
XDATA - Includes for XProfan 10

XDATA - Includes for XProfan 10 and higher
copyright 2006 by Thomas (ts-soft) Schulz

Echtes Compilieren with XProfan

this pkg exists from 2 Include-Files, Examples as well as the GoLink Linker by jeremy Gordon (https://www.jorgon.freeserve.co.uk/)

Mithilfe this Paketes can compilierte windows-Resources (*.res) in reinem XProfan compiliert go. These can Mithilfe the ResHackers
of/ one Profan-Runtime added, or. to a DLL gelinkt go (this watts the GoLink Linker enclosed, ResHacker not pkg)

Desweiteren can these Resources with the 2ten Include-File slight in XProfan-Programs used go.

The Funktionalität dull itself on benutzerdefinierte Resources too as RCDATA famous (each manner of File, Exe, Dll, BMP, Txt, Wav etc. possible)

[size=16]Funktionsbeschreibung XDATA_Compiler.inc:[/size]

XDATA_Create(FileName$) Dateiname ggfls. with way, as Dateiextension ought to *.res uses go (won't examined)
These function erstellte a new Resourcedatei (evtl. available gleichnamige File deleted), with the erforderlichem Dateikennungen
Result: Filehandle, which for further Operationen needed becomes.

These function opens a already erstellte *.res (of these routines or anderem Resource-Compiler) and setting whom Dateizeiger ans end,
circa further Resources hinzuzufügen.
Result: Filehandle, which for further Operationen needed becomes.

These function closes The Resources-File. is absolutely to termination the Hinzufügens to execute!

XDATA_Add(Filehandle&, FileName$, Nr&)
These function fügt The File FileName$ as Resource with the number Nr& the Resources-File hinzu.
Nr& of 1 - 32767, each Nr must only once of these routines added (überschreiben you don't say so)

These function linkt The übergebene Resource-File FileName$ mithilfe of GoLink to a DLL
The way to GoLink.exe can in the head this Include set go, if itself GoLink.exe not Programmpfad befindet!

[size=16]Funktionsbeschreibung XDATA_Functions.inc:[/size]
XDATA_Get(ResNr&, hModule&) hModule& is Optional. with are missing becomes The Resource in the Exe sought
These function loading The Resource with the number ResNr& into memory. the stature can live to appeal this function
from the global Variable XDATA_Size& determined go. (of/ one new Variable zuordnen, there these each further loading of Resources
überschrieben becomes.
Result: Speicheradresse the loaded Resource, to that enable, these on XDATA_Free() transfer!

gives The loaded Resource again spare

XDATA_Save(ResNr&, FileName$, hModule&) hModule& is Optional
save ResNr& as File under FileName$

XDATA_CatchBMP(ResNr&, hModule&) hModule& is Optional
loading The Resource and erstellte one ImageObjekt from it, which with DrawPic and DrawSizedPic used go can.
Result: hPic&, which end with DeleteObject again freizugeben is.

XDATA_PlaySound(ResNr&, Modus&, hModule&) hModule& is Optional
game a as Resource encompassed Wav-File ex. mode corresponds to the Spielmodus of PlaySound

what one so everything employ can, überlasse I eurer imagination (z.B. SKControll.dll in Prfrun32.exe and Mithilfe of MemoryModule benefit )


Feedback How always erwünscht

199 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: on title line

Update on Version 1.1

+ Error with of/ one variables fixed.
+ Feherbehandlung in XDATA_Compiler.inc correct
! Umbenannt XDATA_Link To XDATA_LinkToDLL
+ XDATA_LinkToExe

Mithilfe the ResHackers, whom your on the Profan-CD or Internet finds, can now The Resources directly in The Runtime gelinkt go, without the the ResHacker extra called becomes. i think time, the ought to whom Use with benutzerdefinierten Resources vastly relieve.
One Script created The Resources and linkt these to Runtime or to a DLL, according to wish


Wow - I wished The Ressourcengeschichte too over Kompilerschalter the xpse regulate - one places means in the jeweiligen Source solid which Ressourcen How processing or angehangen go should.

XData would still perfect this or?
How should I vorgehen?

You can only this a Types of Resources produce, with whom standard-Resources is the Header something komplizierter. the kannste naturally by XPSE automatisieren. The Resourcentyp X_DATA (XProfan-Data) ought to only of this Inc. come, Standardname is RCData

must naturally ensuring, the ResHacker or. GoLink found go, these by Profane-Code supplant is me yet not geglückt


OK then were I...

OK then were I...

this year becomes probably not wealthy


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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