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HofK | Importent Info! The subesquent Posts relating itself on ursprüngliche versions of AndroidProfan/Infinity-Profan from the year 2015 and are so with regard to content/syntaktisch antiquated and accordingly not run. (15.01.2016)
Musste simply time dry testing, How AndroidProfan - new name Infinity-Profan - itself so coded. In of my Programmiersteinzeit durfte I in tidy large Druckbuchstaben one Programmformular describe. And then to persönlicher submitted one, two days on The long gedruckte Fehlerliste Waiting. The Steinzeitheimwerker mussten indeed with 'nem Faustkeil cope.
now integrally soft typed and by network in any world common. time see, what nowadys so zurückkommt.
first local: tidy tabuliert (comes in the Codebox not fully rüber) is the clear. might me saponaceous so make friends and if need be on The Beginner api dispense.
Update: See IF-Fehlerfindung under, but well still bestanden? so itself Error not get around, have I tappt im dunkeln markiert and correct. the Pi sooo long is - hereon entrapment I guaranteeing again mere.
The colours I had aware time rgb() and times as Konstanten in Internetfarben #hexhexhex indicated. moreover I had yet nothing näheres discover or overlooking ($ Notation). would be but useful, The HTML- Notation optional benefit to.
Update: code null there The Syntax for gui changed watts is the code null. becomes soon on the actually stood brought. is results, see below.
area of the circle
// Program area of the circle
var headl = "Das first AndroidA Program
var stat = "Status: Kreis"
var kfl = 0.0
var grg = gui( gui.add, gui.grid, gui.hwnd, [3,4] )// GrundRasterGrid
var h_txt = gui( gui.add, gui.Text, grg[2,1], headl )// Textcontrol for Headline settle
var m_txt = gui( gui.add, gui.Text, grg[2,2], kfl )// Textcontrol Hauptzelle
var s_txt = gui( gui.add, gui.Text, grg[2,3], stat )// Textcontrol for internen status
gui gui.mod, gui.bgcolor, gui.hwnd, rgb(192,192,192)// primitive colour silver (dezent gray)
gui gui.mod, gui.width, grg, [8,84,8]// Spaltenbreiten prozentual
gui gui.mod, gui.height, grg, [12,70,10,8]// Zeilenhöhen prozentual
gui gui.mod, gui.textcolor, h_txt, rgb(150,191,61)// Headline in androidem green #96bf3d
gui gui.mod, gui.bgcolor, grg[2,2], rgb(255,255,155)// Hauptzelle gelblich
gui gui.mod, gui.bgcolor, grg[2,3], $e7e7e7// Statuszelle hellgrau
gui gui.mod, gui.textcolor, s_txt, rgb(255,0,0)// roter Statustext
msgbox 0,"Radius","Kreisberechnung","OK","1.0",kflaeche// Interaction input
proc kflaeche(txt)
// wrong: kfl = math.pi*(float(txt))^2
kfl = math(math.pi)*float(txt)^2// corrections IF
// wrong: gui gui.Text, m_txt, "Die area of the circle totals\nA = " + st(kfl)
gui gui.mod, gui.Text, m_txt, "Die area of the circle totals\nA = " + st(kfl)// ... spending
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HofK |
Error width/height - see under with 08.03.2015
Nachtrag: The Lines 15 To 20 can in the actually version of InfinityProfan end no \ include! to that closing-time are yet The farbigen builtinFunctions online. |
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| Juhu, again Screenshot - always since so!
make but still whom Error myGrid[x,y] instead of [myGrid,x,y].
I freu me already your "Draw" incorporate. |
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HofK | iF (16.02.15)
make but still whom Error myGrid[x,y] instead of [myGrid,x,y].
