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![iF: 01/18/15](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | §10 - Syntax
The Syntax is deliberate on Praktikabilität getrimmt.
Lines-terminate and Semikolon separate command, except a Klammerung or String-Constant ragt over further Lines.
command and functions can as commands or function words go, z.B. print 123 or print(123).
Arrays (and Assoziative):
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![iF: 05/14/15](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | look we still time.
shining but natürlicher To his as the Übliche:
display rotate left objekt verb adjective
might the human rather reading can as display(rotate,left).
against it gekruxel: display klammer on rotate comma left klammer To against it gekruxel: display ( rotate , left )
likewise later mgl.: rotate display left or left rotate display
Since I something like as an further size the Betrachtung the Keywords andenke, quasi something like How "Rotate"... Yes what? or "left"... Yes what? The Präkompilierer the "ja what?" answer could through Festlegungen of Wertigkeiten of Schlüsselworten or testify.
as long as the whole without Einschränkungen in the reference on The usual Konventionen happen can, might it as Zugewinn recommended and but too felt go so a small breath into direction How Programmiersprachen Perhaps once go could, we're because finally Quantenrechner at home having.
After the Motto "Der understand already, as long as it differently hardly sense yields."
Perhaps ought to one the thing time a chance give. |
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![HofK: 05/15/15](.././../../i/a/1486.gif) HofK | RGH (14.05.15)
whether The programs therefore really lesbarer go ...
The einfachere Syntax for Schreibfaule dank very nachdenklichem Präkompilierer can thoroughly zugleich bequemer and übersichtlicher his, if one The slight multiple To schreibenden space with of/ one nichtproportionalen Font (z.B. Courier New) combined. in the Online IDE is the still with the colours perfect, here in the Codebox already ungünstiger and the vereinfachten mobilen Version can momentarily see, as possible yet ungünstiger is.
one recognize the too with herkömmlichem code. my obiges Schachtelfeld var freieNatur = [ ... I had for Codebox with Proportionalschrift extra "optimiert", mobil is it in the deliberate vereinfachten Box logischerweise then by no means clear and to copy into Online IDE sees one, How I with the space jongliert have.
gives the thoughtful Präkompilierer the Result of his "Denkprozesses" really readable on whom Humans out? about even bearbeitbar? |
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![iF: 05/15/15](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | the Result the Präkompilierers is for Humans hardly readable aufbereitet, hm. |
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![GDL: 05/31/15](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hallöle,
I have the still not understands. one setting Yes extra clinging because of the point to Strich rule.
(1+3)*2 =8 1+(3*2)=7
After take off one Grundschema becomes now calculated, if one 1+3*2 types ?
Grüßle Georg |
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![RGH: 05/31/15](.././../../i/a/20.gif) RGH | usually goes Punktrechnung to Strichrechnung, means should here 7 get out. this is at least in all me known Programmiersprachen so.
Greeting Roland |
| XProfan X2Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 05/31/15 ▲ |
![GDL: 05/31/15](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hallöle,
OK. the means, if one (1+3)*2 types, remaining The instruction in the Klammer receive or must one 2 Programmschritte make? a=1+3 a=a*2
is of course Offtopic, was but for me important to know with whom whole Vereinfachungen in the Syntax.
Grüßle Georg |
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![iF: 05/31/15](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | would be so did i not differently program, anyway functions nProcs and InfinityProfan very so.
there's hold Prioritäten:
so is the Abarbeitung clear: 10+(20-10)*30=40
false |
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![HofK: 11/06/15](.././../../i/a/1486.gif) HofK | Teste straight The Opportunities the Space-Operators
... an so on.
App functions.
now let I in the marked row koerper = "Würfel"; kantenlaenge = 5 the Semikolon lane. only one space part.
The Kompilierer is pleased, The App becomes by Reciever immediate anstandslos installs and to the open there? - a black Beta-screen.
but already powerful clinging and Kommata gespart. and it remaining well readable, especially since in the comparison To Android Java ![](.././../../i/s/verweis.gif) |
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![iF: 11/06/15](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | really is the Spaceoperator not so virtual for var and print, print z.B. has as 2. Parameter none String etc.:
print ( { string | long | float | aray | boolean } [, long Textfarbe [, long Backgroundcolor ] ] )
It's all right sooner therefore, Parameter The with comma To separate are, too simply with Space write to - so How You with the Cls make.
The Space-Operator can only the comma supplant, not + or - or... |
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![HofK: 11/07/15](.././../../i/a/1486.gif) HofK | the was me hold not yet 100% clear, especially since it the Kompilierer swallow and ... iF (31.05.15)
... so very tidy parst, that even Line break and Semikolon for Zeilentrennung not coercive necessary are. ... print(2)return 10 print 5
there I will time typische Examples and "Gegenbeispiele" package and a Overview for Beginner from it make. |
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![HofK: 11/18/15](.././../../i/a/1486.gif) HofK | Space-Operatoeur
a little bit rumwurzeln!
To risks and side-effects reading SIE usually not The P. insertreference or ask ihren doctorProgrammer or pharmacistBuchschreiber.
The Wurzelbehandlung:
Related [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) |
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![HofK: 11/19/15](.././../../i/a/1486.gif) HofK | Teste straight so to me there and must too time einstecken .
thereby have I discover , that Infinity-Profan To while sowohl endwhile as well as wend as Abschluss How in the reference indicated objectively swallow.
this is the Ansatz for a polymorphe (I love this Fremdwort ) Syntax. though ought to it always slight discernible stay circa different programs vergleichbar To hold. with wend is the sure given.
it increased naturally The number the reserved Schlüsselwörter. but who definiert already a Variable wend, if it not only a only Programming-Language knows.
there while so one doppeltes end beschert bekommmen has, would it only logical, yet some sinnvolle Ergänzungen To effect (ev. later with IPextended or so ).
How wär's z.B. with proc procedure func function and its terminate? then could one itself/others already formal get across, whether one a worth returns and must in umfangreichen Funktionsprozeduren not to the/whom return(s) look.
Since there it sure yet More Kandidaten. with §99 is already of/ one implied pic(ture). and select or. switch are too Kandidaten - see § 8 - Kontrollstrukturen.
Nachtrag: To i++ i-- prefer some Progger the inc i dec i.
and Thanks Präkompilierer affect the quite sure not even whom actual Compiler. |
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