Opportunities and suggestions

OpenGL - another couple Proposals


Hello people!

I had finally opportunity, The OpenGL-functions To testing and wants time a couple comments moreover isolation.
there are too a couple Proposals and something review thereby. I hope, particularly latter is with goodwill adopted

i'm noticed,that some profane-Own ogl-functions not integrally with the
gleichnamigen Original-APIs identical are. the power it heavy for people, The any Demos translate want or in others Programmiersprachen already with oGL worked having. Perhaps can itself there yet what nachbessern, or it must in the later Help properly nachdrücklich on such Abweichungen hingewiesen go.

here a couple details:

ogl(some Objekt,...)
with Translation of my Ballerspiel-Demos have I 1 hour gegrübelt, Why my Asteroiden so comic by the countryside eiern, To I The Fussnote in the OpenGL.txt found have: with Erzeugung one Objektes by glu-API lying the Körpermittelpunkt in the zero the Koordinatensystems, with RGH the lowermost point the Körpers
wants one z.B. a bullet circa ihren Mittelpunkt rotate let, must one tappt im dunkeln means first circa ihren radius down move. quite onerous...

corresponds to not the ogl-API glClear; additional to that Delete the graphic becomes too the
Koordinatensystem reset (is there another glLoadIdentity installed?)
The follow is, that in a Loop with CLEAR no relativen Transformationen possible
are, only absolute.
example RGH-ogl:

[box:03f4aca031]window 50,50-500,500
declare R%
while 1
case R%=360:R%=0
inc R%
example Standart-ogl:
[box:03f4aca031]window 50,50-500,500
while 1
in the 2. example becomes the ogl-screen of course deleted, The Matrix but not reset, so ROTATE each Durchlauf on The already turned scene applied becomes.

suggestion: CLEAR ought to itself only the Delete the Bildes limit, for could one glLoadIdentity kapseln, z.B. as ogl(RESETCOORD) or so.

exists apparently from glLoadIdentity + glTranslate (MOVE), setting means The Coordinates on absolute values. might entfallen, if it ogl(RESETCOORD) were.

gives a Integer-names for DisplayList back. the means but, that one with several DLs The jeweiligen names z.B. in a aray take off must, circa filled control to have.
rather would, whom names self vorzugeben, so How in the Original-API. so know one always, How which DL to address would, ausserdem could is a already laid out DL überschreiben.
How would one optionaler Parameter iName% ?
Ausserdem missing another Kapselung of glDeleteList.

here counts the same How for STARTLIST; the IntegerName becomes of Profan pretended, could but too of User attached go. Arrays could entfallen. Textures could z.B. in a Loop laid out and be wären then over your Nummerierung To achieve.
BTW: an alternative, circa bmp-Handles To process, would neither badly

see I the right, that here to that 1. Time the Rückgabewerte of/ one function directly in pretended Zielvariablen written go?? Very gewöhnungsbedürftig!
BTW: The suitable Umkehrfunktion would too very useful!

ogl(TESTMOUSE,...) & ogl(TESTXY,...)
If one with letzterem The Mausposition commit, can itself ersteres save...

ogl(STARTTEST,...) & ogl(ENDTEST)
Praktischer would, if one here rectangle pretending could How in the Original-API. then entspräche the whole useful the middle-aged @Mouse-function. who a point testing wants, can Yes Start- and Endpunkte the Rechtecks übereinanderlegen.

so much for first.
be on comments tensely (particularly of Roland)
PS: will be soon another couple adjusted Demos post.


Hello Pascal,

there it already late and that the next Subscriptionslieferung these night yet yet out should, today only integrally short:

The XProfan-oGL-functions haven't The solid, The oGl-API 1:1umzusetzen, d.h. behind almost eachone oGL-function hide itself several API-Aufrufe. behind Clear hide itself means explicit More as the glClear. it'll to that example one Default-Viewport tuned, etc. who one Beispioel from the Literatur umsetzen would like, can Yes on The vollintegriete OpenGL-API zurückgreifen.
target the oGL-functions is it, with possible few XProfan-Lines (too because of the Tempos!) possible good Resultate To to achieve. Also should The Number of oGL-functions überschaubar stay, so too the Beginner quick to that target comes.

what whom origin the Objects concerns, have I long with me wrestled. i'm of it gone out, that OpenGL in first line for Games inserted go and is there lying The Objects now time any on the soil (the Nulllinie) and ragen not to Half in this into. If I a Cuboid for a House or a wall building, should I otherwise so tricksen, How You now with whom Asteroiden (or I at planets-demonstration). circa with a of my previous bosses To talk: a demise must we die.

Why will need you with lists and Textures absolutely Arrays? You can still lists- or Texturnummer eachone beliebigen Integervariablen allocate. too here go several OpenGL-API-Aufrufe to a XProfan-function zusammengefaßt. what the Delete of/ one list concerns have You naturally right. the ought to I yet install.

That one Textures too from Bitmaphandles and from TGA-Files produce can, is planned. whether But already in XProfan 10 realized becomes, white I not yet.

