Opportunities and suggestions | | | | Sub-Topic: ENUM [...] created. |
| | | | |
| | | | - Page 4 - |
| | | Ah, super.
Perhaps could You - too so The Rubik "Includes" Your Profiles [...] is correct -
The Include velvet PH with whom Includes [...] post?
I faith there would find tappt im dunkeln The meiste Beachtung if someone something like find would like. |
| | | | |
| | H.Brill | .ph + .inc could I Yes automatically einmalig Generate. Include sees now so from : CompileMarkSeparation $I MemoryModule.inc
Declare Handle hResInfo, hModule
Declare Memory FN, LV
Declare Int anz, String Func
Declare pfunc&
hResInfo = Res("Info", %HInstance, 10, "listview", 0)
IF hResInfo > 0
Dim LV, Res("size", %HInstance, hResInfo)
LV = Res("Get", %HInstance, hResInfo)
hModule = LoadLibraryM(LV)
MessageBox("Konnte Modul nicht laden...", "Fehler", 0)
IF hModule > 0
Var Handle __ASortListviewproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "ASortListview")
Var Handle __ASortListviewExproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "ASortListviewEx")
Var Handle __AddItemValuesproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "AddItemValues")
Var Handle __AreCheckboxesPresentproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "AreCheckboxesPresent")
Var Handle __AreIconsPresentproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "AreIconsPresent")
Var Handle __BuildListviewproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "BuildListview")
Var Handle __CheckIfMarkedproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "CheckIfMarked")
Var Handle __ClearListviewproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "ClearListview")
Var Handle __CloseMessagesproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "CloseMessages")
Var Handle __ConvertDatasproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "ConvertDatas")
Var Handle __CopyColumnToproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "CopyColumnTo")
Var Handle __CopyLineToproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "CopyLineTo")
Var Handle __CreateImageListproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "CreateImageList")
Var Handle __CreateListviewproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "CreateListview")
Var Handle __CryptMemproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "CryptMem")
Var Handle __CsvToHeaderproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "CsvToHeader")
Var Handle __CsvToListviewproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "CsvToListview")
Var Handle __DbfToCsvproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "DbfToCsv")
Var Handle __DeleteAllItemsproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "DeleteAllItems")
Var Handle __DeleteColumnproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "DeleteColumn")
Var Handle __DeleteDoubleItemsproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "DeleteDoubleItems")
Var Handle __DeleteItemproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "DeleteItem")
Var Handle __DeleteSpaceLinesproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "DeleteSpaceLines")
Var Handle __EditManualproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "EditManual")
Var Handle __EnableDragDropproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "EnableDragDrop")
Var Handle __EnableEditsproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "EnableEdits")
Var Handle __EraseListviewproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "EraseListview")
Var Handle __ExamineColumnproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "ExamineColumn")
Var Handle __ExchangeBytesproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "ExchangeBytes")
Var Handle __ExchangeSeparatorproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "ExchangeSeparator")
Var Handle __FilelistToCsvproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "FilelistToCsv")
Var Handle __ForbidScrollMessageproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "ForbidScrollMessage")
Var Handle __GetAllCheckboxStatesproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetAllCheckboxStates")
Var Handle __GetAllSelectedproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetAllSelected")
Var Handle __GetCheckboxStateproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetCheckboxState")
Var Handle __GetCheckedproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetChecked")
Var Handle __GetColumnNameproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetColumnName")
