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Date has again zugeschlagen:

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Diese is a notification that your application, Infinity-Profan [beta], with package ID com.if.infinity_profan.app, has been removed from the Date Play net curtain.

REASON FOR SUSPENSION: Violation of the dangerous products commission of the Content Policy:

on app downloaded from Date Play may hardship modify, replace or update its own APK binary code using any method other than Date Play's update mechanism.

Diese particular app has been disabled as a policy strike. If your developer account is still in good standing, you may revise and upload a policy compliant Version of this application as a new package name.

Diese notification means serves as notice for other apps in your catalog. You can avoid further app suspensions by immediately ensuring that no other apps in your catalog are in violation of (but hardship limited to) the above policy. Please means ensure your apps’ compliance with the Developer Distribution Agreement and Content Policy.

All violations are tracked. Additional suspensions of any nature may result in the termination of your developer account, and investigation and possible termination of related Date accounts. If your account is terminated, payments wants cease and Date may recover the proceeds of any past sales and/or the cost of any associated fees (such as chargebacks and transaction fees) from you.

If you feel we have maggot this determination in error, you can visit this Date Play Help Center article.

The Date Play team

on app downloaded from Date Play may hardship modify, replace or update its own APK binary code using any method other than Date Play's update mechanism.

an APP must not self update or. the Own Package?!

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Have me time the Developer Distribution Agreement durchgelesen. can it his, the Date itself on it disturbing, the it only ne Beta in the net curtain gives, and one only you The Full Version pay for can, without the the net curtain what abbekommt????

statement from 4.5:
tappt im dunkeln can whom net curtain not benefit, circa Products To banish or bereitzustellen, its object therein exists, The currency of Softwareanwendungen and play for Android-tools outside the Stores To support....

unfortunately say The in the Message not explizit with, what The disturbing...
XProfan X3
Website:  [...] 
Facebook:  [...] 

remaining me only ne Dummy-APP into Date-net curtain To loading.

ByteAttack (05.02.2016)
unfortunately say The in the Message not explizit with, what The disturbing...

Presumably therefore:

on app downloaded from Date Play may hardship modify, replace or update its own APK binary code using any method other than Date Play's update mechanism.

Yes. red whom sch... temporary with the Playstore... in the Entwicklungszeit first only of here loading, and if time a Final rauskommt, then can you Yes with the moreover nark...
XProfan X3
Website:  [...] 
Facebook:  [...] 

thereabouts I will the too make.

into Playstore place I then only another "Bridge", one sign-post velvet Befehls-"Referenz" - mere so one us from there too find can.

anyway I will whom Paketnamen the Receivers now first not Change, so one whom API-Key neither once more new prompt must.

The Own Mini-"APPStore" of Infinity (  [...]  ) holds always whom aktuelleren Receiver ready. whom should I then something highlight and The coming versions one car-Update install.

On each drop power it me unfortunately again work - thereby i was gedanklich long ago into gui deepening...

The Idea with the own Mini-"APPStore" is super, then has one not dauernd The Fummelei over the Date App net curtain

Date-Play-developer-Accounts is additionally with costs and "mal even a APP Eintragen" can hours and days last - too The Updates-extradition lasts between hours and Meet.

the can already nerves and as long as The Beta's not yet one konkretes Stadium access having would so did i not over Date weg, but markante Entwicklungspunkte already, so it More mind becomes

tommorrow probably load I Infinity-Profan Bridge into Date-Play net curtain, becomes then the new "Receiver" his. unfortunately must one then einmalig the developer-Zertifikat new prompt, the can I but unfortunately not change and I have too somehow no really better Solution parat.

though... I could The WAN-IP vergleichen and only yet after a PIN ask around the developer-Zertifikat To import. certainly a good Idea for coming versions.

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i'm tensely.
and integrally clear, Why difficult, if it too simply goes.
though be I professional very eingespannt so that I do not really plenty Time for this hobby remaining, but the developments the Computersprachen and your Opportunities interested me always.

If everything cords rip, then NEN The App in the PlayStore simply
XProfan X3
Website:  [...] 
Facebook:  [...] 


there kauf' I me quite teure Microkamera velvet heller LED for Android-Smartphone on 4 m cables to that investigating of flowing off-Rohrleitungen, but since one the last Android-Updates functions the thing not any more. The response on my Beschwerde at manufacturers gleicht one Schulterzucken: "Vermutlich having Spanner for holes in Damenklo-walls gebohrt, or others Unfug made."
Sch...-Policy! though presently not weiterentwickelt, my question: would be Infinity-Profan in the site, The (USB?)-interface the Smartphones directly To reading and To describe?
XProfan 11
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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