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new Attachment-option: cache

new Attachment-option: cache

"Versteckt" means in the Context:

Attachment can Downloaded go but isn't visible in the List the Dateianhänge one Beitrags.

One very good example for is the image here in the Posting the as Beitrags-Attachment uploaded is:

The option should us yet More freedom for formation the Posts give.

Hm, and if the File-attachment not visible is, How should this then Downloaded go (can) or. How should someone hereon come, the it it "Everything" to that herunterladen gives ?

If I now 'ne File z.B. to that testing hochlade and these cache, how can these then of someone To testing herutergeladen go, if selbige not as Download visible is ?

with 'nem Image (as here under dranne) is the Yes no Topic, but 'ne .exe, .dll or something like ?

... Test: arbitrary .exe uploaded , ifs in the Posting as Download-Link appear standing hold only "Herunterladen" on the Button, with 5 Datei'n stand then well 5 "Herunterladen - Buttons" under on the Posting ?

These function erschließt itself me not yet so right...

[OFFTOPIC]...and why funzen in the "Vorschau" The Smilies not and go only as fehlerhafter Link to a Image displayed ?



goes around the Übersichtlichkeit.

one can indeed a Download-Button produce, but it went me already sooner
circa Images etc. or Zusatzinfodateien everybody can not yet extra under in the List
list must if one it for not-necessary erachtet.

With the whom Smilies look me on!

Anmerkung/ Frage

Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Günter Rausch06/08/15
Stephan Sonneborn02/14/15


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