruktur directly as Parameter on a procedure or function To transfer, or. as Return Value for Return To use.
7.6 - Objektvariablen - Additional can a class, next to whom properties or. Attributen (The equal items How with of/ one structure), too yet modes include.
- around the class To use and a Objekte the class To begetn, deklarieren we, How had, first of all The Memory-Variable:
- for a Objekt ours class To produce, becomes Howthe the DIM-commands using:
- The Type of Elemernte of Objektvariablen becomes fundamentally by the Postfix, the latest characters the Elementnamens certainly!
- what but, if one komplette Structures as erkennbare Structures in a class take wants or darüberhinaus even dieselbe structure under unterschiedlichem names in a class take wants? s.o. probably are missing too another couple Kommas...
- ex Version 11.1 are too Zuweisunngen of and To this Unterstrukturen possible.
- If nothing moreover indicated becomes, any properties and modes of/ one class altogether Program famous, and it can over the Objektnamen on these properties and modes zugegriffen go.
- she's only inside the class famous and becomes with the Vererbung neither berücksichtigt. |
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| | Jörg Sellmeyer | 7.10 - Konstanten - there on Konstanten becomes explicit faster zugegriffen isas on variables.
- there's now The UmkehrFunktion
- The functions @ins$(), @del$() and @len() receive the here rather The Funktionsnamen big write, circa uniform To stay. Gleiches counts for hereon subesquent Quelltextauszug
8.1 - Mehrdimensionale Arrays - here goes it around the mehrdymensionalen Arrays
- circa a dreidimensionalen die
- The Number of items one Arrays läßt itself with the function @SizeOf detect: is hold The question, whether one itself on The "neue" spelling einlässt. I personally ignoriere such things too often. In so one Text would I it mind.
- with the function @IndexOf can in eindimernsionalen Arrays
- is the Parameter one dynamisches aray, is the Result the Parametertyp gefolgt of clear
- the Result muß one aray equal Type allocated go. s.o.
- so as deal it itself for a eindimmsionales aray. well - How many mutants there yet?
- with the aray-Zuweisung becomes the expression each Mal new errechnet "jedesmal" now separated and "Mal" big
- On these point bercome tappt im dunkeln a Size and ggf. a structure or. class allocated:
- so is So one aray possible, thereßs different Structures and classes contains. |
| | | Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 04/02/12 ▲ |
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| | Jörg Sellmeyer | 8 - Arrays - here ought to also briefly on eindimensionale Arrys eingegangen go, since the functions IndexOf, Move...() still a Erwähnung worth are. or the Unterpunkt "8.1 Mehrdimensionale Arrays" ought to in "8.1 One- and Mehrdimensionale Arrays" umbenannt go
8.2 Dynamic Arrays - always, if one element allocated becomes, thes The Size
8.3 - Stringlisten and Stringgrids
- @create("List", @create("Grid" @AddStrings, @InsertString, @DeleteString is it solid, that create kleingeschrieben is?
- with Clearlist handle& läßt the list/the Grid clear.
8.4 - The ListboxListe - is the Listboxliste often the ideale Zwischenspeicher
9.1 - Case / Casenote - is The circumstance not erfüllt, goes it with the übernächsten commands or. the next row moreover.
9.3 - While / WhileNot / WhileLoop - The Loop becomes, beginnend with n1%, until Endwert n2% go through (n2% - n1% + 1 Durchläufe).
- as long as & Loop not n2% has (or überschreitet), becomes each Durchlauf n3% To & Loop add.
10.1 - Procedures - it missing the Info on PType$() - too with SubProc
11 - functions - Additional there The Possibility additional to the Procedures Own einzeilige functions To define. Style and Kommasetzung rather: furthermore there The Possibility, additional to the Procedures, Own einzeilige functions To define.
11.4 - Externe functions - with Strings there differences, dependent upon the manner the external Aufrufes.
- with the Übergabe of FreeDll? -expressionsn directly without ADDR(), there against
- with whom übrigen Aufrufarten (means for EXTERNAL, CALL, IMPORTDLL andf IMPORTFUNC.) becomes, in the entrapment one Strings, automatically The address on The externe function weitergereicht.
