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| here go Opportunities geäußert.
[box:174b705055]i wish me for XProfan10:[/box:174b705055] isset(a&) to that Verify whether a& declariert is unset(a&) to that undeklarieren of a& sort(aray[&|$]) / Sortierbefehle for Arrays Startpaint -1 needed no %hwnd More, and/or %hwnd (Mainwindow) can created go without in the Taskbar To attend hiword and loword in the Sprachschatz clearlist with lever as Parameter deletes Listboxinhalt .
salvo. |
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RGH | Hello iF, the artet then already almost in a Stringlisten-substitute from. what Stringlisten concerns, be I with me yet Nich einig, How I these realisiere. planned is it already! an Variante would in the doing, Strings as Stringlisten To treat. The others Variante would, with hStrList& = Create(List) Stringlisten To produce and these then with the known Listenfunktionen (Addlist, InsertList, DeleteList, etc.) To Edit. your function could then z.B. yet as SetList(hStrList&, N&, neuStr$) added.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 04/21/06 ▲ |
Ragnar Rehbein | Hello roland!
stringlisten wären in the momentum The nr. 1 on of my wishlist. straight within classes would the for datenhaltung ungemein help (z.b. for zwischenspeicherung of sql select -inquire) yet have I überwiegend listboxen inserted, The but etliche detriments having (settle one Mainwindow ahead and produce under designed SP of windows schutzverletzungen)
in this zusammenhang would one moven the profane listboxliste into stringliste well, or yet rather one new sqlexec parameter the the Result the request directly into a stringliste schiebt. (sqlexec select * from scheduler,4,hStrList&)
once more another question. think You, the it time possible his becomes in XProfan real threadmöglichkeiten incorporate ? yet remaining unfortunately only a externe DLL. too with Profan2CPP is it difficult and created partly strange Error.
r.r. |
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| @Roland: Wow - mean You something like here ( [...] ) only nativ and so faster?
@Ragnar: I faith Roland should then many functions kapseln - I mean the would then unfortunately still very To Lasten the Abarbeitung weg. i'd gladly in another Thread over Problems of real XProfanthreads More above experienced if You already Tests made have.
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Clemens Meier | a suggestion had I yet what about me faith, it could itself too release let. under XProfan is not possible, behind one if, while or until a Wertzuweisung vorzunehmen, as it in so many another Programming-Language gives. means such a thing How in PHP:
while (file$ = readmyfile()) do something wend
XProfan would in the drop Verify, whether the Content of file$ the Return Value the function/procedure readmyfile identical is. XProfan had too a problem, whom Difference between Zuweisung and comparison To discern. but Perhaps could one a special Konstrukt use, so it XProfan still possible is, because a Zuweisung in the obigen shape relieved one still very the life:
Möglicher Konstrukt for XProfan: while (file$) = readmyfile() do something wend
means, The Variable standing in a own Klammer, the Rest is open. the While relating itself on The Klammer, the = becomes then as Zuweisungsoperator recognized.
or one lead The geschweifte Klammer one: while {file$ = readmyfile()} ...
XProfan could the Content the geschweiften Klammer as Zuweisung discern, was The Zuweisung <> 0 or. <> false, or. <> NULL etc, would the expression true.
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Frank Abbing | |
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RGH | [quote:228e80a12c=Clemens Meier]means of because of a row, the was well a little bit zuvoreilig written.[/quote:228e80a12c] quite independent of the Zeilenzahl can this Konstrukt (Zuweisung within one Ausdruckes) in XProfan already therefore not functions, because the Zuweisung one commands is (even if the Befehlswort LET in Anlehnung on BASIC omitted can). One commands can always only at the beginning of/ one row stand and even not one expression. circa your wish To release, would So one quite great invasion into inside structure of XProfan necessary.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 04/22/06 ▲ |
RGH | [quote:691298bdc0=Clemens Meier] while (file$ = readmyfile()) do something wend[/quote:691298bdc0] the would I in XProfan so write: CompileMarkSeparation i think, It's all right too without Zuweisung in the expression behind WHILE or. WHILENOT. and in manchen Make avoid too The fußgesteuerte Loop (REPEAT ... UNTIL circumstance) superfluous Program lines. Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 04/22/06 ▲ |
Clemens Meier | [quote:3cf0fae77c=RGH]circa your wish To release, would So one quite great invasion into inside structure of XProfan necessary.[/quote:3cf0fae77c] Tja, in the drop: Schade |
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RGH | NACHTRAG: Grid watts around the Parameter type% extended, so that here now a Sorting and the electoral between One- and Multiple choice possible is! too Listbox and GridBOX get properly erweiter. (See supra!)