Var Handle __GetColumnUpdateproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetColumnUpdate")
Var Handle __GetColumnWidthproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetColumnWidth")
Var Handle __GetColumnsproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetColumns")
Var Handle __GetControlParasproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetControlParas")
Var Handle __GetDllVersionproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetDllVersion")
Var Handle __GetDragDropParasproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetDragDropParas")
Var Handle __GetEdgeFloatsproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetEdgeFloats")
Var Handle __GetEdgeIntegersproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetEdgeIntegers")
Var Handle __GetFloatproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetFloat")
Var Handle __GetIconproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetIcon")
Var Handle __GetIndexproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetIndex")
Var Handle __GetItemStateproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetItemState")
Var Handle __GetItemTextproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetItemText")
Var Handle __GetItemTextExproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetItemTextEx")
Var Handle __GetItemTextsAsFloatproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetItemTextsAsFloat")
Var Handle __GetItemTextsAsIntegerproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetItemTextsAsInteger")
Var Handle __GetLastKeyproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetLastKey")
Var Handle __GetLineTextproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetLineText")
Var Handle __GetLinesproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetLines")
Var Handle __GetNeededMemoryproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetNeededMemory")
Var Handle __GetNullOffsetproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetNullOffset")
Var Handle __GetOwnControlParasproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetOwnControlParas")
Var Handle __GetRealColumnIndexproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetRealColumnIndex")
Var Handle __GetSelectedproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetSelected")
Var Handle __GetSelectedCountproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetSelectedCount")
Var Handle __GetSelectedDbClkproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetSelectedDbClk")
Var Handle __GetSelectedLineproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetSelectedLine")
Var Handle __GetTabOffsetsproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetTabOffsets")
Var Handle __GetVarproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetVar")
Var Handle __GetVisibleColumnsproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetVisibleColumns")
Var Handle __GetVisibleLinesproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "GetVisibleLines")
Var Handle __HeaderToCsvproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "HeaderToCsv")
Var Handle __IColumnproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "IColumn")
Var Handle __InitMessagesproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "InitMessages")
Var Handle __ListviewToCsvproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "ListviewToCsv")
Var Handle __ListviewToDbfproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "ListviewToDbf")
Var Handle __ListviewToRawproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "ListviewToRaw")
Var Handle __MarkIfCheckedproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "MarkIfChecked")
Var Handle __MixRGBsproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "MixRGBs")
Var Handle __PrepareTxtToCsvproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "PrepareTxtToCsv")
Var Handle __PrintColumnsproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "PrintColumns")
Var Handle __PrintListviewproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "PrintListview")
Var Handle __RaiseColumnsproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "RaiseColumns")
Var Handle __RaiseLineproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "RaiseLine")
Var Handle __RawToListviewproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "RawToListview")
Var Handle __ReadFileQuickproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "ReadFileQuick")
Var Handle __Registerproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "Register")
