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HofK | since beginning february the year had I The work on the book and the Mitarbeit in the Infinity-Profan Forum by a schweren Schicksalsschlag heavy retrenching.
into Ankündigungen to that book was To reading, that The finished chapter fachlektoriert go.
"Eine externe Korrektur to german Language and a Fachlektorierung find first to completion the finalen Version each Kapitels instead of."
The Fachlektor was our son Sven Hoffmeister. it verstarb suddenly and unexpected beginning february. The Fachlektorierung remaining open, the book I will moreover write and it consecrate.
The eigentliche Zwangsunterbrechung arose but first by the 1and1 Telecom GmbH on the 18.03.2016, after we before in the Nachlassabwicklung formal correctly The Verträge ours Sohnes with the firm gekündigt had.
Verweise on hofk.de in the book are momentarily frail.
whom unglaublichen Sachverhalt having we to that understanding as "Notseite" on hofk.de uploaded.
it concerns too further projects next to Infinity-Profan.
Klaus Hoffmeister and family
Nachtrag: The Sachverhalt is to Wiederherstellung the Page hofk.de now on hofk.info. |
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Michael W. | both Messages are ghastly...
Herzliches Beileid Michael Wodrich (too with 1u1) |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | unfortunately zuviele sad Messages in this year. my herzliches Beileid To this schweren wastage.
With the 1u1 kommentiere I time none. |
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Pedro Miguel | too my herzliches Beileid To Euren schweren wastage Pedro Santos |
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Micha12334 | its heavy To verkraften; How can You with such Schicksalsschlägen yet correctly. works? my herzliches Beileid! Michael Schönwald |
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