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Nico Madysa | Atomforschung is a small Rätselspaß for up to 1 player and reiht itself into into long list similar Kurzweiler How Schiffeversenken or Minesweeper, obzwar The regulate something kniffeliger are.
Download external Download
target is it, on the 8 time 8 boxes large Spielfeld four Atome to find. moreover can of Spielfeldrand from Laserstrahlen discharge, The in her course from the Atomen affect go. arrives ray one atom, so becomes it absorb. goes it against it concise past, so becomes it circa 90° abgelenkt. who with possible little Laserstrahlen any four Atome finds, gelangt on The Bestenliste.
the Nennenswerte
- simple Bedienbarkeit
- list the five best Experimentatoren
- Internetruhmeshalle
- Bequeme Updatefunktion
- broad Help
The Images here becomes yet busy gerätselt ...
and here's the Spielfeld already aufgedeckt.
The left
Atomforschung in Übertreibers wealthy: [...] The direct Downloadlink: [...] Bestenlistehack-Thread: [...]
any comments velvet review Please in this Thread. |
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| Tolles part! The Ruhmeshalle is too online einsehbar?
for the DL-Link could vlt. yet the DW-Widget benefit. ^^ |
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Nico Madysa | Have I. since the Hochstellen once Downloaded. |
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Nico Madysa | that is, that the Download now over [...] erfolgen must? time see, obs functions. |
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| otherwise can badly counted go. Oo |
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Nico Madysa | whatever, The XProfan.com-Server rule still no Telepathie? But this is slight! |
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| Datenschutzbestimmungen... |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | this is one really interessantes Spielprinzip! what me yet as einziges negative noticed is: apparently checkt the program, whether it Schonmal launched is, that is: it leaves somewhere a entry above. in the first schweigt it itself from, where this entry made becomes (this is Yes ok) but it bid too none Deinstallationsvorgang, circa any Programmbestandteile/-entries again To Remove. otherwise be I still thereby rauszufinden, How these stupid Ablenkungsprinzipien functions. with two Atomen next to each other find I it yet heavy, the to find out and if a right on edge is... The Farbgestaltung find I something slight and these fat Fraktura-Schriften something intrusive, circa not To say agressiv. Well - the are now already 2-3 negatives things but the game gefällt me really well!
Greeting Jörg
Äh - nochwas: The Hilfetext sound something schwülstig with "knapp on the Atome vorbei" or "zurück to that Spiele". the should still no mittellterliches Adventure his, separate one hochwissenschaftliches experiment. there would I then too The Buttons properly beschriften. but not "neues Spiel" rather "Neues experiment starten" or so... |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 08/20/09 ▲ |
Nico Madysa | Yes, what The Beschriftungen angeht, i was yet something inkonsequent, that becomes well once more machine.
To "Entries": How on the web page [...] standing, , the program files in the Appdata-directory on -- of them alone one eventueller game-Zwischenstand and the Bestenliste the terminate the Program survive. the Program guckt, if it launched becomes, simply to, whether The Bestenliste already exist; if so, then watts it already time launched.
to Deinstallation: admittedly is the Button something cache, I consider already hither and thither, How I everything unterbringen and the Layout at the same time crept hold should. Under the Button "Über ..." finds itself next to version number and Updatefunktion too one Button, with the any Appdata-Entries deleted go. is this accomplished, then is the game again in a status, as would have You it even first Downloaded. it must then means only yet The Exe-File deleted go. (the can tappt im dunkeln unfortunately not self manage.)
to Help: I have already with the thoughts played, one Tutorium beizufügen, but yet meant, that itself with some try everything find out let. sees so from, as should it still into.
thanks already times for The review, i'll zusehen, I tappt im dunkeln umsetzen will be. |
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Nico Madysa | Update on Version 1.03!
- Help- and others Texts umformuliert - Kontrollfenster right umgeordnet - "Kontrollzentrum" added (the most important Overview) - "Praktikum" added (Tutorium to Statement the Spielprinzips) - groben Error from the Update gekillt -- Perhaps Better get going now functions ... :--/
it'll follow - small Sicherheitsupdate (Verschlüsselung the link to that Server, if Bestenliste uploaded becomes, becomes changed go) - grafically Aufbesserung the Spielfensters (Perhaps) |
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| Juhu, i am pleased already hereon the everything then in the displayed hWnd becomes. |
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