Var Handle __SItemproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SItem")
Var Handle __SearchBlankItemproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SearchBlankItem")
Var Handle __SearchTextproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SearchText")
Var Handle __SelectColumnEditsproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SelectColumnEdits")
Var Handle __SelectLineproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SelectLine")
Var Handle __SetAllCheckboxStatesproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetAllCheckboxStates")
Var Handle __SetBackImageproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetBackImage")
Var Handle __SetCheckboxStateproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetCheckboxState")
Var Handle __SetColumnAlignmentproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetColumnAlignment")
Var Handle __SetColumnNameproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetColumnName")
Var Handle __SetColumnSortproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetColumnSort")
Var Handle __SetColumnUpdateproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetColumnUpdate")
Var Handle __SetColumnWidthproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetColumnWidth")
Var Handle __SetColumnsWidthLimitsproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetColumnsWidthLimits")
Var Handle __SetFilelistFilterproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetFilelistFilter")
Var Handle __SetFilelistNoFilterproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetFilelistNoFilter")
Var Handle __SetIconproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetIcon")
Var Handle __SetIconColumnproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetIconColumn")
Var Handle __SetIconModeproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetIconMode")
Var Handle __SetIconsFromMemproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetIconsFromMem")
Var Handle __SetIconsWithproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetIconsWith")
Var Handle __SetImageListproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetImageList")
Var Handle __SetIndexproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetIndex")
Var Handle __SetItemTextproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetItemText")
Var Handle __SetItemTextExproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetItemTextEx")
Var Handle __SetLineHeightproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetLineHeight")
Var Handle __SetLineNumbersproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetLineNumbers")
Var Handle __SetListviewStyleproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetListviewStyle")
Var Handle __SetPrintAttributesproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetPrintAttributes")
Var Handle __SetVarproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SetVar")
Var Handle __ShowListviewproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "ShowListview")
Var Handle __SortManualproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SortManual")
Var Handle __SwapLinesproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, "SwapLines")
Var Handle __UpdateListviewproc = GetProcAddressM(hModule, s=s3>"UpdateListview")
.ph - File : CompileMarkSeparationASortListview( = CALL(__ASortListviewproc,;
ASortListviewEx( = CALL(__ASortListviewExproc,;
AddItemValues( = CALL(__AddItemValuesproc,;
AreCheckboxesPresent( = CALL(__AreCheckboxesPresentproc,;
AreIconsPresent( = CALL(__AreIconsPresentproc,;
BuildListview( = CALL(__BuildListviewproc,;
CheckIfMarked( = CALL(__CheckIfMarkedproc,;
ClearListview( = CALL(__ClearListviewproc,;
CloseMessages( = CALL(__CloseMessagesproc,;
ConvertDatas( = CALL(__ConvertDatasproc,;
CopyColumnTo( = CALL(__CopyColumnToproc,;
CopyLineTo( = CALL(__CopyLineToproc,;
CreateImageList( = CALL(__CreateImageListproc,;
CreateListview( = CALL(__CreateListviewproc,;
CryptMem( = CALL(__CryptMemproc,;
CsvToHeader( = CALL(__CsvToHeaderproc,;
CsvToListview( = CALL(__CsvToListviewproc,;
DbfToCsv( = CALL(__DbfToCsvproc,;
DeleteAllItems( = CALL(__DeleteAllItemsproc,;
DeleteColumn( = CALL(__DeleteColumnproc,;
DeleteDoubleItems( = CALL(__DeleteDoubleItemsproc,;
DeleteItem( = CALL(__DeleteItemproc,;
DeleteSpaceLines( = CALL(__DeleteSpaceLinesproc,;
EditManual( = CALL(__EditManualproc,;
EnableDragDrop( = CALL(__EnableDragDropproc,;
EnableEdits( = CALL(__EnableEditsproc,;
EraseListview( = CALL(__EraseListviewproc,;
ExamineColumn( = CALL(__ExamineColumnproc,;
ExchangeBytes( = CALL(__ExchangeBytesproc,;
