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| Roland has me yesterday evening with seinem Image [...] inspired - I name it XProfan-country: XProfan-country.php?1230957682,1826,1121 (needed FireFox)
somehow is XProfan-country too one Multiplayer-Online-Game.
claim angrenzende boxes and füge your own Motive (be Bauherr *g*) in the stature GIF 128x256 one. naturally can You too animated GIFs bring into action, z.B. if itself something moving should. (Karussell o.Ä.)
the Grundbuch have I the community-Accounts genüpft.
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RGH | I have naturally AddBlock plus walk, but the ought to Yes no Problems make, there XProfan.com with safety not anybody list of Werbeschleudern auftaucht.
Greeting Roland |
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| AdBlockPlus prevented imho defined Layer and Techniken - I mean very on it lying it I ziemlichen Handstand begehe.
self-contained fuer XProfan.com can the adblock deaktivieren?
Werbeschleuderei has The XProfan.com never betrieben, once have I Layer-advertisement on the Offline-pages angetestet circa mitreden To koennen - but to kurzem Erfahrungsammeln fuer ihgitt befunden.
If it on AdBlock lying (I me very well present can (and moechte *g*)) then bring I (course) suitable Info on. |
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there XProfan.com with safety not anybody list of Werbeschleudern auftaucht.
very, The XProfan.com fling with nothing. this Program contact (but) imho defined modes generally on, means too with artigen pages as XProfan.com The not advertisement fling or quite spammt. |
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| have AdBlockPlus tested with Normalinstallation and Normalkonfiguration and the XProfan-country there so no Problems by me and the country functions, if but too lamer. have too geschaut and can beneinen, that something with XProfan in its lists standing. |
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Michael Wodrich | I have AdBlock against NoScript swapped. so have I far less Problems.
the XProfan-country I get entire To see.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
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Lydia Breithuhn | Hello IF, the country läd by me faster as 10 sec would I say.
where I get one House? |
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Michael Wodrich | there's Internet many GIF The for Games provided go. under the names Sprites becomes one too fündig. |
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| very, and since XProfan-country V2 fit The Engine Images even useable one, which not really vorgesehenen Ausmass 128x256 exist.
accordingly can z.B. too simply one own photo or his Avatar the Grundstueck lay, without Nacharbeit. |
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| @Paul: The windows-Logo but Please quick lane there, something like can we imho in this shape not benefit - Please Own use!
@any: functions [...] ? |
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E.T. | functions, becomes but somehow always slower at loading |
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Michael Wodrich | iF
functions, becomes but somehow always slower at loading
Yes correctly., got to that first time Rolands Version with the unfertigen Image-Platzhaltern To see. it loading of course, but the lasts integrally beautiful.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
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Rolf Koch | loading, but can me 5 Kannen coffee cook and these in silence drink ^^ |
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