
dbputfield function: data base, DBase, SQL


success% = @db("PutField",I1,s2)

Syntax to v10.0: success% = @dbPutField(I1,s2)

The String P:s2 becomes in area number P:I1 the current Datensatzes written.

P:I1 - number the Field
P:s2 - New Content

The Return Value is 1, if the commands successful was. he's 0 (zero), if one Error auftrat (s.u.) or if attempts watts, with @DBPUTFIELD one Memo-area To write. Hierfür is LINK:[dbPutMemo] To use.

During @dbPutField To Version 6.x everything kritiklos into Datentabelle written has, what then with the Indizierung (particularly with numerischen Feldern) To Problemen led, so becomes now everything screen and ggf. korrigiert and format:

T: Textfields go - How yet - ggf. on The Feldlänge gekürzt. no Error.
n: Numerische boxes go screen and correctly format abgespeichert (rechtsbündig with führenden space and the definierten amount Nachkommastellen). If the with dbPutField übergebene String not numerisch auszuwerten is, becomes dbPutField not carryed out and gives 0 back.
L: Logische boxes: here becomes the first characters the input ausgewertet. The letters YyJjTt go as true gewertet and as "T" into scheduler geschrieben; with NnFf becomes one "F" written.
D: Datumsfelder must in the right db-stature (So how yet "JJJJMMTT") association go. Also must the date one gültiges gregorianisches date his. in the Fehlerfall gives dbPutField 0 (zero) back.

in the Fehlerfall results no Error Message, separate the Return Value the function must of Programmer ausgewertet go: with 1 was everything OK, with 0 is a Error aufgetreten.

with numerischen Feldern can the data base-Content with LINKF:[Val] in a number transformed go, with LINKF:[Str] becomes again String from it.

for the Conversion of Datumsfeldern there The functions LINKF:[DToC] (String to date) and LINKF:[CToD] (date to String). this commands concerns only The "Arbeitskopie" the Datensatzes in memory. first with LINK:[dbPutRec] becomes it for good into Datenbanktabelle written.

The Datenbankfelder Save any data as String. using tappt im dunkeln The installed Umwandlungsfunktionen.
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