[quote:67b0b14ced=Ragnar Rehbein]Hello roland! stringlisten wären in the momentum The nr. 1 on of my wishlist. r.r.[/quote:67b0b14ced] Hello Ragnar, ex the next Subscriptionslieferung are you present: with create(List, type%) becomes a stringliste created, The with the equal functions machine go can, as to create(ListBox,...) begot Listboxes. at that type% standing 1 for sortiert and 2 for Multiple choice. These properties can combined go. (Yes, in XProfan can items of/ one Stringliste markiert go, very How in a list box!) One Beispielcode; CompileMarkSeparation! Programm listtest.prf
Declare hSL&
1. Stringliste erstellen
Typ 3 = Sortiert und Mehrfachauswahl
hSL& = Create("List", 3)
2. hier werden der String-Liste Zeilen hinzugefügt
AddString(hSL&, "AB")
AddString(hSL&, "GHI")
AddString(hSL&, "|")
AddString(hSL&, "STUV")
AddString(hSL&, "ABCD12STUVW")
AddString(hSL&, "ABCD34stuvw")
AddString(hSL&, "Abcd45STUVW")
AddString(hSL&, "Abcd56StUVW")
AddString(hSL&, "Abcd56AbxVW")
AddString(hSL&, "Abcd67STUVW")
InsertString(hSL&, 5, "Hugo was here")
3. Stringliste ausgeben
WhileLoop 0, GetCount(hSL&)-1
Print GetString$(hSL&, &loop)
Print "--------------"
4. Strings auswählen
Print SelectString(hSL&, -1, "Hugo")
Print SelectString(hSL&, -1, "GHI")
5. Jetzt auswerten
Print Str$(GetSelCount(hSL&)) + "/" + Str$(GetCount(hSL&))
WhileLoop 0, GetCount(hSL&)-1
If GetState(hSL&, &loop) > 0
Print GetString$(hSL&, &loop)
but this is not yet everything! there's now too Stringgrids, The several Split having can. Created go tappt im dunkeln with create(Grid, Split%, type%). The type% has The same function How with List. (the Gridcontrol the last Delivery watts for in gridBOX umgetauft, what eh rather To ListBox, ChoiceBox and EditBox fits.). too here functions any functions, also with of/ one GridBOX functions. One example: CompileMarkSeparation! Program gridtest.prf
Declare X%, area$
Declare hGrid&
1. String-Grid create
type 2 = Multiple choice
hGrid& = Create("Grid", 3, 2)
2. here go The String-Grid-Lines added
AddStrings(hGrid&, "AB|DEF|0123")
AddStrings(hGrid&, "GHI|J23KL|012345")
AddStrings(hGrid&, "|MNOP|PQR|")
AddStrings(hGrid&, "STU||V")
AddStrings(hGrid&, "ABCD12|STUVW|XYZ0")
AddStrings(hGrid&, "ABCD34|stuvw|999,00")
AddStrings(hGrid&, "Abcd45|STUVW|-111,11")
AddStrings(hGrid&, "Abcd56|StUVW|2.111,11")
AddStrings(hGrid&, "Abcd56|AbxVW|-15.234,56")
AddStrings(hGrid&, "Abcd67|STUVW|0,00")
X% = InsertString(hGrid&, 5, "")
SetText hGrid&, X%, 0, "Hugo"
SetText hGrid&, X%, 1, "war"
SetText hGrid&, X%, 2, "hier"
3. GridBOX-Content spend
WhileLoop 0, GetCount(hGrid&)-1
Print GetString$(hGrid&, &loop)
Print "--------------"
4. Strings selektieren
Print Select String(hGrid&, -1, "Hugo")
Print Select String(hGrid&, -1, "GHI")
Print Select String(hGrid&, 6, "Hugo")
5. now evaluate
Print Str $(GetSelCount(hGrid&)) + "/" + Str $(GetCount(hGrid&))
now go The selektierten Lines outputted
WhileLoop 0, GetCount(hGrid&)-1
X% = &Loop
If GetState(hGrid&, X%) > 0
Print GetString$(hGrid&, X%)
area$ = ""
WhileLoop 0, 2 3 Split
area$ = area$ + GetText$(hGrid&, X%, &Loop) + " / "
Print area$
alas Yes: behind this new Controls hide itself naturally The Windowscontrols Listbox and SysListView32, though without each relationship to a Elternfenster or Size or Anzeigeoptionen, even as pure Datenspeicher!
I hope, that the 6. Subscriptionslieferung with the new Opportunities yet today rausgeht.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 04/22/06 ▲ |
Jac de Lad | Hello Roland!
can you it Perhaps arrange, that functions in classes, The no Parameter having, no () need? or this Perhaps generally on any functions without Parameter ausweiten? Fänd I anyway well.
Jac |
| Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE) Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP | 04/23/06 ▲ |
Andreas Gaida | Hi! real Threads the would a super thing if one tappt im dunkeln under XProfan 10 release could
MfG Andreas |
| Athlon X2 4800 , 2GB Ram , GeForce 7800GT Windows XP Pro , XProfan 10 und 11 , Profan2Cpp 1.6b | 04/25/06 ▲ |
RGH | [quote:39eb735042=Jacob Liebeck]Hello Roland!
can you it Perhaps arrange, that functions in classes, The no Parameter having, no () need? or this Perhaps generally on any functions without Parameter ausweiten? Fänd I anyway well.
Jac [/quote:39eb735042] This will unfortunately not weg, there in XProfan a function Yes straight on it recognized becomes, that one Klammerausdruck follows!
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 04/25/06 ▲ |