
CreateFileA, KERNEL32 API: memory, drive, way, File

CreateFile opens a File or created a File and opens tappt im dunkeln.

P:X1#address one Strings or Memory-Variable with a String, the whom Filenames contains.
P:L2? Happen? for desired Access to the lever. different ? Happen? can with + add go.=>
$0= allows it, Geräteattribute abzufragen.
$80000000= Lesezugriff.
$40000000= Schreibzugriff.
P:L3? Happen? for joint Dateizugriff. =>
$0= no gleichzeitiger grabbed.
$1= File can of others Operationen to that reading opened go.
$2= File can of others Operationen to that write opened go.
P:L4Security-Attributes Structure or for the begot Objekt. can also 0 his.
P:L5One Flag, the angibt, as File created go should.
$1= Created a new File. If the File already exists, proposes The function fehl.
$2= Created a new File. If the File already exists, becomes tappt im dunkeln überschrieben.
$3= Öffnet a existing File.
$4= Öffnet a existing File. existing tappt im dunkeln not, becomes tappt im dunkeln created.
$5= Öffnet a File and deletes its Content.
P:L6? Happen? for Dateiattribute. mismatched ? Happen? can with + add go.=>
$00000020= File as 'Archiv' marked.
$00000800= File as 'komprimiert' marked.
$00000002= File cache.
$00000001= File with Schreibschutz slip.
$00000004= File as Systemdatei marked.
$00000080= File is a normal File. this Flag becomes of all others ? Happen? überschrieben.
$00000100= File as temporärer memory uses.
$80000000= Schreiboperationen erfolgen directly on The File, where the cache umgangen becomes.
$40000000= Überlappende read- and Schreiboperationen can implemented go.
$20000000= The File without Zwischenpuffer or Caching opened.
$10000000= Optimiert whom cache for wahlfreien grabbed.
$8000000= Optimiert whom cache for sequentiellen grabbed.
$4000000= deletes The File, if any your Handles closed are.
$2000000= Öffnet The File for a Backup- or Restore-action. it go thereby The Dateisicherheitsprüfungen überschrieben, if the aufrufende Process The aktivierten Administrationsprivilegien SeBackupPrivilege and SeRestorePrivilege own.
$1000000= gives on, the the Access to The File according the POSIX-regulate erfolgen should.

If CreateFile The Clientseite of/ one Pipe opens, can also another the subesquent ? Happen? add go. =>
$0= Ermöglicht, whom Client with the level 'Anonymous' To produce.
$00010000= Ermöglicht, whom Client with the level 'Identification' To produce.
$00020000= Ermöglicht, whom Client with the level 'Impersonation' To produce.
$00030000= Ermöglicht, whom Client with the level 'Delegation' To produce.
$00040000= gives on, that the Sicherheitsmodus dynamic is.
$00080000= gives on, that the Server only The aktivierten aspects the Sicherheitskontexts the Clients available stand.
P:L7here can a handle of/ one 'Schablonendatei' indicated go. Dateiattribute go of this File übernommen. this Parameter can zero his.
deference! CreateFile needed to that receive one Handles always the Zugriffsrecht SYNCRONIZE! has the actually User this right the File-lever not, proposes the Open the Handles fehl! These fact is nirgendwo otherwise documents, but extreme important, if it z.B. around the Change of Zugriffsrechten goes!

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Andre Rohland05/31/19


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