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Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hi Roland!
what I me already long wish: That at Compile only such Procs/functions erfaßt go, The inside the Program too really called go. Each eingebundene "Universal"-INC bläht the program yet often unnecessary on, because one Yes mostly only a part the encompassed Rotuinen really uses.
PS: Please no comments in the manner "Hol you still ne more Drive '! me goes it here around the principle!
SeeYou Pascal |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | there would I Yes yet one drauflegen and the wish express, defined Programmteile/-bibliotheken (z.B. ogl) of Compilieren exclude to. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 12/27/09 ▲ |
RGH | @Pascal: the umzusetzen, would one complete Redesign the Compilers necessary make. i don't know, whether there the hoisted rewards or quite meaningfully is. "Never change a running system!" Derzeitr go Includes, as well as in the Help described, so akin, as stünde the code on the place, on the it includiert (= eingefügt) becomes. that is, The Includes go already in the Vorfeld to the Compilieren into Source eingebunden.
@Jörg: this is unfortunately you don't say so and would neither very plenty bring, at least nothing on the speed change.at that left becomes the Compilat with the Runtime joined. These is a EXE-File. from this can during the Linkens no pieces Remove. it would not more than imaginable, different Runtime-Module mitzuliefern. though is the bearing on The Size the Program not soooo gigant. and one should each proposition consider, which Runtime one needed: with or without Datenbankfunktionen, with or without OGL, with or without ... one could naturally OGL- and Datenbankfunktionen too in Own DLLs auslagern, everybody can then only Programs mitliefert, The these need.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 12/27/09 ▲ |
| there's whom switch {$u} for Unused in XPSE, functions momentarily unfortunately not because of vieler Changes because of the NProcs.
Herausgefiltert go ungenutzte Procs so, that any Procnamen a Referenzzähler and have the Source wortweise rekursiv abgegangen becomes circa counter To raise. Procs with counter <1 then simply not wrote. 2 trouble/Ausnahmefälle were Units/Procaddr. ^^
If the NProcs in the Beta-phase are, then repariere I the feature so one then again z.B. gigantic Includes benefit can The not aufblähen if one only a couple functions from it uses. |
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Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hi people!
Never change a running system!
already true... I thought only: there PROCs Yes vorwärtsdeklariert go can (means in the View source behind their first appeal stand can) and the Compiler whom code anyhow number of times durchgeht, could one there what make in the manner, How iF described has. means a shape of filter, the to whom eigendlichen Compiler staid becomes.
be as Hardcore-Coder Yes eigendlich no Friends Prekompilern (Sorry iF), but Perhaps bastele I me there self something...
SeeYou Pascal |
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| Uwe Pascal Niemeier, Beitrag=55618, Zeitpunkt=28.12.2009
be as Hardcore-Coder Yes eigendlich no Friends Prekompilern (Sorry iF),
Hm, the stops I but for a Widerspruch in itself, too because XPSE still strain for Hardcore-Coden with XProfan How created is.
there's too no ernstzunehmende Programming-Language, The without (mostly then but installed) Precompiler auskommmt. there Roland not so plenty energy in that Präkompilerschreiben stick, is it still gewissermassen task the XPSE, übrigbleibende Potentiale anzuzapfen. |
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Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hi iF!
Hm, the stops I but for a Widerspruch in itself, too because XPSE still strain for Hardcore-Coden with XProfan How created is.
I mean the sooner in the senses, that I rather filled control over my Source have, and so so did i seldom on finished PCUs and INCs zurückgreife. with whom abstrusen things, with them I engage...
SeeYou Pascal |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | thereby falls me one, that one its Procs Yes really too in ph-Files unterbringen could: CompileMarkSeparation If then The procedure verwendetwerden should, need in the program only: CompileMarkSeparation stand. If one itself streng its Standardprozeduren, so anpaßt, might the some einparen... |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 01/06/10 ▲ |
| Ersparen can itself already some, catches at @ on and goes over to that Tilde - know but niemanden except me, the CompileMarkSeparation writes.
Sparen=Kauderwelsch say The people, and people having always right. |
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Matthias Arlt | save is Yes in principle well. what about me would the verdict "Kauderwelsch" time sooner schmunzelnd receipting. The problem, so it because one is, lying still elsewhere. on the end the Vereinfachung standing a very individuelle, oftmals complete changed Syntax, The, as they not own back of the head gereift is, so your Tücken has. The Beginner is confused and z.T. überfordert, bid it the "Standard-Profan" still too so already sufficient Lernpensum. The experienced Programmer has over The years its own Style angewöhnt and is chiefly therein something verfestigt. an wide Acceptance To achieve, can there already very long last.
I use Yes self since years Own small Precompiler. Very plenty bescheidener in the Funktionsumfang and even on my Opportunities and Gewohnheiten zugeschnitten. whether others therein for itself too a benefit sähen, be time dahingestellt... |
| WinXP SP2, Win7 - XProfan 10/11/FreeProfan32 - Xpia | 01/06/10 ▲ |
| generally Yes, konkret but not, because CompileMarkSeparation has with "Stil" and "Jahre" and "eigen" not really something To do and not the faster Program. ^^ |
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Nico Madysa | Jörg Sellmeyer, Beitrag=55760, Zeitpunkt=06.01.2010
thereby falls me one, that one its Procs Yes really too in ph-Files unterbringen could: CompileMarkSeparation
Zonk, works of my Wissens unfortunately not. The Idea I had too time, but into Procs must then (unsinnigerweise) no Istgleich vorkommen -- then becomes tappt im dunkeln namely only up to this Istgleich into code installed. have moreover too somewhere here what written, what but in the Sande verlief and not any more auffindbar is. |
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