ExchangeSeparator( = CALL(__ExchangeSeparatorproc,;
FilelistToCsv( = CALL(__FilelistToCsvproc,;
ForbidScrollMessage( = CALL(__ForbidScrollMessageproc,;
GetAllCheckboxStates( = CALL(__GetAllCheckboxStatesproc,;
GetAllSelected( = CALL(__GetAllSelectedproc,;
GetCheckboxState( = CALL(__GetCheckboxStateproc,;
GetChecked( = CALL(__GetCheckedproc,;
GetColumnName( = CALL(__GetColumnNameproc,;
GetColumnUpdate( = CALL(__GetColumnUpdateproc,;
GetColumnWidth( = CALL(__GetColumnWidthproc,;
GetColumns( = CALL(__GetColumnsproc,;
GetControlParas( = CALL(__GetControlParasproc,;
GetDllVersion( = CALL(__GetDllVersionproc,;
GetDragDropParas( = CALL(__GetDragDropParasproc,;
GetEdgeFloats( = CALL(__GetEdgeFloatsproc,;
GetEdgeIntegers( = CALL(__GetEdgeIntegersproc,;
GetFloat( = CALL(__GetFloatproc,;
GetIcon( = CALL(__GetIconproc,;
GetIndex( = CALL(__GetIndexproc,;
GetItemState( = CALL(__GetItemStateproc,;
GetItemText( = CALL(__GetItemTextproc,;
GetItemTextEx( = CALL(__GetItemTextExproc,;
GetItemTextsAsFloat( = CALL(__GetItemTextsAsFloatproc,;
GetItemTextsAsInteger( = CALL(__GetItemTextsAsIntegerproc,;
GetLastKey( = CALL(__GetLastKeyproc,;
GetLineText( = CALL(__GetLineTextproc,;
GetLines( = CALL(__GetLinesproc,;
GetNeededMemory( = CALL(__GetNeededMemoryproc,;
GetNullOffset( = CALL(__GetNullOffsetproc,;
GetOwnControlParas( = CALL(__GetOwnControlParasproc,;
GetRealColumnIndex( = CALL(__GetRealColumnIndexproc,;
GetSelected( = CALL(__GetSelectedproc,;
GetSelectedCount( = CALL(__GetSelectedCountproc,;
GetSelectedDbClk( = CALL(__GetSelectedDbClkproc,;
GetSelectedLine( = CALL(__GetSelectedLineproc,;
GetTabOffsets( = CALL(__GetTabOffsetsproc,;
GetVar( = CALL(__GetVarproc,;
GetVisibleColumns( = CALL(__GetVisibleColumnsproc,;
GetVisibleLines( = CALL(__GetVisibleLinesproc,;
HeaderToCsv( = CALL(__HeaderToCsvproc,;
IColumn( = CALL(__IColumnproc,;
InitMessages( = CALL(__InitMessagesproc,;
ListviewToCsv( = CALL(__ListviewToCsvproc,;
ListviewToDbf( = CALL(__ListviewToDbfproc,;
ListviewToRaw( = CALL(__ListviewToRawproc,;
MarkIfChecked( = CALL(__MarkIfCheckedproc,;
MixRGBs( = CALL(__MixRGBsproc,;
PrepareTxtToCsv( = CALL(__PrepareTxtToCsvproc,;
PrintColumns( = CALL(__PrintColumnsproc,;
PrintListview( = CALL(__PrintListviewproc,;
RaiseColumns( = CALL(__RaiseColumnsproc,;
Raise Line( = CALL(__RaiseLineproc,;
RawToListview( = CALL(__RawToListviewproc,;
ReadFileQuick( = CALL(__ReadFileQuickproc,;
tab( = CALL(__Registerproc,;
SItem( = CALL(__SItemproc,;
SearchBlankItem( = CALL(__SearchBlankItemproc,;
SearchText( = CALL(__SearchTextproc,;
SelectColumnEdits( = CALL(__SelectColumnEditsproc,;
SelectLine( = CALL(__SelectLineproc,;
SetAllCheckboxStates( = CALL(__SetAllCheckboxStatesproc,;
SetBackImage( = CALL(__SetBackImageproc,;
SetCheckboxState( = CALL(__SetCheckboxStateproc,;
Bugfix 02.01( = CALL(__SetColumnAlignmentproc,;
SetColumnName( = CALL(__SetColumnNameproc,;
SetColumnSort( = CALL(__SetColumnSortproc,;
SetColumnUpdate( = CALL(__SetColumnUpdateproc,;
SetColumnWidth( = CALL(__SetColumnWidthproc,;
SetColumnsWidthLimits( = CALL(__SetColumnsWidthLimitsproc,;
SetFilelistFilter( = CALL(__SetFilelistFilterproc,;
SetFilelistNoFilter( = CALL(__SetFilelistNoFilterproc,;
SetIcon( = CALL(__SetIconproc,;
SetIconColumn( = CALL(__SetIconColumnproc,;
SetIconMode( = CALL(__SetIconModeproc,;
SetIconsFromMem( = CALL(__SetIconsFromMemproc,;
SetIconsWith( = CALL(__SetIconsWithproc,;
SetImageList( = CALL(__SetImageListproc,;
SetIndex( = CALL(__SetIndexproc,;
SetItemText( = CALL(__SetItemTextproc,;
SetItemTextEx( = CALL(__SetItemTextExproc,;
SetLineHeight( = CALL(__SetLineHeightproc,;
SetLineNumbers( = CALL(__SetLineNumbersproc,;
SetListviewStyle( = CALL(__SetListviewStyleproc,;
SetPrintAttributes( = CALL(__SetPrintAttributesproc,;
SetVar( = CALL(__SetVarproc,;
ShowListview( = CALL(__ShowListviewproc,;
SortManual( = CALL(__SortManualproc,;
SwapLines( = CALL(__SwapLinesproc,;
UpdateListview( = CALL(__UpdateListviewproc,;
Hauptprogramm : CompileMarkSeparation $H List view.ph
$I List view.inc
Declare lever gView
Declare String slot
Window 600, 450
'List view create
gView = ~CreateListview(%HWnd, %HInstance, 0, $ffffff, -1, $31)
slot = "1.Spalte"
~IColumn(gView, slot, 120, 0)
slot = "2. Spalte"
~IColumn(gView, slot, 240, 0)
~ShowListview(gView, 10, 250, 400, 100)
Dispose FN, LV
so, shining To functions. thanks IF for Support. The complete .inc + .ph are supra appended, if someone tappt im dunkeln need. |
| | | Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 10/15/14 ▲ |
| |
| | | not integrally understood, Order Integration INC & PH is alike.
