Image01: The small Clubanlage. with this caught it on the GDL system to DCC To portieren. here Have I at least 1 kg nerves verbraten. therefore Have I these small Minnibahn too to that Fressen gladly.
Image02: Amerikaanlage.Tunneleinfahrten into Rocky Mountains. in this mountain introduce Gleiswendel into downstairs area.(Schattenbahnhof)
Image03: this computer runs soon hot
Image04: Holzverladeplatz(any mountains are from Styropor and any Trees handgefertigt)
Image05: drive in Schattenbahnhof(ingesamt 10 Gleise) this Aufnahmeabschnitt is directly under the Holzverladebahnhof.
Image06: drive in GEHTS then in 2 plains downward.(procession as 3.plain planned)
Image07: Gesamtanlage (america) 1.stick. length 12m wide 2m. in the Image Günther Cornelli the with this Grossprojekt mithilft.
Image08: of/ one of 2 Gleiswendeln of inside. here becomes one Höhenunterschied of ca. 40 cm ü under is then everything Kammeraüberwacht.
Image09: this Image Have I for Bernd Haas made. the larger ones unit with the 5 small green shine is a Booster.and the Circuit The on the Pappdeckel on the PC lying is its Trial for GDL Adapter.this Booster has 400 Watt.
Image10:again one Image for Bernd: this brauchste everything circa 10 Weichen on whom PC To catch.this here are 10 Schaltdecoder.Gleiches on Image11.
Image12: often I thought me Sollste from the bridge jumping, if again quite nothing went and only Rauchzeichen aufstiegen.
Image13: Günter at Anschluss of/ one Intellibox. with this Box can one Notbetrieb upright receive stay.
Image14: here arise straight one new Schattenbahnhof for next equipment.
Image15:here go The Lokomotiven program, since the two Anlagencomputer now already from the last vent whistling.
once SKE from america back is, go The moves photographing.
WICHTIG !!!! such facilities can not simply time so erbauen.If one fit is building one its Decoder self or has plenty money and buy these.I building of course too ex and on which ABER AUS GESUNDHEITSGRÜNDEN only few and without Zeitlimit. If one then too any its Kommponenten zusammenhat - OHNE Kenntnisse the Bahnbetriebablaufes - becomes it often creak. without 10 jährige experience had I neither on such facilities getraut. likewise must one with of/ one ca.5 jährigen Bauzeit calculate - without terrain! -.
my kommplette Steuerungssoftware runs with XProfan10 and Atmel ASM.
Hello Georg
P.s. If the Signaldecoderplatine reif is, I will my Heiligtum document.only by me becomes no worth aufs terrain laid. by me must moves,moves and over again moves rad and thereafter becomes again zerlegt and a other shelf laid down.