
Schiebe-Puzzle - OpenSource

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Jörg Sellmeyer (05.04.12)
How would you the mix spektakulärer make.
there will need you just thrice one after another to the mix The Einzelbilder Show and already see it How mix from.

you mean that I it thrice mix and Show should. and the dritte time is the final Result!?

Jörg Sellmeyer (05.04.12)
Why. If one it self resolve, get one it neither displayed.
therefore goes it Yes - it could a reward his, if one it geschafft has. and naturally knows to the Image or can it itself Show let but the joke is Yes, that one it itself erarbeiten should.

I could too Show How many moves one used has.
If one on solve clicking has one 0 moves used. If one it yourself resolve need one More as 0 moves.

Jörg Sellmeyer (05.04.12)
the dissolve would so did i gladly animate. though white I do not How I ansätzen should.
the white I unfortunately neither. On Wikipedia gibt's general Info and a Verweis to a self auflösenden Java-Puzzle:  [...] 
Date finds certainly Lösungswege...

will be I me tommorrow time angucken. Perhaps nützt it me something.

Jörg Sellmeyer (05.04.12)
have Thou in the meantime found out, what whom Error in the compilierten Program auslöst?

unfortunately No. I have no idea Why it lying could. Perhaps could time someone here from the Forum whom View source on possible Reasons investigating.

Jörg Sellmeyer (05.04.12)
Achso: the Leerfeld ought to another (Perhaps red) Umrandung having. If one one Image with plenty Black has, is it with difficulty to find.

would be I do not so well fallen. it would the complete solid verschandeln
XProfan X2
Win7 Home Premium, SP1, AMD Athlon(tm) II Neo K125 Processor

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you mean that I it thrice mix and Show should. and the dritte time is the final Result!?


will be I me tommorrow time angucken. Perhaps nützt it me something.

I mean this is not simply. Perhaps can Frank you there Support zukommen let. The has time 'ne Dll written, The "Wege findet".

it would the complete solid verschandeln

is correct already - but: shape follows function; if you the what says.
it reicht, if you it, z.B. with pressing the Strg-Button, short aufblinken can.

Perhaps could time someone here from the Forum whom View source on possible Reasons investigating.

I wealth, as long as You whom code not something aufräumst, become You you there little hope make can...
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Jörg Sellmeyer (06.04.12)
you mean that I it thrice mix and Show should. and the dritte time is the final Result!?

OK, have I now installed.

Jörg Sellmeyer (06.04.12)
will be I me tommorrow time angucken. Perhaps nützt it me something.
I mean this is not simply. Perhaps can Frank you there Support zukommen let. The has time 'ne Dll written, The "Wege findet".

Have I me straight durchgelesen. on the Wikipedia-Page standing not How one a Lösungsweg to charge can. only How one detect can whether a Puzzle a Solution own or not. this is though too only on one 15-pieces Puzzle dull. by me Gibts Puzzle with the Size of 9, 15, 25, 36,49 and More sharing.
me would one Lösungsansatz already wealthy. I have none blassen Schimmer How to the effectively solve could. The only (uneffektive) Solution The me einfiele would simply with chance zuarbeiten. would be naturally Ewigkeiten last...

Jörg Sellmeyer (06.04.12)
it would the complete solid verschandeln
is correct already - but: shape follows function; if you the what says.
it reicht, if you it, z.B. with pressing the Strg-Button, short aufblinken can.

hmmmmm....I steh straight a little bit on the Schlau
How Dou you mean the?

Jörg Sellmeyer (06.04.12)
Perhaps could time someone here from the Forum whom View source on possible Reasons investigating.
I wealth, as long as You whom code not something aufräumst, become You you there little hope make can...

what Dou you mean with straighten up? is it whom not aufgeräumt?
XProfan X2
Win7 Home Premium, SP1, AMD Athlon(tm) II Neo K125 Processor

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I hab's already written: Ähnliche Abläufe in Procedures pack, The suitable Parameter take in can.
Also: selbsterklärende Variablennamen, a Formatierung, The augenfreundlicher is, altogether longer Procedures works, so the code rather strukturiert is...

hmmmmm....I steh straight a little bit on the Schlau
How Dou you mean the?

