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HofK | Importent Info! The subesquent Posts relating itself on ursprüngliche versions of AndroidProfan/Infinity-Profan from the year 2015 and are so with regard to content/syntaktisch antiquated and accordingly not run. (15.01.2016)
Musste simply time dry testing, How AndroidProfan - new name Infinity-Profan - itself so coded. In of my Programmiersteinzeit durfte I in tidy large Druckbuchstaben one Programmformular describe. And then to persönlicher submitted one, two days on The long gedruckte Fehlerliste Waiting. The Steinzeitheimwerker mussten indeed with 'nem Faustkeil cope.
now integrally soft typed and by network in any world common. time see, what nowadys so zurückkommt.
first local: tidy tabuliert (comes in the Codebox not fully rüber) is the clear. might me saponaceous so make friends and if need be on The Beginner api dispense.
Update: See IF-Fehlerfindung under, but well still bestanden? so itself Error not get around, have I tappt im dunkeln markiert and correct. the Pi sooo long is - hereon entrapment I guaranteeing again mere.
The colours I had aware time rgb() and times as Konstanten in Internetfarben #hexhexhex indicated. moreover I had yet nothing näheres discover or overlooking ($ Notation). would be but useful, The HTML- Notation optional benefit to.
Update: code null there The Syntax for gui changed watts is the code null. becomes soon on the actually stood brought. is results, see below.
area of the circle
// Program area of the circle
var headl = "Das first AndroidA Program
var stat = "Status: Kreis"
var kfl = 0.0
var grg = gui( gui.add, gui.grid, gui.hwnd, [3,4] )// GrundRasterGrid
var h_txt = gui( gui.add, gui.Text, grg[2,1], headl )// Textcontrol for Headline settle
var m_txt = gui( gui.add, gui.Text, grg[2,2], kfl )// Textcontrol Hauptzelle
var s_txt = gui( gui.add, gui.Text, grg[2,3], stat )// Textcontrol for internen status
gui gui.mod, gui.bgcolor, gui.hwnd, rgb(192,192,192)// primitive colour silver (dezent gray)
gui gui.mod, gui.width, grg, [8,84,8]// Spaltenbreiten prozentual
gui gui.mod, gui.height, grg, [12,70,10,8]// Zeilenhöhen prozentual
gui gui.mod, gui.textcolor, h_txt, rgb(150,191,61)// Headline in androidem green #96bf3d
gui gui.mod, gui.bgcolor, grg[2,2], rgb(255,255,155)// Hauptzelle gelblich
gui gui.mod, gui.bgcolor, grg[2,3], $e7e7e7// Statuszelle hellgrau
gui gui.mod, gui.textcolor, s_txt, rgb(255,0,0)// roter Statustext
msgbox 0,"Radius","Kreisberechnung","OK","1.0",kflaeche// Interaction input
proc kflaeche(txt)
// wrong: kfl = math.pi*(float(txt))^2
kfl = math(math.pi)*float(txt)^2// corrections IF
// wrong: gui gui.Text, m_txt, "Die area of the circle totals\nA = " + st(kfl)
gui gui.mod, gui.Text, m_txt, "Die area of the circle totals\nA = " + st(kfl)// ... spending
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| OK wow, the can I intellektuell momentarily apparently not integrally follow.
I can not so image but fürchte, I me there grade something vorstelle, what letztendlich thoroughly super praktikabel would. sure I will then here and there yet nachbessern and add must, but I must now first once a lane weg and forth come, and be it, circa letztendlich of it abzukommen, and be it, circa letztendlich again to there zukommen.
prevent { } |
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HofK | this is too sure nothing more for Anfängerzielgruppe - with Java integrally and none! I dreams hold sometimes immernoch. want too none ertränken! Erstmal on Wesentliches concentrate, updaten goes always. apiece More I there with Java reinschaue, umsomehr ziehe I the hat How one soetwas How Android Profan - new name Infinity-Profan - hinbekommt!!! |
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| alas hat wozu, I wealth we program long enough so something like well possible is. of course not How You already with Robotron R300: Algol 60 and PL/1 on the Start separate i was 8 and began on the Atari800XL - Atari ST with Omikron-Basic I had loved.
to the Layouts: have there so The idea, that if I The Grids only to there- gehend erweitere, that Grids, The on boxes lying instead of on hwnd, thoroughly still a static Size receive can so, if any Spaltenbreiten/Höhen indicated are, not my Skalierungsmethode clutching separate even very The Size is used.
