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App "killt" Start screen


Have even times the "app" from the PlayStore installs.
though with the success, the thereafter The Home-Button on my HTC
not any more functions. After the selection of "app as Start-App" or
"Blinkfeed as Start-App" happens with pressure on The Home-Button quite nothing
More (Blinkfeed is deaktiviert).
there ought to no App drinne rummurksen, see there none sense, what The
"app" of Androidprofan with my Homescreen - Settings To has ...

means first again deinstalliert...
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

Well momentum, so is not.

The APP divides the OS just by Manifesto with, that they too as
Launcher functions can, so one with AndroidProfan too
Launcher program can. ( See Message  [...]  )

as Launcher can tappt im dunkeln itself but not self determine separate its
not more than so, that if one whom Home-Button betätigt, the OS asks,
whom Launcher one benefit would like.

If the objectively automatically happens his ought to, then has HTC
large Bockmist built. The APP carry itself anyway not automatically
as Launcher one what about me know neither that the simply so weg
should - presumably only with root. I have anyway nothing derartiges

at that Samsung coming to installation The selection AndroidProfan App or Touchwi(t)z - surface of Samsung.

have initially time with selection only this time betätigt, then asks it naturally jedesmal.

as it me To motley watts, have I the "witz" with always receipting. now asks it first not any more. coming too the Info with Standardwerte delete of system. think this is standardmäßig correctly?

so far normal Yes.

coming nat. too over ands over again The nervige question. there Yes The "app" yet nothing power, happens there too nothing, except the nix More happens with "Home"...
Since I "Blinkfeed" deaktiviert have, happens to this selection too nothing More. I miss since the selection-Possibility "Keine Änderung" , so the one simply say can:
"Ich wants everything so let, what's it like, basta !!" 
and wähl "Immer", so would the lettuce eaten, without itself into system-Settings einzumischen.
in the momentum comes me The AndoidProfan-App to like a windows-Progg of MS:
"Machst what App wants or what system wants, otherwise Gibts nothing anderes" 

understand not what on it so heavy is, a system-attitude time simply so To let How these is. so one Menu-point "Nichts ändern" is still not so heavy, and then in the App a Menu-point under "Einstellungen" incorporate, sure neither.

in the momentum is only very so How with MS: "Nimm ours or quite nothing, another electoral Gibts nicht"... so many of/ one has sure on seinem Androiden a not-standard-Launcher tuned, which not autom. of system displayed becomes.
XProfan X2
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

so is it still not at all.

Nochmal: The APP changes no Systemeinstellungen!

and very well has is a electoral, because one must already self say:

"Diese APP as Launcher: IMMER".

but Yes, I it can Einstellungsmöglichkeit too Remove for RPC-

with whom APPs then can it then in the IDE take on or. in the
View source.

iF (16.03.15)
but Yes, I it can Einstellungsmöglichkeit too Remove for RPC-

with whom APPs then can it then in the IDE take on or. in the
View source.

After whom first Tests would I it for meaningfully hold, if standardmäßig The App not as Launcher goes. with "Hallo Welt" and Konsorten bringt's none sense and confused whom Beginner. then irgendeinen "Schalter" circa it einzuschalten.

moreover yet:
The "Hallo Welt" App claims standardmäßig any rights!
too here would it well, it umzukehren:
standard no rights, Zuschaltung through Irgendwas .

The Launcher-quality I had a little while ago already rausgenommen -
please times say if yet active.

With the whom Rechten: in the Projektverzeichnis lying a app.permissions -
File everybody can discretionary curtail can. means Zuschaltung through app.permissions.

have it time angetestet. (Projektverzeichnis with F3-Button accessible.) 

takes one The Mehrzahl / any the
<uses-permission android:name="... " />
Lines out becomes it clear with the app-installation.

Leert one The entire File and so too any
<uses-feature android:name= ... />
becomes of course installs, but the app becomes immediate angehalten.

one bräuchte in future so a manner "Auswahlliste with Bedeutungsanzeige" around the standardmäßig then sinnvollerweise right vain File app.permissions aimed To fill.

Yes, I know.

work strain on the Receiver, so one too plenty faster testing can.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Torsten Rümker11/11/15


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