If one The Strg-Button press, should short one welt around the Leerfeld aufblinken.

this is though too only on one 15-pieces Puzzle dull.

The control functions with of/ one beliebigen amount of sharing.
As I said: to that Lösungsweg white so did i nothing. I Have there too yet nothing found (,I understand ).
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...


its really integrally just lösbare Puzzel To mix because You same only so

train-circa-train mix as well as zurückgespielt go could.

Übrigens points You then too with How many Zügen the game In any drop To solve is

and can Show: yet n moves... or something like How: "Juhu, you have a yet

kürzeren Lösungsweg found as the Mischweg moves mixed!".

These whole Grafikfehler would I so to fix because the image crept in memory

(MCLS) created and is only always each new Frame the hWnd copies.

so can You too the window größenskalierbar make possible and mCopySizedBmp

always on The entire Fenstergröße spend.


its really integrally just lösbare Puzzel To mix because You same only so train-circa-train mix as well as zurückgespielt go could.

the would my next suggestion been. the nützt though nothing, if the player itself yourself in a others situation brought has.
now could one of course any moves mitprotokollieren and then The Solution abrufen. the would but something gammy. It's all right Yes circa a Lösungsweg from eachone situation.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

I Have time quasi the contrary program:
Proc QuadratKoordinaten

    Parameters a%,b%' the are The virtual Coordinates the Squares (means 1,1 or 0,2)
    Declare worth$

    If Between(%mousex,a% * wide%,(a% + 1) * wide%, %mousey, b% * Hoehe%,  (b% + 1) * Hoehe%)

        'here go The tatsächlichen X/Y-Coordinates determined
        worth$ = Str $(%mousex \ wide% * wide%) + " " + Str $(%mousey \ Hoehe% * Hoehe%)


    Return worth$


Proc MouseAbfrage

    WhileLoop 0,amount%-1

        WhileLoop 0,amount%-1

            Test$ = QuadratKoordinaten(&Loop,l%)

            If Test$ > " "

                x% = Val(SubStr$(Test$,1," "))
                y% = Val(SubStr$(Test$,2," "))


            Test$ = " "


        Case Test$ > " ":Break
        Inc l%


    Clear l%
    'Window Title Test$ ' to control go The X/Y-Coordinates in the Titelleiste viewed


Proc moving

    Parameters x1%,y1%
    'inside the Fensters stay

    If ((x1% > -1) And (y1% > -1)) And (((x1% + wide%) <= Width(%hwnd)) And ((y1% + Hoehe%) <= Height(%hwnd)))

        SetWindowPos hAnzeige&,x1%,y1%
        x% = x1%
        y% = y1%
        x_alt% = x1%
        y_alt% = y1%



Window Style 2 | 8 | 16' | 512
Window 100,100 - 806,600 + %cyCaption + 6' Window can too discretionary take on
Declare l%,Test$,x%,y%,x_alt%,y_alt%,wide%,Hoehe%,amount%
Declare i1%,i2%
Anzahl% = 4' here can The Number of boxes take on. amount% = 4 yields 16 boxes
Breite% = (Width(%hwnd) / amount%,0)
Hoehe% = (Height(%hwnd) / amount%,0)
SetWindowPos %hwnd = %winleft,%wintop - (amount% * wide% + 6),(amount% * Hoehe% + %cyCaption + 6)' Rundungsfehler offset
x_alt% = Rnd(amount%) * wide%
y_alt% = Rnd(amount%) * Hoehe%
Var hPic& = Create("hNewPic",wide%,Hoehe%,$0F00FF)
Var hAnzeige& = Create("Bitmap",%hwnd,hPic&,x_alt%,y_alt%)

