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 | in the next step would like I try, of API Level 19 on 16 herunterzubrechen, so one too APPs ex Android 4.1 (JELLY_BEAN) produce can. the has my Samsung note 1 unfortunately yet. |
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 HofK | iF (22.01.15)
... APPs ex Android Android 4.1 (JELLY_BEAN) produce ...
this is a very good idea, of it go a whole Time yet many tools in use his! |
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 | Hm and already ists been successful, runs on API16 what about me had only a couple Kleinigkeiten umschiffen.
here note 1 Bench:
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 H.Brill | there wird's well for me nothing go. I Have yet Version 3.2 on Tablet and Netbook.
or is the only for the direct program on the unit virtual ?
what new buy I will In any drop in the next Time not yet. there are me teh folks tools for my tack yet well enough. |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 01/23/15 ▲ |
 | this is then API 13, aijai, had I vmtl. long ago one new OS draufgetan z.B. one JellyBean. I can but time look what API 13 can and whether it for AndroidProfan in the first step important is. |
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 | OK, time look whether and How long API 13 ausreicht - runs now anyway ex API 13 means on Your unit. |
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 H.Brill | If with the the new OS so simply went 
the are so Special Flash-Roms, The Specifically the unit zugeschnitten are. And if there nothing new comes, has one even bad luck had.
I can you of it one song sing of Touchlett salver of Pearl and the Roms. first had to the Dingens time routes, circa at all grabbed to have and then beten, that it functions.
is hold a integrally others Construction site, as one simple Linux. |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 01/23/15 ▲ |
 | Ne again back, API 13 can To many items not.
apparently is it for me but not so heavy a Sonderversion produce The then on yet older Geräten runs. the stay then but offshoots with eingeschränktem Funktionsumfang. The Language self remaining but the same, only that even this or jenes not at all functions can etc. |
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 H.Brill | the would class, I think, that I there not the only be. there's there certainly yet some (The evtl. yet here moreover come), The your older tools program would.
The tools with the newest OS having often only The boys people. or Why Dou you mean, that the with Vertagsverlängerung too one neus Smartphone having would ?
them goes it often less around the new unit. The would the new OS having. can Yes time try, one Smartphone one new OS To give liberally. the goes mostly none, since the Smartphone - manufacturers too your new tools sell want. |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 01/23/15 ▲ |