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| function abgelöst of function st
[OFFTOPIC]string = translate ( { string, string supplant,string substitute [, bool repeat] | long mode, string } )
Translated/ supplant Stringinhalte and can Stringinhalte code z.B. to base64, md5, ...
is Parameter 4 repeat true instead of false (default), becomes as long as supplant, To no Vorkommen of needle More in hay include is.
is Parameter 1 of type long then count following Modi:
0: Base64-Dekodierung of string 1: Base64-Kodierung of string 2: MD5-amount of string 3: SH1-amount of string 4: SH256-amount of string 10: lower, verwandelt any Großbuchstaben in lower case of string 11: upper, verwandelt any lower case in Großbuchstaben of string 20: mix a String to the Zufallsprinzip[/OFFTOPIC] |
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| New:
is Parameter 4 repeat true instead of false (default), becomes as long as supplant, To no Vorkommen of needle More in hay include is. |
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Michael W. | Hm, there there but several shape:
1. a place behind the Fundstelle again Translate fortfahren (therefore becomes one part the straight replaced with investigating)
2. directly behind the Einfügung again fortfahren, substitute-Part becomes therefore übersprungen.
3. Jedesmal new of in front begin
trouble: If the Fundstelle in Ersatzstring vorkommt.... |
| XProfan X3System: Windows 8/10, XProfan X4 Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 12/28/14 ▲ |
| I have me for Variante 3 decided. |
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| Translate becomes multifunktionaler in the senses of Translate/ Übersetze/ Kodiere:
is Parameter 1 of type long then count following Modi:
0: Base64-Dekodierung of string 1: Base64-Kodierung of string
2: MD5-amount of string
3: SH1-amount of string 4: SH256-amount of string
10: lower, verwandelt any Großbuchstaben in lower case of string 11: upper, verwandelt any lower case in Großbuchstaben of string |
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| New: Modi 3 & 4:
3: SH1-amount of string 4: SH256-amount of string |
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| New: Modi 20: mix a String to the Zufallsprinzip
Nachempfunden the from php known and imho very useful function:
str_shuffle [...] |
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| function abgelöst of function st, same Parameter. |
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