While 1

    Locate 1,1
    Case %Mousepressed = 1:MouseAbfrage()

    If %key = 2


    ElseIf Test$ > " "

        i1% = Abs(x_alt% - x%)' <= 100
        i2% = Abs(y_alt% - y%)' <= 100

        If ((i1% + i2%) = wide%) | ((i1% + i2%) = Hoehe%)

            SetWindowPos hAnzeige&,x%,y%
            x_alt% = x%
            y_alt% = y%


        Test$ = " "

    ElseIf IsKey(37)

        moving(x_alt% - wide%,y_alt%)

    ElseIf IsKey(38)

        moving(x_alt%,y_alt% - Hoehe%)

    ElseIf IsKey(39)

        moving(x_alt% + wide%,y_alt%)

    ElseIf IsKey(40)

        moving(x_alt%,y_alt% + Hoehe%)



here becomes one rectangle on of/ one disengaged expanse moving. one must in the principle only another Kollisionsabfrage install.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

If at the outset one Lösungsweg not impossible is then ought to still

a Solution always with Durchrotieren To detect his.

the would then Brute Force.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Jörg Sellmeyer (06.04.12)
I hab's already written: Ähnliche Abläufe in Procedures pack, The suitable Parameter take in can.
Also: selbsterklärende Variablennamen, a Formatierung, The augenfreundlicher is, altogether longer Procedures works, so the code rather strukturiert is...

hmmmm....plenty work, if one it in the Nachhinein power. there white one none where one begin should.

Jörg Sellmeyer (06.04.12)
If one The Strg-Button press, should short one welt around the Leerfeld aufblinken.


iF (06.04.12)
If at the outset one Lösungsweg not impossible is then ought to still
a Solution always with Durchrotieren To detect his.

Perhaps ought to I first on it make only lösbare Puzzles to create. otherwise would one Algorithmus the it resolve not always zweckdienlich.
XProfan X2
Win7 Home Premium, SP1, AMD Athlon(tm) II Neo K125 Processor

Webseite [...] 


there white one none where one begin should.

see You - and the wanted You us zumuten...
look you time my code on. there become You sure of what use can.

Z.B. erstellst You here over ands over again new Images:
whileloop 1,part_x&,If((part_x& Mod 2)=0,2,1)

    space&=Create("hNewPic", &loop, part_y&, Back_Color())
    DrawPic space&, ((spalte_&-1)*part_x&), (zeile_&-1)*part_y&; 0
    DrawPic pic_part&[i_&], ((spalte_&-1)*part_x&)+&loop, (zeile_&-1)*part_y&; 0
    DeleteObject space&


If you instead one Bitmapcontrol erstellst, can You, the to Belieben on the Window herumschieben.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Jörg Sellmeyer (06.04.12)
Z.B. erstellst You here over ands over again new Images:
whileloop 1,part_x&,If((part_x& Mod 2)=0,2,1)

    space&=Create("hNewPic", &loop, part_y&, Back_Color())
    DrawPic space&, ((spalte_&-1)*part_x&), (zeile_&-1)*part_y&; 0
    DrawPic pic_part&, ((spalte_&-1)*part_x&)+&loop, (zeile_&-1)*part_y&; 0
    DeleteObject space&


Eig. create I do not always new Image. I male tappt im dunkeln only the Window.
Per Create("hNewPic",...) (see supra) create I only a black wander. instead could so did i whom Command Line or Rectangle use.
Nachtrag: through Rectangle supplant!

Jörg Sellmeyer (06.04.12)
If you instead one Bitmapcontrol erstellst, can You, the to Belieben on the Window herumschieben.

I see whom benefit therein not. I bräuchte additional to the Images yet each one Bitmapcontrol. I had means The double amount on Controls. and windows should More memory and CPU aufopfern!?
XProfan X2
Win7 Home Premium, SP1, AMD Athlon(tm) II Neo K125 Processor

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Sven Bader07/14/21
Michael Klumb04/18/16
Julian Schmidt01/07/16


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