Ups, there have I probably the old over the new Version gebügel. always busy into IDE copies without accurate hinzuschauen. have me only gewundert, that the bow g_gr, [34,66, ] again drin was. Mach I time whom last Bildschirmschuss again. |
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HofK |
Error width/height - see under with 08.03.2015
Nachtrag: The Lines 15 To 20 can in the actually version of InfinityProfan end no \ include! an something others Farbvariante, from autohotkey created. one can also gewisse delicacies produce (colour the spots with gui.height and gui.bgcolor mind). |
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HofK |
Error width/height - see under with 08.03.2015
Nachtrag: The Lines 15 To 20 can in the actually version of InfinityProfan end no \ include! The identische Variante, from autohotkey created How supra only instead of Theme monokai now solarized_light. somehow not so motley but dezent and augenschonend. one recognize, that The concrete colours of Theme take down. there must first a Grundsatzentscheidung to that Theme since. |
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HofK |
Error width/height - see under with 08.03.2015
Nachtrag: The Lines 15 To 20 can in the actually version of InfinityProfan end no \ include!
fashion AutoHotKey ( [...] ) is sure the best starting point with of/ one new Language, as they not of/ one vorhandenen very similar is. the Theme is another thing. Fummelt one a little bit into sharing rum, from them The final Regulären expressions formed and be letztendlich over Javascript HTML, CSS span, class manipulating go (überaus komplexes system) can delicacies adjust.
with AutoHotKey was ; for Kommentarzeile voreingestellt, have z.B. // from it made. /// functions too, would but very unüblich.
this.$rules = { start: [ { token: 'comment.line.ahk', regex: '(?:^| )//.*$' }, { token: 'comment.block.ahk', regex: '/\\*', push: [ { token: 'comment.block.ahk', regex: '\\*/', next: 'pop' }, { defaultToken: 'comment.block.ahk' } ] }, ...
for the Kommentarblock have so did i time /# ...abcdefg ... .... hijklmnop #/ probiert - sees nice from, but would like to the really?
too a little bit Codefaltung /* <--> ~~ goes already. moreover must one foldingStartMarker: '^\\s*/\\*|^(?![^{]*?;|[^{]*?/\\*(?!.*?\\*/.*?\\{)).*?\\{\\s*($|;|/\\*(?!.*?\\*/.*\\s))', foldingStopMarker: '^\\s*\\*/|^\\s*\\}' } Edit. The actually Changes are each momentarily online. |
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| Klaus Hoffmeister (16.02.15)
The identische Variante, from autohotkey created How supra only instead of Theme monokai now solarized_light. somehow not so motley but dezent and augenschonend. one recognize, that The concrete colours of Theme take down. there must first a Grundsatzentscheidung to that Theme since.
i'd The crazy Mgl., that to the Topic onthefly Change can, thoroughly beibelassen and make supra in that Popupmenü for a Topics-selection. should the User decide which Topic it gladly benefit would like. so müssten We also no concrete colours determine and could us first once mere hereon limit, that the Parser The korrekte Syntax recognize with whom colours too always the Theme equipped is.
what hold You of it? the Pop-Menu can I slight strain, would I php function glob for the Themensuchen use.
class find I the The actually Changes too same Online are so one too same herumprobieren can.
get You it there, that too if end procs gefaltet go? with whom /* rems */ functions the already very yummy. i am pleased correctly. that it with AndroidProfan forth goes. |
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HofK | iF (18.02.15)
get You it there, that too if end procs gefaltet go? with whom /* rems */ functions the already very yummy. i am pleased correctly. that it with AndroidProfan forth goes.
has itself straight überschnitten. Just fixes, that The edit the foldingmarker on my own not ausreicht! must deeper in the system dig.
the Theme wählbar To make is the best Solution! |
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| then building I time with the the Popupmenüthemenauswahloption one. |
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HofK | If ... procs fold ... Have it in principle found [...] below: Adding new folding rules to your fashion can be a little tricky. ... And then comes "harter Stoff" - there must I first reinwühlen. the lasts. |
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| Yes, very, before it try I (yet integrally successful!) To pressing. |
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| so, Have time blanket a Theme-selection installed: [...]
Later becomes The attitude (naturally) too yet with the Benutzeraccount verknüpft instead of as now "nur" in the Session. |
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