| |
| enclosed one experiment, around the Quad-Precision-windows7-Desktoprechner calc.exe for Berechnungen a Program out To benefit. unfortunately there Yes no offizielle interface, sodaß again Xprofans "Sendstring", "Sendkey" and the Clipboard to that employment come. the power The thing quite slow, but at least could one Own Algorithms with the hochgenauen Windowsrechner-Ergebnissen vergleichen and so verifizieren. Paths and Program Please meaningfully adaptieren, usage on menace the jeweiligen Anwenders; jedwede Liability is impossible!
' my Konfiguration: Profan11.2a, Win7-64 and which Calc.exe
declare pid&,R$
'run "calc.exe"
'Window-mode (here 1)
' 0 - hide and deaktiviert the window (~SW_HIDE)
' 1 - activate the window and shows it in its ursprünglichen Size (~SW_SHOWNORMAL)
' 2 - activate the window and minimizes it to that symbol (~SW_SHOWMINIMIZED)
' 3 - activate the window and shows it größtmöglich on (~SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED)
' 4 - shows the window in its normalen Size, the currently active Window remaining active (~SW_SHOWNOACTIVE)
' 5 - activate the window and shows it in current Size (~SW_SHOW)
' 6 - deaktiviert the window and minimizes it to that symbol
' 7 - minimizes the window to that symbol, the currently active Window remaining active (~SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE)
' 8 - shows the window in the actually status, the currently active Window remaining active (~SW_SHOWNA)
' 9 - same effect How mode 1 (~SW_RESTORE)
if pid&=0
print "Exec-Fehler"
print "Process-ID: ",pid&
waitinput 300
waitinput 300
waitinput 300
'Caret ^ = STRG-TASTE
'percent % = ALT-TASTE
'Tilde ~
'clinging ( )
'+,^,%-characters self: In geschweifte clinging {+}
'Geschw.clinging self: {{} and {}}
'Special Keys, The no characters present: {Codetext}:
'@SendString(W%,"Das is the input! {ENTER}"
' waitinput 40
' waitinput 40
until R@@@edbc5df4-7053-49e0-b37c-1d8e021c951e@@@
print R$
'[]computer-Tastenkombinationen (calc.exe of Win7)
' -------------------------------------------------
' ALT+1 switch into Standardmodus
' ALT+2 switch into scientific mode
' ALT+3 switch into Programmierermodus
' ALT+4 switch into Statistikmodus
' STRG+E Open of Date Calculations
' STRG+H One- or switch off the Berechnungsverlaufs
' STRG+u Open the Einheitenumrechnung
' ALT+C to charge or solve of Date Calculations and Arbeitsblättern
' F1 Open the computer-Help
' STRG+Q use the Schaltfläche Memo=Memo-worth: M-
' STRG+P use the Schaltfläche Memo=Memo+worth:M+
' STRG+M use the Schaltfläche Memo-net curtain: MS
' STRG+R use the Schaltfläche Memo-Recall: MR
' STRG+L use the Schaltfläche Memo-Clear: MC
' % use the Schaltfläche %
' F9 use the Schaltfläche Vorzeichenwechsel: +/-
' / use the Schaltfläche /
' * use the Schaltfläche *
' + use the Schaltfläche +
' - use the Schaltfläche -
' R use the Schaltfläche 1/x
' @ use the Wurzelschaltfläche
' 0-9 use the Zahlenschaltflächen (0-9)
' = use the Schaltfläche {Enter}: =
' . use the Schaltfläche , (Dezimaltrennzeichen, comma)
' RÜCKTASTE use the Schaltfläche {Lösche last Tastendruck}
' ESC use the Schaltfläche CLEAR: C
' ENTF use the Schaltfläche CANCELERROR: CE
' STRG+UMSCHALT+D Delete the Berechnungsverlaufs
' F2 Edit the Berechnungsverlaufs
' After-OBEN-TASTE piloting to supra in the Berechungsverlauf
' After-UNTEN-TASTE piloting down in the Berechungsverlauf
' ESC Cancel the edit the Berechnungsverlaufs
' EINGABETASTE Neuberechnen the Berechnungsverlaufs to the edit
' F3 select of Deg in the scientific mode
' F4 select of wheel in the scientific mode
' F5 select of strain in the scientific mode
' I use the Schaltfläche Inv in the scientific mode
' D use the Schaltfläche Mod in the scientific mode
' STRG+s use the Schaltfläche sinh in the scientific mode
' STRG+O use the Schaltfläche cosh in the scientific mode
' STRG+T use the Schaltfläche tanh in the scientific mode
' ( use the Schaltfläche ( in the scientific mode
' ) use the Schaltfläche ) in the scientific mode
' n use the Schaltfläche log-n: ln in the scientific mode
' ; use the Schaltfläche Ganzteil: Int in the scientific mode
' s use the Schaltfläche sin in the scientific mode
' O use the Schaltfläche cos in the scientific mode
' T use the Schaltfläche tan in the scientific mode
' M use the Schaltfläche dms in the scientific mode
' P use the Pi-Schaltfläche in the scientific mode
' V use the Schaltfläche F-E in the scientific mode
' X use the Schaltfläche Exp in the scientific mode
' Q use the Schaltfläche x^2 in the scientific mode
' Y use the Schaltfläche x^y in the scientific mode
' # use the Schaltfläche x^3 in the scientific mode
' L use the Schaltfläche log10: log in the scientific mode
' ! use the Schaltfläche Faktorielle: n! in the scientific mode
' STRG+Y use the Schaltfläche y.Wurzel_x in the scientific mode
' STRG+B use the Schaltfläche 3.Wurzel_x in the scientific mode
' STRG+G use the Schaltfläche 10^x in the scientific mode
' A-F use the Schaltflächen A-F in the scientific mode
' F5 select of Hex in the Programmierermodus
' F6 select of Dez in the Programmierermodus
' F7 select of Okt in the Programmierermodus
' F8 select of be in the Programmierermodus
' F12 select of Qword in the Programmierermodus
' F2 select of Dword in the Programmierermodus
' F3 select of Word in the Programmierermodus
' F4 select of byte in the Programmierermodus
' k use the Schaltfläche RoR in the Programmierermodus
' J use the Schaltfläche RoL in the Programmierermodus
' < use the Schaltfläche Lsh in the Programmierermodus
' > use the Schaltfläche Rsh in the Programmierermodus
' % use the Schaltfläche Mod in the Programmierermodus
' ( use the Schaltfläche ( in the Programmierermodus
' ) use the Schaltfläche ) in the Programmierermodus
' | use the Schaltfläche Or in the Programmierermodus
' ^ use the Schaltfläche Xor in the Programmierermodus
' ~ use the Schaltfläche hardship in the Programmierermodus
' & use the Schaltfläche And in the Programmierermodus
' A-F use the Schaltflächen A-F in the scientific mode
' LEERTASTE switch the Bitwerts in the Programmierermodus
' A use the Mittelwertschaltfläche in the Statistikmodus
' STRG+A use the Schaltfläche for story the Squares in the Statistikmodus
' s use the Summenschaltfläche in the Statistikmodus
' STRG+s use the Schaltfläche for amount the Squares in the Statistikmodus
' T use the Schaltfläche s n-1 in the Statistikmodus
' STRG+T use the Schaltfläche s n in the Statistikmodus
' D use the Schaltfläche CAD in the Statistikmodus
| XProfan 11Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'... | 05/19/21 ▲ |