OK, the should for today wealthy.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

[quote:35b41f96d0]what the Delete of/ one list concerns have You naturally right. the ought to I yet install.[/quote:35b41f96d0]
stops I ditto for important. The API-appeal Although also briefly, but at least missing to The Description.


[quote:35b41f96d0]That one Textures too from Bitmaphandles and from TGA-Files produce can, is planned. whether But already in XProfan 10 realized becomes, white I not yet.[/quote:35b41f96d0]
I plädiere heavy for
there The 10it Version first for end autumn angekündigt is, would have You yet plenty Time, the to house.

[quote:c80f356165=Frank Abbing][quote:c80f356165]what the Delete of/ one list concerns have You naturally right. the ought to I yet install.[/quote:c80f356165]
stops I ditto for important. The API-appeal Although also briefly, but at least missing to The Description.
it ought to already possible his, OpenGL without API to program. therefore must oGL(DeleteList, n%) yet be installed. These lists verbrauchen some on Grafikspeicher.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Ähem, whom glDeleteLists I had already in Okrea successful apply - plenty importent is that I not-successful tried too Textures again freizugeben!

i was go ahead unbededarft or Gibts there something that I not know can?

now To some Points something detail:

[quote:51dbce937f=Uwe Pascal Niemeier]ogl(CLEAR) corresponds to not the ogl-API glClear; additional to that Delete the graphic becomes too the Koordinatensystem reset[/quote:51dbce937f]
it happens, How said, yet some More, partly tributary of it, whether I in the Testmode befinde or not. it'll in the finished Help hereon hinzuweisen his, that not only glClear called becomes! The Namensähnlichkeit likes something unhappy his, i'm but yet no better name invaded.

[quote:51dbce937f]Ausserdem missing another Kapselung of glDeleteList.[/quote:51dbce937f]
is in the next (8.) Subscriptionsversion with drin.

[quote:51dbce937f]ogl(2D,...) see I the right, that here to that 1. Time the Rückgabewerte of/ one function directly in pretended Zielvariablen written go?? Very gewöhnungsbedürftig!
BTW: The suitable Umkehrfunktion would too very useful![/quote:51dbce937f]
me fell no for users einfachere Possibility one, two Parameter zurückzugeben. (The Implementierung wasn't without, especially since I naturally abtesten wished, that there really suitable variables stand.) The others Possibility would been, two new To schaffende System-Variables To fill. (so How %bmpX and %bmpY to command, a Bitmap loading.) What is rather?

That the Umkehrfunktion is neither so without: with the Wandlung of 2D to 3D need I Yes a third Parameter (about The distance of Viewer), I otherwise a vector zurückbekomme: One point on-screen corresponds to Yes of/ one whole line of spots in the behind it liegenden 3D-space. i think, who it really needed, is so deeply in the matter drin, that it too The dazugehörige API, where it The Umkehrfunktion naturally gives, bemühen can. (for this drop supply oGL(2D,...) already now whom required third Parameter z& back.)

[quote:51dbce937f]ogl(TESTMOUSE,...) & ogl(TESTXY,...) If one with letzterem The Mausposition commit, can itself ersteres save...[/quote:51dbce937f]
there have You naturally right. oGL(TestMouse, x&, y&) is identical with oGL(TestXY, x&, y&, %MouseX, %MouseY). That it both gives, lying hold on it, that TestMouse first there was. I have it then thereby let, there Testmouse because of the geringeren Parameterzahl a Tick faster is as TestXY. I could naturally TestMouse integrally omit or about with TestXY The last both Parameter optional make. are missing tappt im dunkeln, becomes The actually Mausposition taken. what my diejenigen Subscription-Customers moreover, The these function(en) already bring into action?

[quote:51dbce937f]ogl(STARTTEST,...) & ogl(ENDTEST) Praktischer would, if one here rectangle pretending could How in the Original-API. [/quote:51dbce937f]
Yes, here must I you right give, especially since I letztlich even for usage had had. oGL(StartTest,...) has now one (ex the next Delivery) optionales Parameterpaar dx&, dy&, the How in the OpenGL-API The Size the Rechteckes around the point sx&, sy& certainly. go these Paramter omitted, go these values How yet with 1 adopted.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

[quote:a2f1dbe078=iF]Ähem, whom glDeleteLists I had already in Okrea successful apply - plenty importent is that I not-successful tried too Textures again freizugeben!

i was go ahead unbededarft or Gibts there something that I not know can?[/quote:a2f1dbe078]
so is the API definiert:
glDeleteTextures( GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures);
n is the number the To löschenden Textures and *textures one Zeiger on one Integer-aray with the Texturnummern. (becomes only a Textur deleted, must it too one Zeiger on one single Integer his.)

