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| Roland has me yesterday evening with seinem Image [...] inspired - I name it XProfan-country: XProfan-country.php?1230957682,1826,1121 (needed FireFox)
somehow is XProfan-country too one Multiplayer-Online-Game.
claim angrenzende boxes and füge your own Motive (be Bauherr *g*) in the stature GIF 128x256 one. naturally can You too animated GIFs bring into action, z.B. if itself something moving should. (Karussell o.Ä.)
the Grundbuch have I the community-Accounts genüpft.
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Lydia Breithuhn | A beautiful game what about me must there nothing pay for? |
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E.T. | |
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Lydia Breithuhn | How understand I the because?
After Germany come I only yet very seldom. |
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| Lydia Breithuhn
How understand I the because? After Germany come I only yet very seldom.
but a couple personal data (Hobbys, where born etc.) wären nice. finally are we here in the Community a large family !
PS: Please no Bankdaten release |
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RGH | Schade, that the whole by me still not functions. the XProfan-country remaining me evident reticently (see Image, to about 10 minutes vergeblichen Ladens). Greeting Roland |
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E.T. | @Roland: If I by me in the FF Gafiken loading ausschalte, see it too so similar from. |
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RGH | E.T.
@Roland: If I by me in the FF Gafiken loading ausschalte, see it too so similar from.
Tja, only with the Difference, that by me the loading of Graphics definitiv not ausgschaltet is. otherwise have I allüberall The filled graphic-glitter!
Greeting Roland |
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Lydia Breithuhn | RGH
Schade, that the whole by me still not functions. the XProfan-country remaining me evident reticently (see Image, to about 10 minutes vergeblichen Ladens). Greeting Roland
Hello RGH.
on the Image the tappt im dunkeln angehangen having, the Browser do not have ready loaded.
I have too notice, first if the loading is done go The Images correctly. eingepasst. |
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RGH | Lydia Breithuhn
RGHSchade, that the whole by me still not functions. the XProfan-country remaining me evident reticently (see Image, to about 10 minutes vergeblichen Ladens). Greeting Roland Hello RGH. on the Image the tappt im dunkeln angehangen having, the Browser do not have ready loaded. I have too notice, first if the loading is done go The Images correctly. eingepasst.
Tja, to 10 minutes ought to it But ready loaded having. unless, then is correct somewhere something not. no human wait More as a Minute, bbis a HTML-Page loaded is!
Greeting Roland (the too only 24 hours per day has) |
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| > the too only 24 hours per day has
and a month benoetigt, circa then still once To verlauten: goes not at me
I thought You erfreust you laengst on it!
i'm me now not sure, whether the whole in FF2 functions (in IE definitiv (yet) not) - with normalem FF3 without something-unterdrueckende third-party-Addons could I anyway yet of each normalen computer the XProfan-country visit.
> Tja, to 10 minutes ought to it But ready loaded having.
the write I nirgends.
momentarily lasts the loading ca. 1-2 minutes according to Number of Grundstuecke and according to the which Motive The Eigner Upload and according to performance the Zielcomputers and according to speed the jeweiligen Internetanbindung.
> no human wait More as a Minute, bbis a HTML-Page loaded is!
HTML-Page? The 10k HTML are sure too with you within of/ one second loaded - the shows your Screenshot.
this is one Online-game, there's Online-Games The benoetigen far More as 4GB heruntergeladene data - z.B. something like How WOW I but not Games.
I must, so I do not sometime The bile around the ears fly, me on sachliche Beitraege beschraenken, and entschuldige me fuer my Forschheit. |
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RGH | Hello iF, I have it again attempts and come something moreover. See Image! One Großteil the Graphics becomes evident still not loaded, the Cursor shows a Sanduhr and nothing moreover happens. well, I can by the unfertige Image scroll, but the was is already. there helps too further Waiting nothing. i'm incidentally with the aktuellsten FF3 on the way. something strange: as long as in a Browser-tab the XProfan-country so to itself there wait, can I in the Forum not so right navigating. (The others Websites are of it not concerned.) Schade, I had naturally now, where I something Time have, gladly something to this world beigetragen. but mach you none head therefore, there's Wichtigeres To do. ;)
Greeting Roland |
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| Ah, I see on the Screenshot at least that the loading of Statten goes - if neither ready was because the Graphics not yet eingepasst are. (To grosses Hampelmaennchen to that example)
what koennte it fuer Gruende give that not with you integrally fix laed.
too the The piloting affect becomes is really queer. in the principle load I only Images and something JS ermoegliche I Control and UI.
I wuerde gladly something Change only have I yet no idea, where I there ansaetzen koennte - you have sure no Addons active How vlt. Anti-advertisement or aehnliches Einschraenkendes? Perhaps. too only one Proxy/cache or quite Router-trouble. |
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