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| Handle& = @LINK:[Create]("ChoiceBox",L1,s2,I3,I4,I5,I6)
it'll a Selection created and your lever zurückgegeben.
P:L1 | lever the übergeordneten Fensters | P:s2 | must one Leerstring his | P:I3 | X-Koordinate the left upper corner the AuswahlBox | P:I4 | Y-Koordinate the left upper corner the AuswahlBox | P:I5 | wide the AuswahlBox | P:I6 | Höhe the AuswahlBox in ausgeklapptem status |
an Selection is a Sonderform the so-called "Combobox": through Anklicken the Pfeiles down can a list of Auswahlmöglichkeiten a row select go. an input of Lines is <b>nicht</b> possible. The selected row can with the function @LINKF:[GetText] determined go. an Selection is always alphabetical sortiert. with @LINKF:[Control] can though yet others mutants produce (see example).
ClearList deletes whom Content the Choicebox. The second Parameter P:s2 must one Leerstring his. too a Zuweisung with LINK:[SetText] (or äquivalenten command) ought to unterlassen go, there this To unvorhersehbaren Reaktionen lead can.
The P:I5- and P:I6-worth gives The Size the Selection in the <b>ausgeklappten</b> status on!
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