(its already a gewisse infamy of OpenGL, that here The Parameter very andersherum are, How with DeleteLists and as additional Erschwernis another Zeiger on a list the To löschenden Textures expects and is not How with DeleteLists the first To löschende element.)

so should it means weg:

oGL(glDeleteTextures, 1, Addr(t &))
t & is here The Texturnummer.

and Yes, too these function ought to I yet as oGL-function install, there it with more OpenGL-Applications (about, if each Level one Spieles Own Textures uses) unavoidably is, with the Grafikkartenspeicher To haushalten.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

[quote:8de59f2438]tappt im dunkeln, becomes The actually Mausposition taken. what my diejenigen Subscription-Customers moreover, The these function(en) already bring into action?[/quote:8de59f2438]i'm the opinion the The Subscriptionphase for there's possible Ungereimtheiten To discern. Roland ought to means during the Subscriptionphase no deliberating having functions umzubauen, To supplant or quite To Remove. ogl.testmouse would I only then for been successful hold, if ogl.testmouse too does what it promising - what IMHO momentarily not so is: ogl.init allows the indicate one Parenthandles for ogloverlay. If this not %hwnd is so failed ogl.testmouse in my Tests - there well %mousex/y relatively of hwnd taken becomes. If the not any more so is then is everything in Butter.

[quote:3d74d3090a]iF: Roland ought to means during the Subscriptionphase no deliberating having functions umzubauen, To supplant or quite To Remove.[/quote:3d74d3090a]
No afraid, The have I do not!

[quote:3d74d3090a]ogl.testmouse would I only then for been successful hold, if ogl.testmouse too does what it promising - what IMHO momentarily not so is: ogl.init allows the indicate one Parenthandles for ogloverlay. If this not %hwnd is so failed ogl.testmouse in my Tests - there well %mousex/y relatively of hwnd taken becomes. If the not any more so is then is everything in Butter. [/quote:3d74d3090a]
i'll the time to check on.
with with Create(Window,...) and Create(dialog,...) begot Windows resolve one Click of course no leave the WaitInput from. (therefore these Window for defined OpenGL-Applications with WaitInput sooner unfit.) but of it foreseen having %MouseX and %MouseY (and so too oGL(TestMouse,...) ) self-evident The korrekten to that erzeugtenFenster bezogenen values ... at least ex the next Subscriptionsversion .

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

[quote:f7f18350e4]me fell no for users einfachere Possibility one, two Parameter zurückzugeben. (The Implementierung wasn't without, especially since I naturally abtesten wished, that there really suitable variables stand.) The others Possibility would been, two new To schaffende System-Variables To fill. (so How %bmpX and %bmpY to command, a Bitmap loading.) What is rather?[/quote:f7f18350e4]
so what's it like, is it well.
I close me but too the opinion on, the in the Testphase introduced functions improved go should, if the your Handling vereinfacht.

Hello people, Hello Roland!

clear can not any Opportunities respect. otherwise could one Yes same with the nativen API stay. and it'll always time someone this or jenes Extra need, not implementiert is.
this is too integrally well so, otherwise were it for handyman How me Yes nothing more To do
[quote:032606ccb6]what whom origin the Objects concerns, have I long with me wrestled.
i'm of it gone out, that OpenGL in first line for Games inserted go and is there lying The Objects now time any on the soil (the Nulllinie) and ragen not to Half in this into.[/quote:032606ccb6]
is correct, so Have I the not at all gesehen; the power sense !

[quote:032606ccb6]That one Textures too from Bitmaphandles and from TGA-Files produce can, is planned. [/quote:032606ccb6]
If one a handle use can, need one eigendlich no direct Dateiunterstützung More. one can still already (almost) each beliebigen Bildtyp loading. and if need be Gibts Yes The GDIPlus.dll and iFs PCU.

[quote:032606ccb6]Why will need you with lists and Textures absolutely Arrays?
You can still lists- or Texturnummer eachone beliebigen Integervariablen allocate.[/quote:032606ccb6]
But if one several Objects in a Loop produce, positionieren, inquire etc. would like? the went then still not without Arrays. there would zB. one counter as default for names meaningfully.
not To forget The Possibility, a list aimed through Überschreiben To supplant.

me fell no for users einfachere Possibility one, two Parameter zurückzugeben.[/quote:032606ccb6]
an Possibility would, the the users a area pretending must, whom The function then filling. Korrektes Reading läge then the users.

what IMHO yet with mere ought to: an Skalierfunktion and use/manipulation the lights.
For this becomes certainly want consist.

and naturally a function, The whom last ogl-Error as String outputs
(or a suitable Systemvariable and a list to that take after)


[quote:2773ex08cb=Frank Abbing]
[quote:2773ex08cb]That one Textures too from Bitmaphandles and from TGA-Files produce can, is planned. whether But already in XProfan 10 realized becomes, white I not yet.[/quote:2773ex08cb]
I plädiere heavy for
there The 10it Version first for end autumn angekündigt is, would have You yet plenty Time, the to house. [/quote:2773ex08cb]
ex the next Subscriptionsversion there The function:
n& = oGL(GetTextureBMP, hBild&, filter%)
hBild& is the handle of an Bitmap.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4


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