- then follows, marked through one vorangestelltes "!", one String
- One in detail documenteds Beispielprogramm findtn itself in the directory BEISPIEL:
- tappt im dunkeln muß To this Time No his.
- The so gelinkten functions can in the program now under their, around the Namenszusatz erweiterteten, names called go.
- tappt im dunkeln muß To this Time means present and, in the entrapment of @ImportFunc, too already with @UseDLL loaded his.
- These function allows the direct Call of DLL-functions, without that before a Definition necessary would.
- The übrigen are The, on The function übergebenen, Parameter.
- there it in principle possible is, when calling external functions concerning the Parameterreihenfolge on the Stack or the question, whether Aufrufer or function subsequently whom Stack bereinigen, different ways To beschreiten, there The appeal-Konventionen (calling conventions). Boah - self Thomas man would envious. nevertheless Perhaps whom set decompose, though probably anyhow nobody this whole Einführungskrams reads...
- To XProfan 11 ünterstützte XProfan when calling preparation the turkish Version? |
| | | Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 04/02/12 ▲ |
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| | Jörg Sellmeyer | 12.1 - The "Textmodus" - One wesentlicher Difference is, that Cls without Parameter whom BIldschirm not in the actually colour deletes,
- with Decimals becomes set, wieviele Dezimalstellen can set go, wieviele characters at least wieviele becomes loudly Duden separated in "wie viele" and heard to the "rechtschreiblich difficult Worten": [...]
13.1 - Bitmaps - These graphic can directly of databbracket or but z.B. too from eggoNer DLL or a Ressource the Programes come.
- want we z.B. a Grafikdateri loading, must we whom names
- Sinnvollerweie uses one herer The colour the Hintergrundes,
- certainly in this drop the linkeste, lowermost Pixel of/ one Bitmap. Style - solid? otherwise: certainly in this drop the Pixel left under in a Bitmap.
- should the image not in the Origionalgröße showing,
- with the commands MLoadBmp can a Imagedatei too into memory loaded go
- important data over The loaded Imagedatei include
- or with pictures To fill, can The Graphikausgabe with StartPaint
- If tappt im dunkeln More reinkopieren as reinpaßt or in not existierene reaches malen, Style - if "Sie" is used, stops I hineinkopiert for rather. "reinpaßt" can then even pause.
- too Bitmaps from whom Resources of DLLs and Programs the "deutsche" word is really "Ressourcen". is The question, whether one, with reference the english word "resource", both use wants.
- Sinnvollerweise uses one here The colour the Hintergrundes,
- Images in unchanged or angepaßter
13.2 - Icons - naturally there naturally too in XProfan small Symbolbilder,
- the Program would then not any more Funktionieren.
- DrawIcon "MOREICON.DLL", 23, 70, 100 here ought to rather "Shell32.dll" indicate go
13.3 - Imagelisten - such ImageListen can also meaningfully his, circa Sprites To Save,
- it'll indicated, How big each Images are.
- Pixel consist, muß The Bitmap at least a Size
- If a Bitmap added becomes, can a colour indicated go, The transparent displayed go should.
- should The Images transparent displayed go, can The colour indicated go, The transparent displayed
- ever so much Speicherplatz need, is it it important,
13.4 - Metafiles - XProfan supported ex Version 11 auchf the MetaFile-stature.
- with @create("hMetaFile" becomes one MetaFile becomes loaded and the suitable lever zurückgeliefert. |
| | | Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 04/02/12 ▲ |
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| | | (NT/2000/XP/Vista/7)
and 8!
in this Context...
I had so beautiful and mühevoll the windows 8 with in that Image gepixelt: [...]
without the it auffällt and Roland bauts not one. |
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| | Jörg Sellmeyer | 14 - Sounds - an Punktierte Achtelnote would z.B. with following row played:
- go, instead of one Notenwertes, several, through Semikolon separated, indicated, I must confess, so integrally sure be I in Kommasetzung neither. If you So the feeling have, your Variant rather, lass it so, what's it like.
- The Kanäle 1 To 16 correspond to whom MIDI-Kanälen with the Difference, thes the 4. and 10. channel vertauscht get.