The PH we static einkompiliert - tappt im dunkeln to Laufzeit produce power none sense except once circa itself self To help a PH To produce.
in the PH standing Yes only call(__1&, and the INC against there becomes Yes first __1& declared and the Addr-worth befüllt by "getProcAddr". |
| | | | |
| | H.Brill | now understand I it. then must I but first The .inc integrate and then The .ph.
How sees the with the finished .Exe from ? I thought, that the .ph of Compiler aufgelöst becomes, speak The values supplant. where should it because know, take off Adressen, The each Program Start of Memorymodule (or. windows) new staid go, the are ? apparently has there Roland in the Help wrong framed.
I probiers tommorrow time from (must circa semi four get up). otherwise save I The DLL How had from the Resource with BlockWrite on disk and call ImportDLL() on. with End of program becomes tappt im dunkeln again deleted. |
| | | Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 10/14/14 ▲ |
| |
| | | there have You 1 step forget, I wrote Yes:
Ergo make still simply instead of:
DeleteItem( = CALL(76852721,;
DeleteItem( = CALL(__deleteitemproc,;
and the INC against make You:
var lever __deleteitemproc=getProcAddr(...
the meant I with You need ne INC and ne PH. |
| | | | |
| | H.Brill | The List view.dll kannste Yes with Franks Page loading. The Have I simply with a Resourcetool into Profan.exe as RCDATA eingefügt. so sees The .ph then from : CompileMarkSeparationASortListview( = CALL(76824682,;
ASortListviewEx( = CALL(76850266,;
AddItemValues( = CALL(76845879,;
AreCheckboxesPresent( = CALL(76843157,;
AreIconsPresent( = CALL(76843202,;
BuildListview( = CALL(76851016,;
CheckIfMarked( = CALL(76844826,;
ClearListview( = CALL(76851179,;
CloseMessages( = CALL(76829268,;
ConvertDatas( = CALL(76849693,;
CopyColumnTo( = CALL(76832168,;
CopyLineTo( = CALL(76832728,;
CreateImageList( = CALL(76827867,;
CreateListview( = CALL(76823966,;
CryptMem( = CALL(76829751,;
CsvToHeader( = CALL(76829313,;
CsvToListview( = CALL(76824848,;
DbfToCsv( = CALL(76829800,;
DeleteAllItems( = CALL(76852748,;
DeleteColumn( = CALL(76852694,;
DeleteDoubleItems( = CALL(76848284,;
DeleteItem( = CALL(76852721,;
DeleteSpaceLines( = CALL(76849472,;
EditManual( = CALL(76851474,;
EnableDragDrop( = CALL(76849360,;
EnableEdits( = CALL(76833567,;
EraseListview( = CALL(76843237,;
ExamineColumn( = CALL(76836784,;
ExchangeBytes( = CALL(76850011,;
ExchangeSeparator( = CALL(76832643,;
FilelistToCsv( = CALL(76834377,;
ForbidScrollMessage( = CALL(76849994,;
GetAllCheckboxStates( = CALL(76848805,;
GetAllSelected( = CALL(76827036,;
GetCheckboxState( = CALL(76833521,;
GetChecked( = CALL(76833341,;
GetColumnName( = CALL(76847162,;
GetColumnUpdate( = CALL(76837063,;
GetColumnWidth( = CALL(76829241,;
GetColumns( = CALL(76826022,;
GetControlParas( = CALL(76843468,;
GetDllVersion( = CALL(76848987,;
GetDragDropParas( = CALL(76849642,;
GetEdgeFloats( = CALL(76848061,;
GetEdgeIntegers( = CALL(76847736,;
