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| Hello Members,
it is possible, Topics as "erledigt" To Mark, z.B. Own Topics, if these itself (Why However this plays primarily no role) Done having.
I Please too therefore, Topics, The "erledigt" are, as Done To Mark, so any Members discern can, if itself one Topic - (at least) has done for the asker -. self-evident can also in as "erledigt" marked Topics furthermore agiert/ posted go.
so against is it possible, that one z.B. in special Ansichten/ list only Topics one Fachgebietes indicating, which (yet) not Done are.
the Topics-Tagging building I additionally too still significantly from, eachone Thread has supra left a Button, circa on The Page the advanced Threadeigenschaften To gelangen:
plenty Fun so! |
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| only how'bout differently rather? |
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Dietmar Horn | |
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Detlef Tussing | find so did i
Dietmar you are not the only "Blödhörnchen" |
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Dietmar Horn | Pößes Iv schaint brovotzieren zuh wohlen.
Ahper, well juh kut, soh kanz schaint tas iV nohch nijt auß tem ramming zuh vallen. |
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| sure not, what would clear?
supra left same under the cover blinkendes rotes Marquee with Wallpapers - because finally nothing importent is, as one button with the Beschriftung "Thema"? |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | its More The fact, that - at least I - quite icht hereon käme, that itself behind it another Page with different Options befindet. the same counts for the Datums/Zeitfeld. who comes hereon, that one Menu aufklappt, if one on it clicking. If mans first time white, is it clear, but by then seek one itself a wolf, because it too no Page gives, on the such Geheimnisse time aufgelistet are. |
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| the is correct, on attempt is manches not discernible - vlt. falls me Yes what to a, How to the improve can. |
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Dietmar Horn | as a günstige Variante could I me present, that You to or to one such versteckten Button yet a Button with farbigem question mark or exclamation points setting.
so, as yet is, get many people all Opportunities the Community-Page crept and simply none with.
CConsiderate Please: not eachone XProfan can itself daily for hours in the Community detain, circa by degrees and through chance over one sinnvolles feature To stumbling.
Greeting Dietmar |
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| >> as a günstige Variante could I me present, that You to or to one such >> versteckten Button yet a Button with farbigem question mark or exclamation points setting.
time look, How the rockt.
in the principle Have I so seen "schlechtes" CSS, "besser" would vlt., if one already mere visuell recognize, what a Link is. where everywhere have I the verschlampt? |
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Dietmar Horn | next to whom already named things entrapments me on attempt yet "Profil", "Postkasten" and "Einstellungen" one, everybody can only by Click on its User-names left supra achieve can (if to the white).
too The four downstairs Buttons on the Page (XProfans-Card, etc.) belong of my opinion to integrally supra there - especially since next to the Search-Button right supra yet yet enough Space is.
Greeting Dietmar |
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| Frabbing, Beitrag=56853, Zeitpunkt=22.04.2010
If itself one Topic for Fragesteller Done has, is the Yes yet long ago not, that itself the Topic too for future Fragesteller and Answer-Sucher on the place Done has.
goes therefore, that one Author for all visible deklarieren can, that itself the Topic for it Done has.
as "erledigt" markierte Threads are nachwievor unrestricted bedienbar, this Attribut is a service and no Barriere. |
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