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Michael Wodrich | Handle& = @Create("ExtDialog",L1,L2,s3)
P:L1 | instance-lever the File, in the the dialog is | P:L2 | lever the übergeordneten Fensters | P:s3 | name or number the Dialogs |
it'll one dialog a Resource displayed. dialog-Resources can optional by a names or a Integer marked his. therefore must the Parameter P:s3 ggf. too one Integer his (see example 1).
If the Integer-shape not functions, then can the Integer-worth too as String with a führenden # written go (see example 2).
the instance-lever becomes with DLLs through @LINK:[UseDLL] determined and with EXE-Files through @LINK:[WinExec]. the lever the executing Program is in the System-Variables %LINK:[hInstance]. it is possible, any in a Program verwendeten dialogs in a DLL To pack. likewise is it z.B. possible, The PRFRUN32.EXE (RunTime) to the left properly To strain, or. The vorhandenen dialogs To using.
with @LINK:[GetHandle] detect tappt im dunkeln The lever the individual Dialogelemente, How Listboxes, Eingabefelder, etc.
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 01/19/38 ▲ |