
Aristotelische Logik: Syllogismen-game



the klassische Lehrgebäude of Aristoteles over The Logik watts of Gotttlob Frege and finally Bertrand Russel in a plenty umfassenderen Context set - mere had teh folks Griechen in her Denkweise yet a Riesenvorteil: Aristoteles' 'syllogistische' testify (2 Prämissen, one Schlußsatz) were through crowds (means through ggf. überlappende Kreise) representable! from the 256 fundamentally possible Schlussfolgerungen (inkl. incorrect and lies) erwiesen itself thereby only 24 as true! These can now with something Grips the nachstehenden quiz-Program elicit - plenty Fun!
'Alpha-Version without jedwede Gewähr!
Window Title upper$("  A r i s t o t e l i s c h e   L o g i k")
'(CL) Copyleft 2015-10 by P.woodpecker, Wien (Austria). No warranty whatsoever!
'Q: Wikipedia cue "Syllogismus". without jedewede Gewähr!
var w$="Alle Rechtecke are Vierecke,any Squares are Rechtecke,any Squares are Vierecke,"+\
"No rectangle is a circle,any Squares are Rechtecke,no Quadrat is a circle,"+\
"Alle Squares are Rechtecke,some Rhomben are Squares,some Rhomben are Rechtecke,"+\
"No Säugetier breathing with gilles,some Wassertiere are Säugetiere,some Wassertiere breathe not gilles,"+\
"Alle Rechtecke are Vierecke,any Squares are Rechtecke,some Squares are Vierecke,"+\
"No rectangle is a circle,any Squares are Rechtecke,some Squares are no Kreise,"+\
"Alle Professoren are serious,some Dozenten are not serious,some Dozenten are not Professoren,"+\
"No Säugetier breathing through gilles,any Fische breathe through gilles,no fish is a Säugetier,"+\
"Alle Fische breathe through gilles,no Säugetier breathing through gilles,no Säugetier is a fish,"+\
"No deputy is a rascal,some attorneys are rascal,some attorneys are no assemblymen,"+\
"Einige Münchner are not Politiker,any Münchner are Stadtbewohner,some Stadtbewohner are not Politiker,"+\
"Alle Rechtecke are Vierecke,some Rechtecke are Squares,some Squares are Vierecke,"+\
"Einige fruits are Äpfel,any fruits are plant,some plant are Äpfel,"+\
"Keine Münchner are Passauer,some Münchner are students,some students are not Passauer,"+\
"Alle Squares are Rechtecke,any Squares are Vierecke,some Vierecke are Rechtecke,"+\
"Keine Münchner are Passauer,any Münchner are Stadtbewohner,some Stadtbewohner are no Passauer,"+\
"Alle Squares are Rechtecke,any Rechtecke are Vierecke,some Vierecke are Squares,"+\
"Alle Passauer are bavaria,No bavaria are saxons,No saxons are Passauer,"+\
"Einige Rauten are Rechtecke,any Rechtecke are Parallelogramme,some Parallelogramme are Rauten,"+\
"Keine Passauer are Münchner,any Münchner are Stadtbewohner,some Stadtbewohner are no Passauer,"+\
"Keine Passauer are Münchner,some Münchner are students,some students are no Passauer,"+\
"Alle anglers fishing Fische,any Fische swim in the sea, No anglers fishing not sea,"+\
"No anglers is a fish,some Fische are no anglers,No response meaningfully(some vielleich already?),"+\
"No anglers is a fish,some Fische are anglers,some anglers fishing not???,"+\
"Dieser fish is blue,Jener fish is silbern,some Fische are blue and some silbern,"+\
"Einige Säugetiere life in the waters,some animals The on the country life are Säugetiere,- No response meaningfully,"+\
"Dieser fish isn't yellow,any Fische life in the sea,No sinnvolle testimony possible.\n in the sea living one not-gelber fish?,"+\
"Alle Schweine grunt,this beast grunt,some animals are Schweine,"+\
"Alle animals go born,any Schweine are animals,any Schweine go born,"+\
"Keine animals go not born,no pig is no beast not,No sinnvolle testimony möglich"
'pool with incorrect Schlussfolgerungen:
var f$="Alle Rechtecke are Vierecke,any Squares are Rechtecke,any Vierecke are Squares,"+\
"No rectangle is a circle,any Squares are Rechtecke,no circle is a Quadrat,"+\
"Alle Squares are Rechtecke,some Rhomben are Squares,No Rhomben are Rechtecke,"+\
"No Säugetier breathing with gilles,some Wassertiere are Säugetiere,any Wassertiere breathe with gilles,"+\
"Alle Rechtecke are Vierecke,any Squares are Rechtecke,any Vierecke are Squares,"+\
"No rectangle is a circle,any Squares are Rechtecke,any Squares are no Kreise,"+\
"Alle Professoren are serious,some Dozenten are not serious,some Professoren are not Dozenten,"+\
"No Säugetier breathing through gilles,any Fische breathe through gilles,some Fische are a Säugetier,"+\
"Alle Fische breathe through gilles,no Säugetier breathing through gilles,some Säugetiere are a fish,"+\
"No deputy is a rascal,some attorneys are rascal,some delegate are no attorneys,"+\
"Einige Münchner are not Politiker,any Münchner are Stadtbewohner,some Stadtbewohner are not Politiker,"+\
"Alle Rechtecke are Vierecke,some Rechtecke are Squares,some Squares are Vierecke,"+\
"Einige fruits are Äpfel,any fruits are plant,some Äpfel are plant,"+\
"Keine Münchner are Passauer,some Münchner are students,some Passauer are not students,"+\
"Alle Squares are Rechtecke,any Squares are Vierecke,any Rechtecke are Vierecke,"+\
"Keine Münchner are Passauer,any Münchner are Stadtbewohner,some Stadtbewohner are Passauer,"+\
"Alle Squares are Rechtecke,any Rechtecke are Vierecke,some Squares are no Vierecke,"+\
"Alle Passauer are bavaria,No bavaria are saxons,some saxons are no Passauer,"+\
"Einige Rauten are Rechtecke,any Rechtecke are Parallelogramme,some Rauten are no Parallelogramme,"+\
"Keine Passauer are Münchner,any Münchner are Stadtbewohner,some Passauer are no Stadtbewohner,"+\
"Keine Passauer are Münchner,some Münchner are students,no student is no Passauer,"+\
"Alle anglers fishing Fische,any Fische swim in the sea, No anglers swim in the sea,"+\
"No anglers is a fish,some Fische are no anglers,some Fische are anglers,"+\
"No anglers is a fish,some Fische are anglers,any Fische are anglers,"+\
"Dieser fish is blue,Jener fish is silbern,some Fische are blue or some silbern,"+\
"Einige Säugetiere life in the waters,some animals The on the country life are Säugetiere,Säugetiere life on country,"+\
"Dieser fish isn't yellow,any Fische life in the sea,in the sea living one gelber fish,"+\
"Alle Schweine grunt,this beast grunt,some Schweine are animals,"+\
"Alle animals go born,any Schweine are animals,no pig becomes born,"+\
"Keine animals go not born,no pig is no beast not,Schweine are Tiere"
Windowstyle 24:CLS:randomize:font 2
declare in&[29],ok&[29],k&

