
Mondfahrzeug picture... - first steps

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Stefan M. Caillet, Posting

but the You a Platine produce can is quite interestingly, I had gladly something but kanns not produce...

One "Gerät?"The I a small computer (z.B. RS232 over USB) infect can and on a Autobatterie, which several (32?!) vigorously Gleichstrommotoren gesteuert with COM-Port-command geschwindigkeitsfreiwählbar turn/turn can.

have You a plan, what To do would?

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Hello iF, Yes Variante b) is OK. there we per motor only 1 8-bit word need, should really 16 8-bit words in a own Thread free from problems possible his. I put it me so to: one Motoren word exists from: bit 0-5 for Drehzahl-Info (entspr 64 levels 0-100%), bit 6 for Dreh-direction, bit 7 could using go, circa in lieu of of Motoren, Servos, as well as around the Synchronisations-byte To define. the interface save The Drehzal-Info as Spannungswert in a small Kondensator. becomes this not regelmässig aufgefrischt (nachgeladen, od. with a new Spannungswert keeps), falls The thrill in the Kondensator on zero Volt, what motor Stop means. thereby stop The Motoren though not abruppt, separate go within z.B. of/ one half-way second always slower, and stay ultimately stand. this affects sure positively on The Lebensdauer the gear, as well as the whole Antriebsmechanik from.
The Programming the Ports becomes no trouble his, I a small XProfan-Prozc create will be, The you a new commands available position circa data-Sets on The the interface To transfer. as interface go we whom USB benefit.the interface will as USB-Device on the PC register.
The Skizze can You create, with which You want, self ne eingescante Bleistiftzeichnung reicht, sofern tappt im dunkeln some Grössenangaben contains, and the Proportionen voices, so that The Grössen-Verhältnisse obviously are. momentarily be I thereby, The USB-Connection To design.
greeting Stefan
Ich habe grosses Glück, weil ich Mitmenschen helfen darf.
XProfan11 , Win XP Pro 32Bit , Win XP Home ,Win7 HomePremium 64Bit
PC: P4/3GHz , 2GB RAM , 1700GB HD
Laptop: Intel Core 2 Duo /2,2GHz , 4GB RAM , 500GB HD

Hehe class, there a Mgl. for the Program To detect, How quick one motor grade turn or which position he's or How heavy one resistance is the it exposed is?

(...must again long ago something like of in that bed... )

Hello iF, it exists thoroughly The Possibility, values of interface on whom PC zurückzugeben, we must thereby simply a amount of Eingängen determine, on The The suitable Sensoren connected go. These can we then either directly inquire, or ebenfals kontunierlich as data-Set on whom PC Send. I suspect, that You there evt. on a Robot-poor think, with the You know want, whether it there's, where it his should?
Ich habe grosses Glück, weil ich Mitmenschen helfen darf.
XProfan11 , Win XP Pro 32Bit , Win XP Home ,Win7 HomePremium 64Bit
PC: P4/3GHz , 2GB RAM , 1700GB HD
Laptop: Intel Core 2 Duo /2,2GHz , 4GB RAM , 500GB HD

No no poor, sooner know to, if z.B. 100% Schub on motor A dependent is, that only 89% umgesetzt go z.B. because it "bergauf" goes or 50% Schub / 200% Geschwindigeit with Bergab. means something How "Widerstand", gladly too for each sent Set a Rückantwort - or however. Dummerweise - so I faith - becomes the well difficult To discern his of it, that if z.B. The Batt. almost empty - except the Batt.-status would abfragbar so with of/ one Batt.-status/Effiz-scheduler compared go could.

an calibration by the unit must not erfolgen, i think on a ("Permanente") by the programs

Hello if, the trouble is the following: The Variante B, The we chosen had, ziehlt on speedy Datenkommunikation in of/ one direction ex. naturally can I The (short!) interval between 2 Sets using, circa vlt. 4 Bytes zurückzusenden, but: the 1. Prob. is, its in the momentum on the market no USB i/o interface to find, which reaction time quick enough is. we come on Max. 12 Sets/Sec. with kontuniirlicher Übertragung. And if You additional yet several status-Beytes umd Meswerte zurücksenden want, must we The thing something differently concern, there then one vollständiges Input/output interface with several Analog Eingängen, Analog/Digitalwandlern and Caching the data, until of PC abgerufen go, needed becomes. this means: it is not More possibly, without one Microcontroler in the Moonbuggy auszukommen. and Umstellung on Variante C.
Variante C) an mixture from A) and B):
1.The motor-data go only gesendet, if a Statusänderung necessary is.
2. The Motorstatus go self-addressed in 2 Bytes gesendet: byte1 write/reading and address, byte2 Motorstatus
If byte 1 on reading go The Messwerte on whom Analogeingängen to that PC gesendet.
3. The PC sends regelmässig (5x/Sec) one Control-byte on whom Microcontroler the this says, the PC yet "lebt" - falls this byte from, go any Motoren on zero drove. Auseerdem answer the Microcontroler the Control-byte circa the Steuersoftware in the PC one Lebenszeichen To give.
4. If several Motoren whom status at the same time Change must, go The data as Set through one Control-bit definiert) gesendet, and as Abschluss one StartByte gesendet.