- is The duration 0, becomes the tone punched and the tone sound in the Hintergrund as long as To it off becomes.
- The commands Music gives, with Existing MIDI-unit (Soundkarte or MIDI-interface), The music over the MIDI-unit from.
- to that Play of Sounddateien with the Endung WAV over The Soundkarte, there whom commands PlaySound.
- The latest Paramater certainly whom Abspiel-mode.
- Soundkarte or a Soundchip on the Motherboard vorout.
15.5 MCI-hints - Z.B. one commands, the the Closing the front-Panels one Pioneer Videodisc-Players voraussetzt, can no automatisches Open manage.
16 - Databases - for small To mittlere, not netzwerkfähige Applications is this lane completely enough!
- that is: Volle compatibility To all dBase-III-kompatiblen Databases. here sooner small moreover, there no vollständiger set.
- with the commands Font can festlegt go, whichnr Zeichensatz XProfan into dBase-III-tables using.
16.2 - Datenbankstrukturen and tables - These row contains, through Semikolons separated, nacheinander whom names the Field,
- that the subesquent Zugriffe on The data base on these tabelle with the number 1 relating.
- but not a number, can with the indicated the Tabellenkennzeichens each arbitrary Ganzzahlvariable indicated go.
16.3 - Datenbanktabellen Edit - went Put becomes whom individual Feldern this Datensatzes one worth allocated.
- The Datensatz self muß means too written go,
- For this, need we a index, d.h. a extra File, The The Sortierreihenfolge enthältt.
- circa to that example our Adressentabelle to names To sort, produce we whom suitable index:
16.4 - ODBC-interface - one Window open, the a list the installlierten Datenbanktreiber indicating.
- on this place benen only The most important instructions short aufgeführt:
- to that Delete serves the Befehl DELETE:
- eggnne ausführlichere Description the Opportunities of SELECT is in the SQL-course.
- One successreiches SQLInit supply the lever the Datenbankverbindung back.
- of these Info can on The ODBC-API zugegriffen go, circa its functionalität under Profan To benefit. |
| | | Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 04/02/12 ▲ |
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| | Jörg Sellmeyer | 16.6.4 - Firebird: A small Testprogramm - If the data base "testfdb" not yet existing, in the code becomes Xtest.fdb uses
17.1 - Files - directories - system - around the Attrribute of/ one File To detect,
- The existence of/ one File läßt itself with @FileExists check.
- the actually drive is in the Systemvaraiblen $Drive stored, and the actually way a drive determined The function @GetDir$. such Kommas are so in the meantime optional but here find I it appropriate
- The existence one Verzeichnisses läßt itself with @DirExists check.
- $TempDir to that Anlegwen and Delete temporärer data and $AppDataDir to that secure Anlay and manage of data for application.
- the Windowseigene Hilfesystem can with WinHelp called go.
17.2 - Text files (sequentielle Files) - d.h. the Betriebssystem becomes signals, thes The File to that write and reading opened go should. I find Yes straight these that/that-Umstellung a the schwachsinnigsten Regelungen the whole RS-reform...
- becomes in a File written and connectd the commands CLOSE forget, weg The written data and möglichweise the Content the File lost!
- Info: it sollth to Dateibefehlen always
17.3 - Binäre Files - with @GetFileSize becomes The augenblickliche Size the File in Bytes (max. 2 GByte) determined. counts The boundary too for 64-bit-systems?
- with PutByte can I into File on the eyenblicklichen position
17.4 - Ini files - If Konfigurationsdaten, Spielstände, etc. stored go should, is the Nurtzung of INI-Files very To recommend. Hurtz!
- there @PAR$(0) way and name the current Program wiedergibt, can from it the Programmpfad determined and be The INI-File there stored go. Verweis on $PROGDIR and $AppDataDir would meaningfully
- existing in the File the cut offed yett not,
- gives it The INI-File with the cut offed and the entry already, becomes only the, behind the Gleichheitszeichen stehende, Text changed.
- New in XProfan X2: is the worth behindit the Gleicheitszeichen one Leerstring,
- If one whom already discretionary verschlüsselten entry in the Encode64() in that Base64-stature GetControlParas (B, should well with hot?