I can present, that so any groben Problems objectively slight of table To wischen are. have me too consider whether one then with AndroidProfan too such "lustigeren"/moderne Layouts umsetzen can where itself everything to the master-Scrollposition depends and come thereby to Erkenntnis, that too such items umsetzbar wären, once I utterly positionierbare "Fenster" ermögliche, quasi new gui.hwnds only with the Difference, that they not only on 0,0 lying and not always screen- big his müssten.
so remaining/becomes everything imaginable simply and one is not limited.
I faith Yes is cool. |
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HofK | together with already Existing display.width and .height and Access to The Android Konstanten/boxes is it integrally sure perfect
DENSITY_DEFAULT DENSITY_HIGH DENSITY_LOW DENSITY_MEDIUM DENSITY_TV DENSITY_XHIGH DENSITY_XXHIGH DENSITY_XXXHIGH / float density int densityDpi int heightPixels float scaledDensity int widthPixels float xdpi float ydpi |
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HofK | have The Android studio Kreisberechnung geupdated (Bugfix & Menu) [...] and the still unvollständige AndroidProfan Gegenstück into online IDE brought. sees well from.
Error width/height - see under with 08.03.2015 |
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| Yes, sees naturally very yummy from!
Nachmal as hint that You by gui.grid as create directly same instead of the Split-Anzahlen too same The wide/Höhendefinitionen mitgeben can.
var myGrid=gui(gui.grid,gui.hwnd,[[34,36,zero],[75,75,75,75,75,zero]])
to IDE:
I have as editor-Control ACE uses, be but To stupid, the one on AndroidProfan suitable Syntaxhochlicht To miss out on though lauter Syntaxhochlichtbeispieldateien thereby are.
who would like, the can immediate! FTP-access to IDE receive and me Please Please thereby help, the ACE one Syntaxhochlicht for AndroidProfan beizubringen. |
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HofK | "...as hint that You by gui.grid as create directly same instead of the Split-Anzahlen too same The wide/Höhendefinitionen mitgeben can.
var myGrid=gui(gui.grid,gui.hwnd,[[34,36,zero],[75,75,75,75,75,zero]]) "
is me clear, sees but anfängertechnisch so plainer from - or?
"Wer would like, the can immediate! FTP-access to IDE receive and me Please Please thereby help, the ACE one Syntaxhochlicht for AndroidProfan beizubringen."
be gladly thereby, though I do not white, How I at ACE-Syntaxhochlicht in lieu of. attempt power kluch!
be I there correctly.? [...] |
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| very there correctly., have you grade The FTP-Zugangsdaten übermittelt - in the index.php simply The rem row Remove for a Hochlicht To enable. momentarily let I plain_text walk. Should me there deeply einarbeiten, have I but on attempt not overlook and it to hinten set. |
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HofK | iF (14.02.15)
... have I but on attempt not overlook and it to hinten set.
Durchschauen do I the too not yet really, but by doing has it already time beautiful motley made (Languages looked through,sql using). time again drüber sleep, Perhaps get to the through simple alteration/ comparison the "Sprachen", zufügen/delete there. then rename and integrate - time see whether it so goes.
with [...] can itself immediate The effect standing.
Error width/height - see under with 08.03.2015 |
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| Okok, It's all right forth. |
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HofK |
Error width/height - see under with 08.03.2015
slow becomes discernible, what there werkelt. some keywords go recognized.
have time whom comment so staid, that it always only between whom double Schrägstrichen recognized becomes. // Kommmentar //
one can means time look what would like. Please no comment to the colours - there i was not yet dran. The Changes are already online, it'll ersteinmal simply The fashion-... .js übergebügelt. |
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| Hehe this is so yummy, what about me pump always already fix The Screenshots [...] with mere once You what postest. |
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