
CreateProcessA, KERNEL32 API: Process, Thread, DLL


declared CreateProcess launch a application.

P:L1: address one Strings or P:B1: Memory-Variable, in the the name the To startenden Program standing (can 0 his).

P:L2: address one Strings or P:B2: Memory-Variable, in the The Kommandozeile the To startenden Program standing (way, Dateiname and Parameter). deference! long Filenames make here possible Problems!!!

P:B3: Memory-Variable with a Security Descriptor for To startenden Process (can 0 his).

P:B4: Memory-Variable with a Security Descriptor for whom first Thread the To startenden Process (can 0 his).

P:L5: Flag for übernahme of Handles. can 1 or 0 his.

P:L6: Flag for manner the Erzeugung dss Prozesses (can 0 his).

P:L7: Zeiger on a new block with Enviroment-Variables. can 0 his.

P:L8: address one Strings or P:B8: Memory-Variable, in the the new actually directory the To startenden Prozesses standing (can 0 his)..

P:B9: Structure or 68 byte large Memory-Variable, in the further Information over the Startvorgang the Prozesses stand can. =>
byte 0-3 = Size the Bereichs / the structure
byte 4-7 = mandatory 0 his (reserved).
byte 8-11 = 0 or The address one Strings with the names the Desktops, on the the Process created go should. under windows95 becomes this Parameter ignoring..
Bytes 12-15 = 0 or address the Titels of/ one Konsolenanwendung.
byte 16-19 = If the Flag $4 under byte 44 present is, The X-position the begot Fensters the Prozesses. otherwise 0.
byte 20-23 = If the Flag $4 under byte 44 present is, The Y-position the begot Fensters the Prozesses. otherwise 0.
byte 24-27 = If the Flag $2 under byte 44 present is, The wide the begot Fensters the Prozesses. otherwise 0.
byte 28-31 = If the Flag $2 under byte 44 present is, the level the begot Fensters the Prozesses. otherwise 0.
byte 32-35 = If the Flag $8 under byte 44 present is, standing here for a Konsolenanwendung The wide the Screen-Buffers in ?(characters-)Split?.
byte 36-39 = If the Flag $8 under byte 44 present is, standing here for a Konsolenanwendung The wide the Screen-Buffers in ?(characters-)Lines?.
byte 40-43 = ? Happen?, The for Konsolenprozesse The Text- and Hintergrundfarben indicate, . if the Flag $10 under byte 44 present is. otherwise 0.
byte 44-47 = ? Happen?, The u.a. indicate which Members the structure/the Bereichs uses go. The ? Happen? can with | add go. =>
$1 = The on byte 48 stehende Flag to display the Fensters becomes uses.
$2 = The on byte 24 and 28 stehenden indicated To Höhe and wide the Fensters go uses.
$4 = The on byte 16 and 20 stehenden indicated to position the Fensters go uses.
$8 = The on byte 32 and 36 stehenden indicated go uses.
$10 = The on byte 40 stehenden go uses.
$40 = shows at construction the Prozesses whom Cursor ?application becomes launched? on.
$80 = Normaler Cursor becomes displayed (contrary of $40).
$100 = using The ex byte 56 angegebenen Handles for Process. moreover must Parameter 5 ditto on 1 staid go.
$80000000 = The Process becomes like a Screensaver treats.
byte 48-49 = Abbildungsmodus the Fensters the Prozesses (see 2.Parameter of WinExec in the Profan Help).
byte 50-51 = reserved, must 0 his.
byte 52-55 = reserved, must 0 his.
byte 56-59 = If the Flag $100 under byte 44 present is, can here standard Inputhandle for Process indicate.
byte 60-63 = If the Flag $100 under byte 44 present is, can here standard Outputhandle for Process indicate.
byte 64-67 = If the Flag $100 under byte 44 present is, can here standard Errorhandle for Process indicate.

P:B10: 16 byte large Memory-Variable or structure, The Information over the launched Process aufnimmt. =>
byte 0-3 = the lever the Prozesses.
byte 4-7 = the lever the first Threads the Prozesses.
byte 8-11 = The ID the Prozesses.
byte 12-15 = The Thread-ID the Prozesses.
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Michael W.06/08/18


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