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 jacdelad | Hello David.
yet is it Yes in the Beta-Stadium, but I have two Problem Galaxy s6 edge found: 1. I have no Menütaste. it'll too no emuliert (unless through Drittapps). I have as no Possibility The Entwicklerzertifikatseingabe manually aufzurufen. 2. The Font is, presumably because of the high dissolution, extreme small. one can almost quite nothing discern.
greetings, Jac  |
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 HofK | not augendschonend, see Nachtrag supra |
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 HofK | 2mm with Zwischenraum, 10 Lines = round 2cm |
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 HofK | The values of note 10.1: 1.13 1.13 41 32
gives 19mm for 10 Lines but visuell at least genausogut/badly How note 2 there somehow schärfer. |
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 Michael W. | About "Android GUI Tutorial" finds one some. there can means directly on the Text or on the Layout turned go.
' ------ android:layout_weight=".14"
TextView tv1 = new TextView(this); tv1.setText("FIRST"); tv1.setTextSize(100); tv1.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER);
The TextView control Text is small and somewhat hard to read. Begin by making a change to the TextView controls themselves. Update the rainbow.xml layout resource with the following changes: First, add a size value called textsize. In this case, we set it to 22dp. ' ------ |
| XProfan X3System: Windows 8/10, XProfan X4 Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 11/07/15 ▲ |
 Rolf Koch | means by me comes nothing on The Mailadresse on. If I The App anklicke and the Mailadresse angebe, then goes by me The IDE on and no Mail. |
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 | Ah, Have there yet ne Kleinigkeit overlooking. |
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 Michael W. | "Erst the egg, then XProfan"
means the "dann ausbrüten" forget...
(Mist. The Phrasen Change itself with eachone display) |
| System: Windows 8/10, XProfan X4 Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 11/07/15 ▲ |
 HofK | goes by me The IDE on and no Mail. ... by me too, there depends well one Link athwart? |
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- Page 4 - |
 | so,
The Print-Schriftgröße ought to now ex 0.7.2 on all Geräten well readable his.
too the APP-net curtain-E-Mail-Versende-trouble have I well fixed. |
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 jacdelad | now is the Font readable.  remaining only yet the Completed: the not vorhandenen Menütaste. |
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 | Ah, calm!
The problem with the not vorhandenen Menütaste is the trouble the not vorhandenen GUI-function - The is as nächstes dran if nothing between comes. |
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 Rolf Koch | confirm - Font is now really readable FREU! |
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