17.5 - Registry - thereby becomes, in lieu of the Dateinamens the INI-File, The class in the Registrierdatenbank indicated.
18.1 - Print with XProfan - with the it in the Druckerspooler indentifiziert go can,
- If one at Druckbeginn whom usual Druckerdialog having wants, circa about Druckqualität, Papierschacht, Seitenausrichtung etc. einzustellen, must the first characters the Auftragnamens one "*" his.
- can went the commands WinCopy each arbitrary Window or.
18.2 - The serial interface - a String, the the entsprechenden DOS-Parameter for MODE-commands corresponds to:
18.4 - internet by FTP - this access becomes over Username and Paßword manufactured. another candidate for search/supplant action
- and as Paßword The Email-address. |
| | | Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 04/02/12 ▲ |
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| | Jörg Sellmeyer | 19.3 - ListBox - moreover there one own String-area, thes up to 262144 Entries may have. counts The number yet?
- These Strings go then in the ListBox displayed and of/ one can then of users select go.
- circa these ListBox-list To clear, there whom commands ClearList.
- with AddFiles go The Filenames one Verzeichnisses the list added, where Verzeichnisnamen, in bracket clinging set, into list eingefügt go.
- its To mind, thereß the first entry of/ one Listbox on position zero begins.
- with of/ one sortierten ListBox corresponds to this not the position the Eintrages in the ListBoxListe! in a, How to the understand should. here becomes anyway always correctly the suitable entry zurückgegeben: CompileMarkSeparation - The Content the Listbox-list can also in others Dialogelemente and variables copies go: here missing MoveListToHandle, as well as ...ToStr, ...To Arr, ...ToMem! The whole MoveListTo[Control] should as antiquated erwähnt go. too MoveHandleToList ought to not are missing.
- since XProfan 11 can also The functions @DelethString and @GetCount on The Listboxliste apply go, if as lever a 0 indicated becomes:
- If with @DeleteString as lever The 0 indicated becomes, relating the function on The Listboxs-list. accordingly can now too from the Listbox-list aimed Entries removes go. the Result the function is here The Number of, in the list verbleibenden, items or. -1, if the element not deleted go could. wilder set but More Kommas would so did i not reinmachen. If the because at all the wisdom last Schluss are.
19.4 - Load- and Save-dialogs, as well as ChooseDir-dialog - If the Result one SaveFile-Dialoges the Leerstring is, watts the Dialogue with "Abbruch" exits.
19.5 - data base-dialogs - too here becomes yet The old Syntax (z. B. dbEdit) uses! Also should Verlinkungen rather only once in the Fließtext come along.
- here standing, which Split with which überschrift, in which wide, showing should:
- for each anzuzeigende area must these three values, through Semikolon separated, indicated go.
- 2 = Auswahlliste (gewählter set in Result the function) ?
- to that mode are 16 To add (means 16, 17 or 18), if at Click into Scrollable (between Button and arrow), The list not circa 10% (standard in XProfan) weitergescrollt go should, separate exakt around the, circa 1 reduced, Number of dargestellten Lines. whom must one too number of times reading, circa it To understand...
- in the entrapment of mode 1 is it recommendable, with one Funktionsergebnis <> 0, The Datenbanktabelle with dbPack To pack and, if one index used watts, it with dbCreateIndex new to create.
- Fehleingabe won't allows. Perhaps rather: Fehleingabe becomes prevented.
19.6 - Farbauswahldialog - with the Farbdialog @ChooseColor exists since XProfan 11 The Possibility, whom Windowseigenen Farbauswahldialog aufzurufen,
- there in the example no Program-Window existing, is the first Parameter 0. |
| | | Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 04/02/12 ▲ |
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that is: olle compatibility To all dBase-III-kompatiblen Databases.
Triffts! |
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| | Jörg Sellmeyer | unfortunately are the actually Helpfile no Error korrigiert
Search z.B. to "Vartiablen" |
| | | Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 05/02/13 ▲ |
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| | RGH | Yes, I have first of all only The Ergänzungen eingepflegt. To More reichte The Time not. Sorry. but postponed isn't aufgehoben!
Greeting Roland |
| | | XProfan X2Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 05/02/13 ▲ |
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