i think, if you More control over the Moonbuggy need, come You circa a (Micro)-Controler not around. You need before it however no fear having, I whom with the required SteuerSoftware furnish will be, so it one complete I/O-system forms. What the registration the IST-status the Motoren anbelangt (Mot-Drehzahl, Mot,Last) becomes with the Inbetriebname a calibration unavoidably his! I can however a Kalibrirungs-routine into Steuersoftware install. calibration goes right simply, since the SteuerSoftware only know must, which Drehzahl (return as Spannungswert) 100% performance corresponds to. -> Moonbuggy on plains! Space to put, Kalib Call , Motoren go on 100% set, and to 2-3 Sec. (if filled Vorwärtsbewegung. ereicht, go The Drehzalsensoren quizzed and the values as 100% stored. whom battery-status To detect, and aun The software moreover To manage find I a very good idea, there can You dan in the Controllpanel same whom status too Show, and self-evident the value too To analysis-zwecken heranziehen.

what the USB anbelangt, must I yet some Tests make, whether The reaction time of 4ms/Befel with Anwenduung of Variante C) ausreicht. otherwise must I on a speedy RS232 (ComPort) anbindung directly by the Microcontroler zurückgreifen.
so, i think you have so again par Info More. I were yet on your Skizze.
greeting Stefan
Ich habe grosses Glück, weil ich Mitmenschen helfen darf.
XProfan11 , Win XP Pro 32Bit , Win XP Home ,Win7 HomePremium 64Bit
PC: P4/3GHz , 2GB RAM , 1700GB HD
Laptop: Intel Core 2 Duo /2,2GHz , 4GB RAM , 500GB HD

...interval between 2 Sets using, circa vlt. 4 Bytes zurückzusenden, but: the 1. Prob. is, its in the momentum on the market no USB i/o interface to find, which reaction time quick enough is. we come on Max. 12 Sets/Sec. with kontuniirlicher Übertragung.

One "normaler" RS232 is no trouble instead of USB and if then The link even rather: naturally!

to that others, simply time "dumm" demand: what would you because rather or. what would less agonizing or what would you More joke make and what would You so recommend?

me would it fat suffice only each 2. Frame Send and each 2. receive to, vlt. can You so too simply memory static Size benefit there clear is, that only the last worth Pinned go must.

what I say wants is, that it me z.B. suffice would, any 1/8 Sec. any Motoren gesendet and receive to have. (which Grössenordnungen mean You?)

an Kalibrierungsfahrt on the Start must but not happen, i think there sooner a dynamisches calibrate where I simply with the genüge, what You me as data available to put could. You can also of it go out, that mehere optische Sensoren on the unit appropriate are, only for a Accelerometer for inclination have I yet no idea, but vlt. can You something like along into such unit verbauen?

Have strain time to Neigunssensoren... [...] 

Hello iF, only so on The speedy, with the the Kalibrierungsfahrt wasn't so meant, that these each Start the Mondfahrzeuges come off should, separate only 1x after the thing zusammengebaut and the software on the PC installs watts, so The software a ReferenzWert for 100% in the plain has. I knows Yes not very, which Motoren schlussendlich to that employment come, How leichtgängig The Mechanik (the undercarriage) is, How heavy the thing really becomes. therefore should The software at Erststart (or a short while later) short learn, take off ne Drehzahl, and which Last The Motoren in the plain, with 100% Leistungsanforderung, really form, and this worth then Save so it in future available standing. on this Base can You Yes then The further values detect, and if necessary, your software communicating or in a Tablelle process, or whatever. ought to sometime the Referenzwert stöprend deviation, can You however anytime again new calibrate.
in the Prinzipist it alike, wieviele Frames we Send, the trouble lying therein, that we, once we More as a messwert on whom PC zurücksenden want, we not any more circa a Microcontroler herumkommen. it is not possible z.B. 6-8 Analog Eingänge To digitalize and as pkg to that PC To Send, without these zwischenzuspeichern, unless, I building for each Messeingang a Own A/D-Converter. then must I but immernoch each converter on the abfragebefehl the PCs particular address and to herausgabe the data moving. The hoisted becomes on these point imens, The cost incidentally too.
so How I the Microcontroler bring into action and programieren would like, does the nothing other, as in a Loop any Messeingänge nacheinander inquire, tappt im dunkeln To digitalize and in the internen Variablenspeicher to take off, - and, nachzuschauen whether on the seriellen Port one commands anliegt. if so, becomes The the commands suitable Subroutine called. z.B. Motorstatus Change, PC "lebt" answer, or Messdaten on whom PC Send.

