Functions and Help

function: time

{null|long|string}=time([{long mode[,long Unixtime]|String date}])

without Parameter:

time gives whom undertow. Unix-Zeitstempel from: amount past sec since the 01.01.1970.


Parameter 1-values:

negatives values are The TickCounter.
-3: amount since 01.01.1970 past Millisekunden
-2: amount since Hochfahren past Millisekunden abzgl. Standby-Time
-1: amount since Hochfahren past Millisekunden
0: HH:MM
1: SS.MS
3: HH
4: MM
5: SS
6: yyyy-mm-dd
7: dd.mm.yyyy
8: landesspezifisches Datumformat, ie: dd.mm.yyyy
9: yyyymmddHHMMSS//Datenbankformat
10: yyyymmdd//Datenbankformat
11: day in the month (1-31)
12: month (1-12)
13: year
14: week-day 0-6, 0=sunday, 1=monday, ...
15: Kalenderwoche (1-53)

If zweiter Parameter given:

becomes one zweiter Parameter indicated then won't the actually Time uses separate the Time the as second Parameter übergebenen Unixtime.

so can The Uhrzeit + 1h spend:
print time(0,time()+60*60))


further Funktionalität the function time is the transfiguring one lesbaren Datums in the string back to a Unixtime:

is Parameter 1 one String, then becomes the date (Stringinhalt) as date red and time gives The suitable Unixtime from.

the date in the string must 2 Formate having:

a) point as Separator for dd.mm.yyyy
dd.mm.yyyy[ hh[:nn[:ss]]]

b) less as Separator for yyyy-mm-dd
yyyy-mm-dd[ hh[:nn[:ss]]]
(for minutes to demarcation of month time nn uses)

Optional can also a Uhrzeit include his, optional can The Uhrzeit too sec include: hh:nn[:ss] -

with indicated with Uhrzeit must The Uhrzeit with a Freizeichen of date separated his and with the Uhrzeit is for each worth the colon the Separator.

example for Rückwandlung date to Unixtime:

and/ or with Uhrzeit:
time("10.12.1978 18:10")
time("1978-12-10 18:10")

and/ or Uhrzeit with sec:
time("10.12.1978 18:10:35")
time("1978-12-10 18:10:35")

so can a leserlichen date/ Zeitangabe The Unixtime rückrechnen - optimal for date/ Zeitberechnungen.

Keywords: time,date,gettickcount


function correct - now with opt. Parameter:

If Parameter 1 the value 0 has then How with XProfan: hh:mm
If Parameter 1 the value 1 has then like with XProfan: ss.ms,
ms = Millisekunden differently as with XProfan instead of only 100stel genauere Millisekunden (1.000stel)
If Parameter 1 the value 2 has then: hh:mm.ss

function over again correct:

becomes one zweiter Parameter indicated then won't the actually Time uses separate the Time the as second Parameter übergebenen Unixtime.

so can The Uhrzeit + 1h spend:

print time(0,time()+60*60))

function over again correct:

is Parameter 1 one String, then becomes the date (Stringinhalt) as date red and time gives The suitable Unixtime from.

the date in the string must 2 Formate having:

a) yyyy-mm-dd[ hh[:mm[:ss]]]
b) dd.mm.yyyy[ hh[:mm[:ss]]]
a) point as Separator for dd.mm.yyyy or
b) less as Separator for yyyy-mm-dd

Optional can also a Uhrzeit include his, optional can The Uhrzeit too sec include: hh:mm[:ss] -

with indicated with Uhrzeit must The Uhrzeit with a Freizeichen of date separated his and with the Uhrzeit is for each worth the colon the Separator.

example for Rückwandlung date to Unixtime:


and/ or with Uhrzeit:

time("10.12.1978 18:10")
time("1978-12-10 18:10")

and/ or Uhrzeit with sec:

time("10.12.1978 18:10:35")
time("1978-12-10 18:10:35")

so can a leserlichen date/ Zeitangabe The Unixtime rückrechnen - optimal for date/ Zeitberechnungen.

[OFFTOPIC]You points on The second very, when You born are ??
mean I you not [/OFFTOPIC]
XProfan X2
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

No, naturally not - but the Zeitzone!


Parameter 1 worth -1:
amount since Hochfahren the Gerätes past Millisekunden (How XProfan)

Parameter 1 worth -2:
amount since Hochfahren the Gerätes past Millisekunden minus the amount past Millisekunden in the Standby.

Parameter 1 worth -3:
amount since 01.01.1970 past Millisekunden.

The function time is yet one Piece mächtiger and can as Timer uses go z.B. circa a Proc to Time x aufzurufen einmalig or over ands over again.

is the first Parameter a Proc, then is the worth behind Parameter 2 (optional) The Number of To vergehenden Millisekunden until Calling the Proc and the dritte Parameter (too optional) can true or false (default) his whether the appeal wiederkehrend or only einmalig come off should. It can too one 4. Parameter (optional) indicated go, userdata The on The timerproc transfer go should as Parameter. can also one aray his and a assoziatives circa as much as you want values transfer to.

Zurückgegeben becomes one Timer-lever. circa a Timer (ggf. vorzeitig) To terminate can the How follows vorgegangen go: time(zero,zero,timerhandle)

is the first Parameter a Proc and go No further Parameter indicated, then becomes The function crept to 20ms called or. zeitversetzt or. if The actually Abarbeitung exits is.

These Timer wirken into master-Thread injiziert and grab once this idle is.


Proc to 2000ms perform:

proc meineTimerProc
print "Timer!!!"


any 2000ms perform:


Timer terminate:

var mytimer=time(meineTimerProc,2000,true)
time(zero,zero,mytimer) // exits timer same again

Time and Android versions?

with the Progrämmchen
print "Datum and Uhrzeit"
var para1 = -3

while para1 <= 15

    print time para1


wished I me only short The Datums/Zeitformen Overview look at.
on the Tablet 4.4 Kitkat
on the Phone 4.3 JellyBean

with Settings Time/date have I with both Geräten The solid Variante TT.MM.JJJJ and Regional probiert.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Thomas Freier07/21/18
Michael W.04/09/16
Nico Madysa03/28/16


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