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![iF: 10/26/10](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Juhu ![](.././../../i/s/cool.gif) what about me must the absolutely filmen...
one 4 metres langes uraltes Holztor the itself How of Geisterhand opens - naturally program with: well? well?
without you (in the particular Thomas and Marc) [...] had I no chance had... now ists accomplished what about me zeigs here too... |
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![iF: 10/26/10](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | hardware:
1 goal. (0€)
to that valet a beliebigen (internetfähigen) computer or. one (internetfähiges) Handy and/ or one iFone or iPet - quasi (one Uralttor the itself of everywhere from over internet steer can ^^) (0€ because we "alle" already NEN computer own)
one (suburb) (Home-) Webserver (ever a middle-aged computer hold, have for middle-aged HP-EEPC-become lumpy under a Turm verbaut) (80€ eBay)
a GemBird SilverShield over PC/ USB steuerbare Steckdosenleiste (35€ Amazon)
two 3A Notebook-Netzteile for 19€ with Saturn
one Gleichstromgetriebemotor (~ 18€ eBay)
Metalle ausm Baumarkt and screwing+ Muttern (~20€)
XProfan-Program as Syswrapper to that transfiguring the Webserveranfragen in GemBird-Steuerungsbefehle. (tin 1 on, from, 2 on, from...)
Spanngummies ausm Baumarkt (~10€)
1 Relais of Conrad (see Elternthema) ~ 3,50€
I mean the wars, Bildmaterial follows... |
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![iF: 10/27/10](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | white of course not what the Codec there with the video employed has... (so verzerrt)
but one kanns Yes nevertheless bisl discern... ^^
![](https://xprofan.com/files/envok.jpg) |
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![Rolf Koch: 10/27/10](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | Geniale thing, but on the side notice, the place is too very beautiful, because sees nice awfully there from. horny ^^ |
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![Thomas Freier: 10/27/10](.././../../i/a/722278123487bd8c272307.gif) Thomas Freier | @iF, have whom motor too Safe, for drop, that of/ one The door blockiert. I have gladly FLACHSICHERUNGS-AUTOMATEN with Selbstrückstellung with whom Bootssteckdosen inserted https://www.conrad.de/ce/de/product/840270/FLACHSICHERUNGS-AUTOMAT/SHOP_AREA_17289&promotionareaSearchDetail=005#download-documents |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 10/27/10 ▲ |
![iF: 10/27/10](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | @Thomas: sincere said have I there garnichts Safe - eachone breakdown would in the "Chaos" terminate. ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1100084240.gif)
likewise problematically: I turn whom motor to Time - very 29 sec. Z.B. with wind stimmts then not any more because the motor Yes slower or faster turn - I can Yes unfortunately not say "X-Umdrehungen".
I could vlt. a mouse auseinanderbauen and the Klickkontakte klingeldrahtisch verlängern into sew the Scharniere in order to Verify whether successful opened or closed.
Optimal would but well if I a ca. 4 metres long Gewindestange had The on the goal fasten is and of a motor turned would.
i know the it X Torsteuerungen gives but the "Problem" is hold that I even self by computer/ Server the On and To settle can likes. ^^ |
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![iF: 10/27/10](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Rolf Koch (27.10.10)
Geniale thing, but on the side notice, the place is too very beautiful, because sees nice awfully there from. horny ^^
Well very! is too utterly awfully hehe! |
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![Thomas Freier: 10/27/10](.././../../i/a/722278123487bd8c272307.gif) Thomas Freier | a little bit (self)safety would I already install. These selbstrückstellenden Thermosicherungen would whom motor to Überlast protect and having whom benefit, that, if the obstacle lane is and the Steuerungsbefehl yet ansteht, the goal moreover moving becomes or the game begins of in front. ought to The strength the Motors suffice circa z.B. Kleinkinder umzuwerfen, should the Auslösestrom the Sicherung correspond to squat chosen go. and before I somehow a lane mess, would I me two Endschalter grant.
there, How I suspect, it itself not circa your "Hauskapelle" deals, could the studies of [...] not damage.
is Yes now run. but for such tack had I well something in the direction GMS Scout (4x Message, 2x action) taken and by SMS gesteuert. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 10/27/10 ▲ |
![iF: 10/27/10](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | If something blockiert ... the motor is already with something stärkerem wind To slight - ok - vlt. could the gezurrte rope a fingers break but the might already the supreme the feelings his. ^^
after the now but that's all right functions would like the system now rebuild, a Gewindestange (or so) should the goal on and zuschieben and these should hold of a motor driven go the I something like How "Anzahl Schritte" communicating can.
only where such ca. 5 metres long bar get... Baumärkte having moreover any schlappgemacht. ^^ |
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![Thomas Freier: 10/27/10](.././../../i/a/722278123487bd8c272307.gif) Thomas Freier | what want You with the Gewindestage? What is whom on the Motorwellenende? Ritzel or Keilriemenscheibe? |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 10/27/10 ▲ |
![iF: 10/27/10](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Do I Fotofieren... is hold Getriebemotor and the Welle turn hold The string one. ^^ |
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![Thomas Freier: 10/27/10](.././../../i/a/722278123487bd8c272307.gif) Thomas Freier | Date time to Linearmotor or. Spindelmotor. with the vorhandenen motor faith I come You not further or it'll expensive. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 10/27/10 ▲ |