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Jac de Lad | well, I mean, that on some to put The left instead of the rechten Mouse button pressed go must, even if windows on Linkshänder tuned is. on itself have I dran gewöhnt, because 99% the Games are linkshänderunfreundlich, but RedCube is perfekter: on manchen to put ists correctly., on others not... |
| Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE) Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP | 09/18/07 ▲ |
| lol!
certainly I zw. mousepressed and getasynckeystate wechsle
I faith, would I Linkshänder - i'd windows not Linkshänder take on separate me on it exercise The incorrect Mouse button To pressing. *g* |
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Nico Madysa | Habs now finally tested, must but too say, that it except the new make-up, How the Titelbildschirm (the but genial looks! ) for Kenner the first Teils right little New gives. I had it therefore not RedCube II called. I gebs To, I must me beaten give, your game is integral rather as Ticetac & Männlkiken. |
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| a) it get ca. 200 Error fixed b) it get ca. 300 Error fixed c) the game is now multilingual d) the game can now too under Vista played go e) The highscore watts completely revised and bid now for 160 burst Space f) the Shop watts with new Products filled and was completely revised g) spots/strategy watts completely revised h) there's More as 20 new Stages/Level i) any Stages are now capable itself the Spielerstärke anzupassen j) the game has now erstmalig its names earn there really (at least) a RedCUBE around the Steinchen drawn becomes k) there's now erstmalig Options circa z.B. Sound abzuschalten or into Fenstermodus To chid l) there's now too finally a Ingame-Help to that game with hints and Tricks and einfachen Explanations
Eigendlich is it sooner so the RedCUBE1 little with RedCUBE2 together has, except for whom Fakt, that one Steinchen dye must. |
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Nico Madysa | Muhaha, I habn Error in 2.1 gefudnen! in the Anfangssequenz can I a slight gräulichen wander on-screen see (with glory programmers group and the curd) . The is with Text Nr. 2, 3 as well as with XPROFAN.COM visible. otherwise still one gavel-game. |
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| withal fehlender 3D-hardware very yummy under Vista playable, that was XP not so... |
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Nico Madysa | under [...] is the Downloadlink broken. |
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| Wuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Thank you!
Repariert. |
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Johannes Meyer | Hey ;) Grüß you IF.
having the Spielchen of you already to längerer Time tested. having but unfortunately forget here something To leave behind.
I have it short angespielt , in any case something new ;) stick crazy new ideas behind it. having then only somehow no Time More to that weiterspielen
Top game moreover so ;) |
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| Supi and Thank you.
its hold from the years 2007 and was to that debug the then in XProfan new
eingbauten OGL-skills emerged. I have yet further with XProfan
programmed but not published Games in the Petto and not weiterentwickelt,
there these whom ogl.TestMode use the but only on 1/2 all computer correctly.
work. |
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