i'm of course in the site in the IDE to a proposition several Program-Window anzulegen and To Save (main.app and graphic.app in my example), if I the proposition schließe and to Mainpage the IDEs zurückkehre have I but only the first Program übernommen (main.app), any further Laschen weg lost.
I work in the Chrome. is the for others nachvollziehbar?
PS: The Function-Keys (z. B. Invoice values+F5) are expelled, functions but not.
i see not integrally, and so I time generally describe.
one can by Browser-Tabs at the same time on several Projekten works. One proposition can from several Files consist, z.B. Programmdateien in / and data in /res. The Hauptprogrammdatei is always main.app. Öffnet one one proposition so becomes same The File main.app into tab loaded. Öffnet and machine one z.B. The Files main.app and graphic.api[...] , then has one 2 Tabs open.
If one now the proposition closes and new opens, then becomes only again The main.app in the tab opened, not about any Tabs How at Closing the Projektes. (Dou you mean the Perhaps?) so far is the behaviour but "normal".
what not goes: In 1 proposition several APPs develop. Each APP comes from 1 eigenem proposition.
(With the Invoice values+F5 in Chrome have I me wrote.)