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| { bool | long } = fwrite ( { string Dateiname [, string Content [, bool append ] ] | long fashion, string f1, string f2 } )
Created a File or one Verzeichnis; writes Content in a File, optional depends Content on a File on.
becomes fwrite with only 1 Parameter called means without string Content, then becomes a directory created.
is Parameter 1 type Long then count following Modi:
0: ZIP-File entpacken, f1 is the ZIP-File and f2 is the Zielverzeichnis. 1: ZIP-File create, f1 is the To packende File or one aray with z upackende Files and f2 is the zipper-Dateiname
Return Value beider functions = amount successful ge/entpackter Files.
Examples: CompileMarkSeparationfwrite("datei.txt","Dateiinhalt")//legt Datei datei.txt an und schreibt Dateiinhalt hinein. > CompileMarkSeparationfwrite("datei.txt","NochmehrInhalt",true)//hängt an Datei datei.txt NochmehrInhalt an (append). >
Keywords: fwrite,fappend,mkdir,zipper,unzip,compress |
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| fpc umbenannt To fwrite: [...] |
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| New:
becomes fwrite with only 1 Parameter called means without string Content, then becomes a directory created. |
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| New:
fwrite can now too ZIP!
is Parameter 1 type Long then count following Modi:
0: ZIP-File entpacken, f1 is the ZIP-File and f2 (optional) is the Zielverzeichnis. 1: ZIP-File create, f1 is the To packende File or one aray with z upackende Files and f2 is the zipper-Dateiname
Return Value beider functions = amount successful ge/entpackter Files. |
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HofK | have time the
spending is /data/data/com.klaushoffmeister.Test018.app/files/ Test018 as Content the File Test018.txt
now wished I time "schnell" look, where the objectively stored is. with the "Eigene Files of Android 4.3 can not time any Entries of "Alle Files Call, at Scrolling rutsch it immediate again to the first Einträgen. I take otherwise too whom X-plore Filemanager, but too there watts I manually not fündig with the Search to /data/data/com.klaushoffmeister.t... . with sdcard/data/data have I only a entry with of/ one thing of Samsung, over /(Root) becomes one the identische directory usher. The Suchfunktion with Test018 equips bring nothing, with Test find I all kinds of things on my Phone.
where cache itself the |
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| on The data should You lt. Android indeed not heran come, are data the App.
for something like to chdir(10) write: 10: Basisverzeichnis the SD-ticket (EXTERNAL_STORAGE)
but Tücke: The USB-driver update File-Changes only seldom and often only to ex- and tighten. has what with the MediaManagement of Android To do.
hint: print fattr(datname) is How filesize |
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HofK | Something like bad geahnt!
but 10: Basisverzeichnis the SD-ticket (EXTERNAL_STORAGE) gives with Android 4.4 sure Problems. Look I time with 4.3 and 4.4 |
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| the I had bedacht, ought to means functions. |
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HofK | Hm, now says it /storage/emulated/legacy/
and the App functions under 4.3 and 4.4 (not gerootet!)
amazing, how much Zeugs itself there with /storage/emulated/legacy/ on my Phone angesammelt has. only on both Geräten no Testdatei to find |
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| try still time your dcim directory to find. |
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HofK | The DCIM directories know I, on the external ticket disembark any my photos from the Phone Kamera in the Unterordner Camera. the can for Kamera so take on, that it on the external ticket alights. otherwise is there gähnend empty.
at that internen memory contains DCIM whom versteckten Ordner .thumbnail and the Ordner Camera, photo, video.
Thumbs have I terrible many, I the Smartphone too as mobiles Fotoalbum with on The externe ticket copied takes from the Digicam use. there cache itself but not The Testdatei. The others Ordner are complete empty.
on the internen ticket there whom Ordner Android/data and therein many Ordner the shape com.firm.appname in example org.videolan.vlc and there find itself Files to App under cache ------?? |
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