GetFloat( = CALL(76848033,;
GetIcon( = CALL(76847326,;
GetIndex( = CALL(76832628,;
GetItemState( = CALL(76852774,;
GetItemText( = CALL(76836699,;
GetItemTextEx( = CALL(76850933,;
GetItemTextsAsFloat( = CALL(76847809,;
GetItemTextsAsInteger( = CALL(76847524,;
GetLastKey( = CALL(76850318,;
GetLineText( = CALL(76829016,;
GetLines( = CALL(76825996,;
GetNeededMemory( = CALL(76826063,;
GetNullOffset( = CALL(76827351,;
GetOwnControlParas( = CALL(76844156,;
GetRealColumnIndex( = CALL(76844739,;
GetSelected( = CALL(76825912,;
GetSelectedCount( = CALL(76852668,;
GetSelectedDbClk( = CALL(76825752,;
GetSelectedLine( = CALL(76828950,;
GetTabOffsets( = CALL(76825836,;
GetVar( = CALL(76845234,;
GetVisibleColumns( = CALL(76852273,;
GetVisibleLines( = CALL(76852454,;
HeaderToCsv( = CALL(76852856,;
IColumn( = CALL(76824285,;
InitMessages( = CALL(76823917,;
ListviewToCsv( = CALL(76827461,;
ListviewToDbf( = CALL(76831194,;
ListviewToRaw( = CALL(76850433,;
MarkIfChecked( = CALL(76845488,;
MixRGBs( = CALL(76837636,;
PrepareTxtToCsv( = CALL(76848758,;
PrintColumns( = CALL(76847456,;
PrintListview( = CALL(76843143,;
RaiseColumns( = CALL(76837420,;
RaiseLine( = CALL(76846132,;
RawToListview( = CALL(76850652,;
ReadFileQuick( = CALL(76824772,;
Register( = CALL(76828996,;
SItem( = CALL(76824408,;
SearchBlankItem( = CALL(76853071,;
SearchText( = CALL(76830610,;
SelectColumnEdits( = CALL(76845004,;
SelectLine( = CALL(76830444,;
SetAllCheckboxStates( = CALL(76848907,;
SetBackImage( = CALL(76837774,;
SetCheckboxState( = CALL(76833424,;
SetColumnAlignment( = CALL(76848694,;
SetColumnName( = CALL(76847243,;
SetColumnSort( = CALL(76837000,;
SetColumnUpdate( = CALL(76837243,;
SetColumnWidth( = CALL(76852802,;
SetColumnsWidthLimits( = CALL(76850387,;
SetFilelistFilter( = CALL(76845683,;
SetFilelistNoFilter( = CALL(76845781,;
SetIcon( = CALL(76828634,;
SetIconColumn( = CALL(76847309,;
SetIconMode( = CALL(76845360,;
SetIconsFromMem( = CALL(76828727,;
SetIconsWith( = CALL(76828842,;
SetImageList( = CALL(76828607,;
SetIndex( = CALL(76828976,;
SetItemText( = CALL(76836621,;
SetItemTextEx( = CALL(76850857,;
SetLineHeight( = CALL(76850208,;
SetLineNumbers( = CALL(76848999,;
SetListviewStyle( = CALL(76844722,;
SetPrintAttributes( = CALL(76850142,;
SetVar( = CALL(76847404,;
ShowListview( = CALL(76824225,;
SortManual( = CALL(76833608,;
SwapLines( = CALL(76825389,;
UpdateListview( = ref='./../../Function-References/XProfan/call/'>CALL(76852830,;
the can but anyhow everything forget, because itself each Program Start too The Adressen Change. means has one at finished exe-Program no chance, there the Compiler Yes not More there's, around the .ph aufzulösen. |
| | | Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 10/14/14 ▲ |
| |
| | | Georg Teles (14.10.14)
the understand I do not integrally, The functions having Yes different amount of Parameters & The must Yes berücksichtigt go
The Number of P. is the PH-File alike and becomes Yes by the appeal self set.
