with the subesquent routine read I as Event the Touchdisplay from. The ID supply The touch, DATA supply The restlichen Information in the one aray. now interested me only The X and the Y position. The supposition was, Data[1], ... To using, circa on the Xte area To gelangen. The feedback is "undefiniert". What do I do wrong?
proc event id data
cls print "Status the touch:" + id print "Anzahl Entries in the aray: " + len(data)
In Data finds itself each 1 assoziatives aray with subesquent Schlüsseln:
long p = pointer = fingers (ID one Fingers, 0..x) float x = position on screen float y = position on screen float press: Druckstärke, with Fingern mostly 1.0 float size: The Aufdruckgröße string devicename: Bezeichnung the Stiftes, something like How "sec_e-pen" with Pens or or "sec_touchscreen" with fingers long deviceid = eindeutige Gerätenummer The to Neustarts but differently his can string device = eindeutige GeräteID also Neustarts übersteht