vlt. can You so too simply memory static Size benefit there clear is, that only the last worth Pinned go must

What the Number of Messwerte/Sensor concerns, would like I eh only each whom aktuelsten in the Moonbuggy Save, d.h per Sensor 1 byte. The problem is How supra described, I do not per Sensor 1 A/D-Conv. bring into action would like, because To costly, an églichkeit is yet a Multikanal (z.B. 8-channel) A/D-Converter einzusetzen, but self the must Softwaregesteuert go, in this drop would I The Control ditto the Microcontroler überleassen, since the Steursoftware in the PC really enough To do has, and also too the Timing voices must.
Related to the Neigungs-Sensor seh I me yet on, and login me then again.
greeting Stefan
Ich habe grosses Glück, weil ich Mitmenschen helfen darf.
XProfan11 , Win XP Pro 32Bit , Win XP Home ,Win7 HomePremium 64Bit
PC: P4/3GHz , 2GB RAM , 1700GB HD
Laptop: Intel Core 2 Duo /2,2GHz , 4GB RAM , 500GB HD

Habs understood, we make the very so How you mean that it on the best is.

and with the the Neigungssensor would really a crazy thing! (GPS goes too? what Gibts yet tolles?)

it would likewise super if you somehow always something einplanen could, that yet many another Sensor as an afterthought from you eingerüstet go can.

Übrigens, gesteuert/bedient go can the Mondfahrzeug of each beliebigen computer from.

on the System is one Webserver installs, this is either by WLAN or (fallback) UMTS/GPRS accessible. you are then cordial invited To valet, I give you then simply The IP.

I have me too a task set so, because i want Images evaluate what about me would like reliably Steckdosen in relevanter Höhe discern.

On of/ one disk on the rechten Page must it a XY-Control give (for I thought 2 Motoren) and a Z for "einstecken" (1 motor). If unit positioniert, then would like I the detailed find and Einstecken over Image evaluate and the 3 Motoren for signals Send.

the discern of cans in the "Umgebung" is sure another integrally other Topic, but likewise interestingly. would be still cool if it the unit gelinge in friedlicher surroundings itself self in ausreichender crowd with power To valet. (and ggf. Autobatterien klaut... )

Wieviele car(?)batteries wären because really D.M.n. optimal?

Hello iF, Neigungssensor: I verneige me. would no Prob. son thing anzuschliessen. Verwendbare Types: DLS (conditioned, signal must agepasstwerden, need mins. 12V). EL800 (+ - 45strain) very well suitable! MRI (+ - 30strain) well suitable, need however small Signalanpassung there SignalSpannung something To high for A/D-C, is no Prob. only 2 Widerstände necessary (Spannungsteiler)
greeting Stefan
Ich habe grosses Glück, weil ich Mitmenschen helfen darf.
XProfan11 , Win XP Pro 32Bit , Win XP Home ,Win7 HomePremium 64Bit
PC: P4/3GHz , 2GB RAM , 1700GB HD
Laptop: Intel Core 2 Duo /2,2GHz , 4GB RAM , 500GB HD

is of it of/ one very very, 0,strain?

is the automatically always XY or only on of/ one line?

iF, i think, there would the EL800 ne good electoral. GPS less, unless, we find one GPS-Module, the us The data tidy to that call anbietet, too then but only disengaged, there GPS inerhalb of Buildings not goes. can You with each Navi in the tunnel testing, and we receive simply Lengths- and Breitenangaben. if we the thing still over USB to that walk catch, could we one USB-HUB in that Moonbuggy building, then can You The Kamera there anschliessen, because my interface becomes The Cam nit support can. moreover be I schlichtweg To stupid. additional Sensoren: i'd the thing yet some Antikollisions-Sensoren miss out on. likewise would I The Antribsmotoren on Überlast there to supervise and in the Fehlerfall The Steuersoftware Inform.

Wieviele car(?)batteries wären because really D.M.n. optimal?

can I you not yet very say, If I time your Skizze have, and the concept einigermassen standing, knows I More, I dan time ne Stromverbrauchs-rating can make.
Ich habe grosses Glück, weil ich Mitmenschen helfen darf.
XProfan11 , Win XP Pro 32Bit , Win XP Home ,Win7 HomePremium 64Bit
PC: P4/3GHz , 2GB RAM , 1700GB HD
Laptop: Intel Core 2 Duo /2,2GHz , 4GB RAM , 500GB HD

circa Image & Co need not concern, I mean for the unit too only simple Sensoren which hold "einen" worth zurückliefern. I faith GPS Gibts even as USB-Stick, there finds itself vlt. something where one Connection sustain. disadvantage would only unfortunately, that one such tools badly nachkaufen can, means vlt. not so optimal How as Bauteil (I thought...).

How siehts with temperature, atmospheric pressure and such spielereien from?


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