Opportunities and suggestions

wish: FireBird Embedded or SQLite


i'd me for XProfan wish, that either Embedded Firebird or SQLite standardmäßig supported go, so that eachone user which XProfan lizenziert has, directly on these Databases grab can without self "Includes" write To must, finally should one with Profan Yes simply program can . the feature would as far as i know, yet quite einmalig with whom Basic ähnlichen Languages and could so manchen join To XProfan to change.

Greeting, Ronny.

Hello Ronny,

1. already since längerer Time there The Firebird.pcu, with the one SQL with Embedded Firebird in own Programs benefit can.

2. Roland has recent angekündigt, that the next XProfan-Version presumably FB Embedded "By dwell aus" a on The XProfan-dBase-command angelehnte Syntax support becomes.

really is your wish means already so well How realized.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

To 1. : the white I.
To 2. : the known I do not, have I well overlooking. Vielen Thanks, for information, the "vermutlich" disturbing me but still somehow it hears not to "ganz sicher" on.

From "eigentlich" and "so well wie" be I do not gone out, sofern it objectively umgesetzt becomes having we for XProfan one new, tolles feature and above would I then faktisch glad.

Greeting, Ronny.

No alarmism!

If Roland profane²- or. XProfan-mäßig during the past ca. 15 years something with "vermutlich" or "wahrscheinlich" angekündigt having, then has it the yet always tidy hinbekommen and realized.

I can only very heavy present, and so it this time differently walk and it dbzgl. "wortbrüchig" go ought to.

Gegebenenfalls can You Roland Yes personally in the Spring 2010 on it remind (see [...]  ) From Magdeburg To Lauta with Hoyerswerda would it Yes for you quasi almost only one "Katzensprung".

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Dietmar horn
Gegebenenfalls can You Roland Yes personally in the Spring 2010 on it remind (see [...]  ) From Magdeburg To Lauta with Hoyerswerda would it Yes for you quasi almost only one "Katzensprung".

230 km, the can I Yes then the cigarettes fetch on the side manage , earnestly can I now however not definitiv write whether it by me works or not.

Dietmar horn
If Roland profane²- or. XProfan-mäßig during the past ca. 15 years something with "vermutlich" or "wahrscheinlich" angekündigt having, then has it the yet always tidy hinbekommen and realized.
I can only very heavy present, and so it this time differently walk and it dbzgl. "wortbrüchig" go ought to.

I wanted to Roland not assume that it ever his "Wort" broken had, The Satzstellung can but two Rückzugsmöglichkeiten open I do not umhin coming, these To see. there it Yes his word in this drop not given has, could it it in the Zweifelsfall not break, finally go The words "vermutlich" and "wahrscheinlich" not random into set get his . Perhaps be so did i only through Experience with others Entwicklungsumgebungen geschädigt and lay too much weight on these Zwischentöne .

Greeting, Ronny.


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Dietmar Horn (2x)

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