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![HofK: 04/20/15](.././../../i/a/1486.gif) HofK | at that background to UNIX Time (s.39) has same time the Error zugeschlagen. always these three nobodies, Millisekunden, sec. so ought to it now voices. with want new herunterladen.
"Die Time becomes in Android intern as so-called UNIX Time viewing. The Time counts The since the 01.01.1970 00:00watch UTC past sec, where Schaltsekunden not mitgezählt go. the are yet already integrally beautiful many. Reicht there really the Speicherplatz another while? we remind us Perhaps yet on the year 2000 trouble, whom so-called Millennium-bow.
there's with the UNIX Time one year 2038 trouble. this is not any more long there, because in the january 2038 becomes The Number of past sec The capacity of/ one a signed 32-bit-Ganzzahl (maximum 2.147.483.647) beyond!
for ältere systems and software can the to that trouble go. not for Infinity-Profan. here becomes the Datentyp long with 64 bit using. How long lasts it then until next trouble? far over 200 000 000 000 years. our universe is about round 14 000 000 000 years old. The oldest types the Gattung Homo lived against it first to round 2 000 000 years. there remaining enough Time!" |
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