It's all right with the PH-File in this drop Yes "nur" therefore, from:
this To make:
@Heinz: How sees The PH from and have You times the DLL? |
| | | | |
| | H.Brill | I had me the now so virtual, that I The .ph first write and then with $H einlese : CompileMarkSeparation $I MemoryModule.inc
Declare Handle hResInfo, hModule, Grid, gView
Declare Memory FN, LV
Declare Int anz, String Func, spalte
Declare pfunc&
Window 600, 450
Grid = @Create("Gridbox", %HWnd, "Nr;0;50;Adresse;0;100;Funktionsname;0;200", 0, 80, 10, 400, 200)
ShowWindow(Grid, 0)
hResInfo = Res("Info", %HInstance, 10, "listview", 0)
IF hResInfo > 0
Dim LV, Res("size", %HInstance, hResInfo)
LV = Res("Get", %HInstance, hResInfo)
hModule = LoadLibraryM(LV)
hResInfo = Res("Info", %HInstance, 10, "FUNKTIONEN", 0)
IF hResInfo > 0
Dim FN, Res("size", %HInstance, hResInfo)
FN = Res("Get", %HInstance, hResInfo)
anz = Move("MemToList", FN, Chr$(13)+ chr$(10))
Assign #1, $ProgDir + "INCLUDE\Listview.ph"
Rewrite #1
WHILELOOP 0, anz - 1
Func = GetString$(0, &LOOP)
'IMPORTFUNC(hModule, Func, "") ' Geht hier nicht
pFunc& = GetProcAddressM(hModule, Func)
AddString(Grid, Str$(&LOOP) + "|" + Str$(pFunc&) + "|" + Func)
Print #1, Func; "( = CALL(";Str$(pFunc&);",;"
Close #1
Print "Fertig..."
$H Listview.ph
ShowWindow(Grid, 1)
' Listview erstellen
gView = ~CreateListview(%HWnd, %HInstance, 0, $ffffff, -1, $31)
spalte = "1.Spalte"
~IColumn(gView, spalte, 120, 0)
spalte = "2. Spalte"
~IColumn(gView, spalte, 240, 0)
~ShowListview(gView, 10, 250, 400, 100)
but somehow is there yet the worm drin. |
| | | Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 10/14/14 ▲ |
| |
| | H.Brill | I had me the now so virtual, that I The .ph first write and then with $H einlese : CompileMarkSeparation $I MemoryModule.inc
Declare Handle hResInfo, hModule, Grid, gView
Declare Memory FN, LV
Declare Int anz, String Func, spalte
Declare pfunc&
Window 600, 450
Grid = @Create("Gridbox", %HWnd, "Nr;0;50;Adresse;0;100;Funktionsname;0;200", 0, 80, 10, 400, 200)
ShowWindow(Grid, 0)
hResInfo = Res("Info", %HInstance, 10, "listview", 0)
IF hResInfo > 0
Dim LV, Res("size", %HInstance, hResInfo)
LV = Res("Get", %HInstance, hResInfo)
hModule = LoadLibraryM(LV)
hResInfo = Res("Info", %HInstance, 10, "FUNKTIONEN", 0)
IF hResInfo > 0
Dim FN, Res("size", %HInstance, hResInfo)
FN = Res("Get", %HInstance, hResInfo)
anz = Move("MemToList", FN, Chr$(13)+ chr$(10))
Assign #1, $ProgDir + "INCLUDE\Listview.ph"
Rewrite #1
WHILELOOP 0, anz - 1
Func = GetString$(0, &LOOP)
'IMPORTFUNC(hModule, Func, "") ' Geht hier nicht
pFunc& = GetProcAddressM(hModule, Func)
AddString(Grid, Str$(&LOOP) + "|" + Str$(pFunc&) + "|" + Func)
Print #1, Func; "( = CALL(";Str$(pFunc&);",;"
Close #1
Print "Fertig..."
$H Listview.ph
ShowWindow(Grid, 1)
' Listview erstellen
gView = ~CreateListview(%HWnd, %HInstance, 0, $ffffff, -1, $31)
spalte = "1.Spalte"
~IColumn(gView, spalte, 120, 0)
spalte = "2. Spalte"
~IColumn(gView, spalte, 240, 0)
~ShowListview(gView, 10, 250, 400, 100)
but somehow is there yet the worm drin. |
| | | Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 10/14/14 ▲ |
| |
| | Georg Teles | the understand I do not integrally, The functions having Yes different amount of Parameters & The must Yes berücksichtigt go |
| | | | |
| | | Georg Teles (14.10.14)
Well, its already irritating 117 To write
can Yes by PH a call(proc117,"test") simply one foo("test") make. |
| | | | |
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