whileloop 0,29


until in&[k&]=-1:in&[k&]=&Loop':print k&,in&[k&]


declare p$,m$,tr$,i&,a&,a$,ant$,score&,off!

Whileloop 0,29*3,3:i&=&Loop

a&=rnd(2)'true 1 or Wrong 0 to feature?

if ok&[i&\3]'If yet not yet answers:

    cls rgb(240+rnd(16),240+rnd(16),240+rnd(16))
    locate 2,2:print "Score =         ";
    locate 2,10:print score&;" ";
    locate 9,9:print tab(10);"Frage ";int(i&\3+1);"By 30:\n"
    print tab(10);"----------------------------------------------------\n"
    print tab(10);substr$(if(a&,w$,f$),3*in&[i&\3]+1,",")+".\n"
    print tab(10);substr$(if(a&,w$,f$),3*in&[i&\3]+2,",")+".\n"
    print tab(10);"----------------------------------------------------\n"
    font 0:print tab(10);"Also counts: ";
    font 2:print tr$;".\n\n"
    font 0:print tab(10);"         correctly. or wrong ";'a&; 'Please not schummeln!
    font 2:print " [r,f] ?: ";
    input ant$:ant$=trim$(ant$):ant$=left$(ant$,1):ant$=lower$(ant$)
    casenot (ant$="r") or (ant$="f"):goto "nochma"

    if ant$=if(a&,"r","f"):score&=score&+202*off!:sound 1000,40:ok&[i&\3]=0

        else :score&=score&-101*off!:sound 110,40:sound 100,40




Sound 2000,100:print "\n\n Passage geschafft with Score = ";score&

if off!>=sqr(0.2)' Endtest

print "\n it follows a Korrekturmöglichkeit for Fehlantworten."
print " [Button]"
waitinput 30000
goto "Rept"


waitinput 30000


XProfan 11
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...

Zum Spiel

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Sven Bader07/14/21
Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier06/13/21


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